Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

You’re not even arguing a point anymore, you lost this debate after your first couple posts. You spent the rest of your time trying to win word wars instead of through intelligent debate of the subject.

Whatever makes you happy I guess.

Considering you subjectively still think a game feature is a battle pass, that’s not saying much other then you don’t know what it actually means. And spamming “YES I DO” isn’t convincing.

I disagree with you, because you continue to demonstrate a lack of knowledge. And posting the definition, spotlights it even further. I’ve demostrated this is not the case because it’s simply a set of meta mini challenges. Something to work towards that doesn’t distract from playing the game here, and it rewards you with stuff for completing.

And YOU ARE mudding the word up.

I question you actually understand logical fallacies, considering you’re still confusing a game feature for a battle pass. And you’re practically calling your own argument a logical fallacy right now.

I don’t know why you continue to fail to realize, i’ve used your own argument against you, even after i’ve spelled it out pretty much.

I guess you don’t care about being right then with that mindset. :man_shrugging:

Because you’re going off topic away from the point to complain about something that EVERYBODY does. I’ve never seen a forum that has complained this much about quoting other people, other then this forum. And only exclusively on one person lol?..

You’re basically telling me that you’re stupid by complaining about me quoting, right now. No actual intelligent (or normal) person does that btw.

Blame nobody but yourself for your lacking mental capacity that makes you a lost cause here.

And you spent the rest of your time, complaining about a response style that everybody else uses, Yet, i don’t see you going after Varith and others here, for using the same style. Only targeting me because you disagree with me.
Hypocrite. :laughing:

Well seeing somebody at their wit’s end and complaining about my normal posting style, does make me warm and fuzzy inside. :grin:

You’re not the first person to do that, sadly for you.

You’re welcome to be wrong then. :man_shrugging:

“How dare he called me out for spreading misinfomation! HE’S NONSESICAL!! Grr!”

Praise the ignore feature and just gonna save myself some headache in the future. Nonsensical rambler don’t deserve my time.

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Okay i don’t want to be that guy Nui, but…

You do know what she has said, right?.. And you do know, you’re not doing anything different from what i and others are doing here, right?..

Or … call me a conspirator theorist, is this just one big scheme to target me? Am i famous or something? Hmm… Curious and curious. :thinking:

Quoting for truth, as the saying goes.

105 posts, 15 long essays later : Trading post in fact does let alts participate and adding more tender goes against the design. TL;DR for anyone thinking about reading those long back and forths between peeps.


Not reallly, and it doesn’t go against any design as i’ve demonstrated. I mean OP and others are asking to play more of the favorite thing they like essentially. I don’t know why you’re being dismissive about it honestly.

…Don’t know why you’re having such a grudge against me with your passive aggressive (And pretty childish i might add) “15 long essay” comment either. This seems like Targeting me, given your the second poster here to complain about my posting style. :face_with_monocle:

then you come back in a year, whining there’s nothing to buy, since it’s all on some form of rotation :rofl:

nah bruh its fine the way it is stop trying to no life the damn monthly rotating rewards lol

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It is to keep you subscribed.

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Counterpoint: No


You’ve demonstrated nothing.

The goal is for you to not buy everything, because the intent is for you to wait for stuff to come back without letting your sub lapse.

When you understand this, you understand why it works like it does.


It so simply this. Items are available for a month, you have to be subbed, and you cannot purchase them all. That’s quite literally the intent, to make these items more rare and every Thomas Richard and/or Harold does not have them all. It’s really quite simple.


You’ve read nothing and called it “Essay” because of your weird grudge against me. How on earth you think you have the right to say this with no knowledge of my comments is baffling.

And it hurts the feature. If the intent was fun, then it should have it’s earning cap uncapped. Or have it be bi-weekly.

And by how you phrase this, you don’t seem practically fond of this feature. Would you not want it to be better? Because that’s the two ways it gets better. :man_shrugging:

Agreeing with you is not understanding. Why you must confuse the two?

nah bruh with your infinite currency people could buy everything for the month and be done

except they aren’t thats why its going to be on a rotation :rofl::rofl::rofl:

bruh youve like literally dismissed every single factual piece of info given to you so wth do you want them to ask???

nah bruh you go on ignore already where you belong

bruh no one agrees with him lolololol

tell us you never played another mmorpg with login rewards systems without saying it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is fun. I have a great time with it. You just cannot buy every item.


Because there’s no point, it’s far too long, and completely misses the point.

Not if you understand the intent, which isn’t getting you a bunch of cosmetics, but rather getting you to pay your monthly dues.

It 100% only works as a feature if you can’t buy everything. Wrap your head around that, and it makes sense.


“I’m just going to use the same disingenuous and hyperbolic argument that he debunked, and pretend he didn’t debunk it, because … idk.”

They are. That’s basically what “going on Rotation” means. Were month two with completely different items, and you don’t think it’s on rotation.


Their assuming i would be bored and leave the game, and i’m simply telling them to ask me “Hey, what would you do in a situation like this?”. Unless you’re telling me they don’t want my honest thoughts on something, which that says more about them.

And i’ve already told people that i’ve played slowly. So even if i have “Infinite currency” or however your hyperbole goes, i’m most likely not going to be done in a month. Let alone a year for how trading post is set up.

This is not a fact like you think it is. This “They will be bored and leave in a month.” is just an assumption. Infact, i’ve yet see factual evidence that supports the implied claim on how it affects you personally to make such a claim to begin with.

“I’m wrong, so i’m just going to put ya on ignore!” … i see nothing of value is still lost.

Because you lack the mental capacity to even comprehand my comments and you’re just spewing goop on people who you disagree. To quote yourself, “Bruh” :laughing:

Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about.

So why not improve the fun? You seem to be against having fun in a video game and saying “NO you can’t get every item”. That seems rather selfish, don’t you think? :man_shrugging:

You’re treating this like it’s mage tower mogs, but… it’s not. It’s simply cosmetics that you get from meta mini challenges.

You subjectively think there’s no point.

That sounds like a you issue mate.

Understanding the “intent” however you wish to twist it, doesn’t make me agree with it.

I want the feature to be better then how it is. You seemingly don’t and seem to believe the quite honestly, made up stories other people are talking about with buzzwords like “battle pass” or “login bonuses” without checking to see if they actually proven it with some link that Blizzard have confirmed or said. Just “Play other MMO’s, you will see!” without even explaining.

To quote Jibbles to use against you…

No, objectively there’s no point. If you still don’t get what Trading Post actually is, you’ll never get it.

It’s to get you to keep your sub going. Hence, you can’t buy everything. So that you come back.

You can’t use it against me, I made an actual argument.


I think the items being more rare improves the fun.