Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

The Trading Post is obviously modelled on the version used in ESO. As far as I remember, the jobs you can do can be completed across the account regardless of how many alts you have. And the benefits are available to the account, not to the character.

I much prefer it the way it is. We shouldn’t need to have an army of alts for something this general. Its not for gear, or for anything that contributes to our play, its cosmetic stuff, toys and mounts and pets and social-type stuff. We dont need another example of the yearly event mad alt scramble as is done for the rocket mount. A month long gentle ramble through content and then we get something cute and pick some other stuff up we may or may not get around to using.


Because you literally do the same.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about” is a dismissal, not a counter.

You haven’t countered my post because it’s just the fact of the matter : TP is a retention mechanism. The goal is for you to stick around and want this stuff, not just get it. You can argue till you’re blue in the face on this, doesn’t change what it is.

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Going to be honest with you, if this is suspose to be a login bonus, it’s very complex for such a feature tbh. And it doesn’t seem spammy or overwhelming like the one in GW2.

You keep using the “No u” non-agrument here. I don’t think you have the mental capacity to understand this. Let alone gifs, lol.

You’re welcome to deny reality, but saying to me that “i got Long essays” mean you actually don’t know what you’re talking about. Telling me you scroll by because you subjectively think there’s no point, tells me you don’t actually know what you’re talking about. You’re confused.

Because you’re so stubborn to be right, you just outright ignored my post and just started trolling. And this is what you practically do to other people.

And to the rest of your rant…

Because at this point, i’m considering anything you’ve and others said here to be misinformation until you or others have me an actual link to what Blizzard has actually said themselves or say their going to do.

Well, Blizzard does things like this, gives them unnecessary layers of complexity, doesn’t explain details that should be explained, doesn’t seem to have the Quality Control necessary to make sure it works as it should and then unrolls it and walks off. I think sometimes they make sticks to break their own backs with. The K.I.S.S Principle needs to be on their corporate tshirts.

Ehh, i can understand that feeling.

I just might be the one who doesn’t like the Login bonuses to spam and insta fill my bags.

side eyes GW2 :face_with_monocle:

bruh what’s so hard about do tasks, fill bar, get currency and gift, then spend currency?

Nope, my argument is :

You can dislike this, but you can’t just wish away what it is.



Im not surprised to come back 8 hours later and see he is still spewing the same non-arguments. I went back and forth with him for a while but it kept boiling down to him saying “Your opinion is subjective, mine is correct and the best opinion”


You think Blizzard is going to tell you outright that their retention mechanism is just a retention mechanism ?

What more proof do you need ? You get 1000 tender/month, there’s 2k+ tender/month in items to buy. You can freeze for later, and they said items will rotate back in.

They can’t make it more obvious if they tried, but you’re free to not see through this transparent cash grab.

He’s always like that, and as verbose as he is, it gets tiring trying to even respond.


Yeah, I quit responding after he wrote me three novels

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he’s not really this dense right? like every mmorpg does this stuff and he’s playing dumb about it? lol

why do you think he got put on ignore? :rofl:

Well, for example, the first day I turned up I had no idea I had to click on a poster on a pole at one corner of the tent in the city. I couldn’t see any indication of that fact and it was only when some kind person pointed it out that I saw it was there in the middle of all the mass of characters.

And then there was the issue of not being able to click on the chest, and not knowing why that couldn’t be done. And people not receiving the mount for days while others received it straight away. The confusion for some about it being account wide (because I cant recall that being explained, although it probably was in some patch note somewhere), having a separate screen for the currency, of not even being aware that the ‘Travelers log’ was in the Adventure Guide, of people getting some of the mogs and then them apparently disappearing…the list goes on. Not everybody is quick to pick up things about something new, especially when it isn’t explained all that well (or at all) in the game.

When I say simple, I mean simple. The more complex a thing is, the more likely it is to bug out or have issues. And Blizzard isn’t always that great at fixing issues.

Black Desert Online is free on Steam right now until the 9th and you keep the game if you add it.

He probably thinks the devs are super generous and just want to reward players with a free game.

He probably doesn’t think it’s just box sales are down and that’s a nice way to grab a few extra players to then nickel and dime in their cash store.

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so you don’t read stuff got it

so a bug that don’t have to do with what I said got it

it was in the Blizzard news article

it’s in your currency tab what?

sorry you can’t read articles

People keep on saying “Oh it’s a battle pass, oh, it’s a login bonus. Oh it’s this, that and the other thing” And all the time i’ve asked where they get that idea, not a single one of them is from Blizzard.

Actual facts about what they said about the system, regarding if it’s meant to be a login bonus or any element of monetization?

I don’t see how that’s my fault tbh. I’m not forcing you to respond. :man_shrugging:

“Hey Bari, an action MMORPG is free right now!”…

Cool. I already got my Action MMORPG though, it’s called Guild Wars 2. Perhaps you’ve heard of it.

…And i thought Rais calling my gifs “essays” was the silliest thing i’ve ever seen.

Get Tender Every Month
At the first of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache. If you don’t have active game time on your account or aren’t a subscriber at the start of a new month, don’t worry. Your Tender will be awarded on the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription. This will be the same amount for everyone, regardless of how you pay for your game time.

Gee, wonder where they got that.

At the first of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache.

It’s almost like it’s a bonus for not letting your sub lapse.


Being able to buy everything for sale in the post would be boring, it’s much more interesting to target the things you really want and save up some extra currency for when there’ll be more things that you really want.

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Alright, alright. I’l give you that for login bonus. Since while it does look like a reminder, no other game feature does have such reminder and ya quoted it from Blizzard, so… i’l give you that. :slight_smile:

I still don’t see where they get Battle pass from. I yet to see any monetization elements with this though.

Let alone how having it uncapped make things worse.