Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

Allow our alts to also participate in the Trading Post.

It’s frustrating that I can only get 2-3 things from the Trading Post even though I have tons of alts who could also participate and get more tokens… yet the entire account can only get 1000 tokens per month…

That’s really lame.

I have alts who want those things, and I want to get it for them… but I can’t because the Trading Post is account bound… :frowning:


Nope, it’s not fair to people who don’t play alts. I say this as someone who has 35 characters.


You can earn stuff on alts so it sort of already is. It’s accountwide for a reason.


I agree with the cute fox. Even though it is a good idea, and it would be fun for me personally, people should be able to enjoy the trading post to the fullest on one character if they wish to do that.


Have you tried talking to your alts about this? Maybe they would be happy with new mounts or something.


Nah, then it’d just be alt degeneracy to collect everything. Current model is fine. Alts can already participate by working on the objectives which are account-wide.


It is fair, because they can go and LEVEL alts. It takes 2 hours to get from 1 to 60.

Did you try taking your alts to the trading post? I had no objectives on an alt until she actually visited the trading post itself. Might help.

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I think the system they have in place is pretty fair. I do get that some are feeling the “fear of missing out” creeping on. I’m fairly certain everything will circulate around at some point. Personally I only care about the pets and so far only the first one was special.


I don’t like them cycling through the items if you can’t buy all the items, a sort of FOMO to be subscribed/hop on for specific items that cycle through. Just keep adding more stuff to it and let people get the items they want at their own pace.


It really isn’t lame.


Its fair.


they’re asking for each individual character to be able to earn their own currency, to create additional currency past the monthly cap.

they want to be able to purchase all available items each month.



I also would not be opposed to you earning as much tokens as you wanted. My end goal is to be able to play the game so that I can earn enough tokens to buy EVERYTHING which the Trading Post has to offer each month.

I don’t understand why Blizzard would be against this, because I would be spending time enjoying playing the game while I earn items which I want.

I wonder if the sole reason behind them not wanting us to get everything each month is because it takes them a while to create the items?

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How about alts can participate but whatever you buy is not account wide?

Or did you think you were just going to throw an alt army at buying everything? Where the trading post then becomes “you must have X alts to buy it all”


I get why they don’t want people buying all items, but getting only 1k or whatever a month and people defending this semi-fomo stuff is laughable.

I like the trading post but a bump in currency able to be earned would be nice.

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TC, you do know that the trading post rotates, that its not a one time thing that eventually we will be back in Feburary and March and the old rewards will be available again, right?

If you continue to play you will eventually be able to get everything with enough time put into it.


Honestly, i think the earning cap should just go really, and have more activities in place. It’s a good foundation, but why Blizzard feel the need to limit that fun, is mind goblin.

“I dislike something, so therefore, i call it degeneracy!”… I hope you’re just joking.

Hm? Doing the trading post stuff on every alt to collect all the rewards is the exact type of thing they’d prefer to avoid. It makes people feel bad for not making 20 chars.

It’s like the love rocket thing where people basically have to setup 50 chars if they want it.


It would make the thing much more fun and rewarding to play the game.

Plus, i’m agruing for the earning cap to be gone, which does WAY more good then bad for people. And no amount of people subjectively thinking “”“but i will be forced to do everything”“” will honestly change that. There’s nothing wrong with playing the game and want to play more of it out of enjoyment.