Let Horde and Alliance queue together

everyone knows elves burned their own tree…darn keeblers and their cookie making


I can only hope by MN or TLT they open this up.

No Tim, i do not want to level up another character just to do LFR with my friends.


There is a lot of complexity to the members of the council with baine being really the only soy boy.

Also there has been an ongoing narrative about not being mindless and just following orders as that leads to atrocity and further bad blood.

And as end of bfa, the horde has the strongest army on the planet, reinforced by Alleria and Anduin.

Lor’themar tried joining the other side in MOP. Rokhan is a forgettable character that was only picked because his WCIII appearance makes him the only other remotely notable Darkspear. Calia Menethil & Lilian Voss, etc.

I didn’t see any fireproof cladding on that structure, no emergency exits, no sprinklers… someone should check to see if Tyrande got a bit insurance payout around the same time


It’s so dumb that there are still restrictions on playing together with your friends based on what race you picked.


Just give us a toggle in the LFD interface to allow those who hate the other side to opt out of cross faction when queuing and let the rest of us play with whomever we want.

They also need to do something about open world cross faction grouping. Both of these are going to be issues at launch with Cross Faction guilds.

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You are leaving out key details about blood elf daddy.

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His entire complaint about Garrosh boiled down to:

-Garrosh didn’t tell him that an unknown continent with significant native presence that is currently an active warzone would necessarily require his reliquary academics be guarded when searching Mogujia.
-Garrosh utilized Horde members, as was his right per the Blood Oath, to steal the Divine Bell. This caused blowback, and undermined Aethas’s neutrality (Note: Dalaran had actively participated in the war effort against the Horde on the side of the Alliance months prior to this incident)

Those are the complaints Lor’themar has. They are ridiculous.

The actual solution is to delete the Alliance from the game and just roll everyones’ Alliance characters over to Horde side.

It was Alliance players who were campaigning about how “nobody plays Alliance anymore” so as the defeated/depopulated faction, it’s the logical one to go.


What are you talking about? Who is saying this?

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He goes around saying the same stupid thing in every thread about people wanting to play together with their friends.

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No, I just think that if “playing with friends” was paramount and “factions don’t matter anymore” as Alliance die-hards keep insisting… well, just get rid of the Alliance. Easy peasy.


No, thanks :call_me_hand:

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There is more than this actually.

But I also dont see the point of the arguement in this context?

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I think you would have listed them if that were the case. Here, I’ll do this for you, the quest “What’s in the Box?” It turns out, Lor’themar’s complaints are dumb there, too!

Lor’themar did not have legitimate reasons for seeking to leave the Horde & is just as loathsome as the rest of the Horde’s cast.

He was tired of being Garrosh’s punching bag…

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Oh? And where was he Garrosh’s punching bag?

Also just have to remind you there’s not a “Unless the Warchief is mean to me :(” clause in the Blood Oath:

No, i just dont the energy to.

Your demeanor doesnt really put a spark in me where I want to debate with you.

You are also quick to make assertions and I also find that distasteful.

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Acquiring the Focusing Iris/Mana Bomb? Are you really going to pull this obtuse BS again?