Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

yeah that’s what makes it interesting and keeps people coming back it’s a good design

there’s a genius up in here that thinks everyone should have unlimited currency to buy it all and then nothing means anything and no one cares then whines later that there’s nothing new lol

It’s not a battlepass.

Except for the 500 tender for having a sub and/or game time on the 1st of the month. That’s monetization.

Oh and :

As a way of saying “Thank you” to the community for continuing to play World of Warcraft with us, we will be awarding a bonus 500 Trader’s Tender to players who purchase Dragonflight and add it to their account†

More monetization.


It really wouldn’t. Especially since it will help you target more things being uncapped on earning your tendies.

Don’t believe people who think’s people you can complete everything in a single-day really. That’s the exception to the rule, and anybody who says that, is being disingenuous.

You can easily get the 1000 points in 2 hours. 4k Rep people do every tuesday. 25 raid bosses is 3 mog runs of old raids. We’ve gotten 200 from having done quests in DF. You basically start the month with 600 super easy points.

Send yourself 10 work orders from an alt, boom, other easy points.

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I admit to disliking the fact I cannot possibly afford all transmogs each month. I play every class there is. I RP every class there is. So I want the staff in addition to the two hand sword in addition to the shield in addition to the dagger in addition to the bow in addition to the cloak transmog in addition to the bucket item, in addition to the flail-looking mace.

I can’t even get all the transmog items every month to say nothing of that plus the mount/pet special.

Having people make choices I get but not allowing one choice to be “all the transmog looks but no mounts/pets” is frustrating design. I mean the whole thing is frustrating to me as a collector as while I definitely prioritize mogs and looks, I’d also like to get some of the store pets and mounts I never bought and right now if I choose a pet/mount in a given month that means I can get that and then not even have enough for one of the higher priced weapon/armor transmogs and there are usually 2-3 of them plus a bunch of lower priced ones.

I just wish they’d up the cap a little bit. Maybe only do so for people who need it? So people who have two total characters at level 60 or above get the current cap but people who have beyond that get 50 more for each character up to IDK 500 more a month?

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and if we earned it infinitely, that means the entire month would be done in like a week and everything would be bought, nothing left to rotate back in to get later and nothing to look forward to or reason to stay subbed after a while

evergreen login rewards and monthly systems don’t hold interest when it’s all obtainable in days


Damn it, ya got my hopes up that you would turn it around. Ya came so close and now ya just blew it with this bit of silliness! Whahahahahhhhhy?.. :laughing: :man_facepalming:

Oh my god, What kind of monetization you think Battle passes are?..

I’m talking about something like “buy 500 tendies for $5” type of thing. The sort of thing everybody seems to talk about here, like “Buy this for 5$, or grind it out” sort of thing. Why do you think they make threads going “i’m expecting to buy this with money to skip the grind”… Wh-- where is that?

And so far, looking at the quotes you’ve quoted, Blizzard hasn’t said anything about real money for tendies.

Again, exception, not rule. Applying this as if it’s the rule, is basically exaggerating it to a point of it being misinfomation here.

And the rest of that can be summed up as that. Just because we can do things superfast, doesn’t mean everybody else can or even have the capacity to. Your normal average joe harry dicker isn’t going to bust their butt for 2 hours.

…Wait, you can do send work orders to yourself?.. :thinking:

Never thought of that honestly, because i honestly didn’t care much for the Work Order thing tbh. Maybe i’l give it a try when April doesn’t bring a snow shower.

Nah kinda rule.

Have you seen the stuff in the traveler’s log ? 150 points for running up and smacking Kael in Magister’s Terrace ?

250 points for basically running through MC/BWL/AQ40 one shotting every boss and skipping all the trash ?

Yes. You can also one shot the 25 raid bosses, as all raid bosses count, meaning 25 GCDs gives you 250 points.

Literally took the renown tokens from my main for the weekly, sent them to an alt, and with the 200% bonus rep, he got 4k rep using those tokens instantly.

There’s so many ways to rush through the traveler’s log, it’s not an exception.

15 WQs, pick any easy BfA/Legion “kill 1 dude” WQs, they all count.


just logging in can complete some automatically if done previous like the onahran Plains quests and owning one of those toys that was 200

did 2 runs of ICC and one smaller raid in less than an hour easy

That’s your own subjective experience mate. Were talking about your average joe here that isn’t going to bust his butt off for 2 hours.

Not the stuff you’ve mentioned though. I’ve already done my 1000.

You’re forgetting the fact that still takes time. And as for the raiding part, that took longer then 30 minutes or even an hour to do these raids, considering you have to go over to the locations yourself if you’re just soloing them.

It’s disingenuous and dishonest to say that doing that raid part alone, doesn’t take any time for anybody at all.

Werid, why Blizzard left that is beyond me, but okay. :man_shrugging:

It still is the exception, regardless if you can rush it though yourself or not. You’re not everybody and neither am i.

We are the exceptions to the rule. Well, you’re the exception to the rule most likely.

Again, weird that Blizzard has forgotten about this. I thought it was just Dragonflight World quests, but okay then.

Yeah basically we’re getting 4 months of free 200 points. Last month was waking shore, next month will be Azure Span most likely.

I feel it’s more your subjective experience that you have to take time doing your traveler’s log.

Running MC takes 5 minutes top and has 10 bosses.

Yet I kept seeing Jester mogs everywhere day 1.

Or get this : the traveler’s log is mean to let alts participate, including alts you’re leveling. Which is why all content is valid for the Traveler’s log. By design.

and then they may give us something for new zones like waking shore

even the guys I know who don’t play much got it done in 3 days barely trying

so like what happens when everyone completes every task in a week and gets unlimited currency?

“waaah nothing left for me to buy!”

“waaah boring system I can get it all too easy!”

like entire servers full of them lol

slow is the exception people can do this without even trying


The same can be said back to you with you rushing. Because your (and my) experience is simply that: subjective.

Again, exception. Not the rule.

Running MC for me was 15 minutes at tops for me.

It just goes to show how variable this time thing is. Only difference is, i’m not pedastalling my experience and saying “It’s the rule here that people will take 15 minutes to complete this raid”. And i’m not forgeting they have to go though loading screens and such.

Exceptions are not rules. Don’t know why you and Aleynara keep spreading this exaggerated misinformation as if it’s facts. Experience is subjective.

This is a broad generalization you’re making here without solid evidence that supports this for all people here. Just your subjective experiences of what you subjectively saw. Again, were talking about an average joe.

I mean it’s more then likely that blizzard has forget about this but… i guess we can hear your subjective interpretation, instead of considering the real possibility of what’s most likely, given they often nerf things we like.

The only thing on the log that seems to be by design is the 30 quests one, since, technically anything counts as a quest. World Quest, regular quest, daily quest, hunts, etc. And it would be much harder to try to quantify it under Dragonflight, and it would be redundant since it’s Story quest logs exist. (Which yes, it does auto complete for you if you’ve already done them. Because if not, that takes time to get to)

Idk, a lot of those stuff seem like oversights from Blizzard personally, but i do guess it’s a thing that shouldn’t be complained about. Just to be curious at.



No it doesn’t.

Exile’s reach alone will take 30 min to an hour.

You’re right.

I suppose a better suggestion, and one that truly gets at what I want is, “Let me buy all the things each month.”

I really enjoy doing the stuff to get the coins; it makes the game meaningful to me. Whereas now, I get a little “Trading Post Achievement” and I go, “Uh? Okay… I got nothing, so not sure why it’s telling me I completed it.”

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I’m glad they have the progress the way it is. When I say it could have been a LOT worse I really mean it. You have a month to finish the progress which should be more than enough time since you have a lot of choices to work on.