Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

I mean, you’re the one typing up essays no one is reading because they keep missing the key design intent :


You think you do, but you don’t.

Gifs are essays now? lol.

No, I know I did :


This isn’t mage tower. Or PvP seasons. or AoTC.

And honestly, i don’t know why you seem to think that, considering it has nothing to do with the merits of the item itself. And again, it’s an argument coming from selfishness just to ruin a game feature.

Plus if it’s just a login bonus or battle-pass or, whatever the heck you think it’s “suspose” to be, wouldn’t it make people log into WoW more if the thing’s uncapped or bi-weekly?

I mean, you guys keep on assuming that everybody is going to be done of the month and quit if it’s uncapped. Why not just look for solutions to… ya know, make it a better feature that makes them not leave wow then? Timegating isn’t the way to go here.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

Miss those “Long essays” yet? :upside_down_face:

he won’t ever get it he’s perpetually going to make bad comments and ignore facts cause they don’t back up his ignorance on how these systems work

you can tell hes never played another game with this type of system and its pretty sad lol

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We agree on something. It’s none of these things.

Untrue, please try again. Rare items give the world more flavor, making it more fun in my opinion. Having a different opinion from you does not equate to selfishness.


So why you want it to be those things?..

Just because you subjectively say “no”, doesn’t make it not selfish.

And i’m not honestly not interested in the philosophical subjective rant about how “Rarity is good!!” that people always perform with to keep people from having fun.

Litteraly nobody but you have said that. I’m simply saying, that your arguments to keep it the way it is, is selfish.

I want rare items. You don’t. Why are you being selfish?

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Says the person who make garb comments with “BRUH” every 5 secs and actively ignoring what i’ve said because i didn’t agree with your deliberate misrepresentation (And misinformation) of this feature.

Meanwhile i open up GW2 and get spammed by Login bonuses on my characters because it’s been so long since i’ve last played and my bags get insta full.

Honestly speaking, if Trading post is the “login bonus”, then i say Blizzard does a fantastic job with it. Just wish it’s not capped in how much you can earn.

“No u” is not a valid argument.

Especially since my solutions involves people keeping whatever slow play-style they wish to have, while giving those who wish to keep on going, keep on going. It not only benefits people like me, but people who go slowly. The only people who will be negatively affected by it, is a minority anyways.

Your solutions or arguments however, want to limit playstyles on what people want to do, because of your subjective liking towards a non-merit of a pixel.

…Also, if it’s meant to be a login bonus… why make it exclusive like mage tower?..

in case your wondering, i were talking about different playstyles with somebody else before item rarity.

But this is :

And the best part : you can’t debunk it because it’s the cold hard truth.

All those long posts you write, only to be debunked and shut down by a 2 liner.


Phone rings, Bari answers

Hello? … Its for you Rais, it’s Allen J Brack and he got something to say. :kissing: Gives Rais the phone :iphone:

What’s your counter argument ?

To quote you :


That you don’t know what you’re talking about and being awfuly dismissive to my comments because you think Gifs are essays.

That wasn’t a “No u”. I don’t think you know what it means, but you think Gifs are essays, so not surprising.

That’s not a counter argument. And I’m saying your posts that I literally scroll over for 30 seconds are eassays, not your gifs which are just worthless.

It was, and now you’ve done it a 2nd time with :

Without explaining how I am wrong.

You and I both know I’m right here :

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Off topic. My favorite part about the you-think-you-do-but-you-dont thing is that he was 100% correct.

We will continue to meme his statement. Because its funny. But I will always chuckle when I see it referenced as some sorta negative thing.

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You’re welcome to deny reality, but it’s a fact.

Maybe next time, don’t dismiss my comments as “long essays” and i would respect your intelligence better.


You’re getting angry over my gifs now? :laughing:

It wasn’t. Continuning to spam with “IT was” just demonstrates that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

You simply being dismissing and admiting to scrolling by, shows you don’t know what you’re talking about or simply countering. It makes me wonder why you even bother at this point if you’re just going to be wrong and dismissive all the time and call every single thing i wrote, “an essay”. It’s like you hold a grudge against me or something like a child.

Why you want me to agree to your misinformation exactly?

I’l be more then happy to change my mind, the moment you’ve linked something towards Blizzard that explicitly confirms what you’ve said here.

Such a long post, still no counter argument to my 2 lines :

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See this is what i mean. You just dismiss and think it constitutes anything, but it really isn’t.

And ya proved ya don’t know what you’re talking about. So don’t complain to me or say “I’m right” if you’re going to be THIS lazy here. :raised_hand:
