Let Horde and Alliance queue together

Horde players wouldn’t get along with Alliance players when it comes to the battle ground . Alliance players would argue who gets the flag :triangular_flag_on_post: and they turtle :turtle: way too much . Horde can not have that nonsense in the battle grounds .

Give it a little more time.

Ok but we are keeping the Dwarf racials. You know the only reason you play an alliance character.

Jokes aside just do what ESO does let people group for whatever and PVP is the only place faction matters.


World of Warcraft. Not World of Friendship.

The Faction divide is pointless. Honestly I look forward to the day we can just play together without the restrictions.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Why bother?
Horde are clearly non-existent anymore.

  • Honestly it feels like the whole world of Azeroth lets the ‘faction’ call themselves the Horde, when in reality there’s only the Alliance and then the awkwardly tethered together sub-races that bother them now & again.

Canonically the Alliance even hold more footholds within Kalimdor, than the Horde does in the Eastern Kingdoms … On that note, Alliance hold more fertile kingdoms in both continents each, than the Horde does combined. :joy:

To say the Horde are a joke, would be an insult … To jokes.
‘The Horde’ as a recognisable power isn’t even laughable at this point, it’s just an eyeroll.

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There is no reason currently where we shouldn’t be playing together… so yea, it’s a change that is needed.


Only if i can kill the enemy faction player, when he logs in the same dungeon as me.

Cross faction guilds should have allowed this.

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they will, the problems must be theres some issues within the core finder to allow
ppl to group with each other. not gonna pretend i know what game techs do but its
prolly that since they kinda half baked releasin cross faction stuff.
df would have been the perfect time but somethings preventing them from pulling the gate.
sad to see theres no more mention of it in tww but oh well least i can have my alts play w/ me lol

Spaghetti code, am i right? :spaghetti:

Agree with the OP.

Blizzard will say that this goes against their “opt-in nature” of cross faction gameplay.

However, Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz already group you up with members of the opposite faction.

So I don’t see why this can’t be expanded to reduce queue times.

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I really like the third faction idea. I was thinking about it during BFA, a lot.

If a checkable “mercenary” flag were added to the Finders, that would cover the opt-in for sure.

world of fuzzy-friend-craft?
we get any further into
the polychromatic light, and this
game will make absolutely no sense.

With all due respect, that post structure makes no sense. Are you trying to write poetry, or feedback?

I don’t want to share space with ankle biters, and I don’t think the night elves would want to.hear how much I enjoyed burning their precious tree.

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I just want to say that I find it weird you were so rude, and then didn’t reply to my response to your post. This is very out of character considering you went out of your way to reply to every response I gave in my own thread a few days ago.

Personally, I would appreciate hearing “You know what Applespice, you’re right and I’m wrong. My bad, it happens to the best of us!” I think ghosting me like that is kind of rude.

Summon an everburning treant pet and say it without words.

Everything should be queueable from the dungeon/raid finder and cross faction. All raid difficulties, M+, all pvp, everything.