Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

I mean, hey, I don’t think the words are necessarily bad. And meaningful choices exist, Shadowlands just took the phrase and threw it in a woodchipper so I understand why people dismiss it’s use instantly

Something the game desperately needs more of.

Blizzard designs the game around encouraging people to quit, then showering them with bribes to come back (with “catch-up” gear/mechanics/rewards).

Blizzard systematically seems to treat its loyal customers like they’re suckers for sticking around. Good on them for the trading post. Now if they would just remove catch-up gear from the game, we might get back to seeing some actual growth, again.

I’m a collector and yeah I think this is how it works. I’m not in a rush to collect everything anyways since most of the stuff doesn’t even look that great.


See, that’s why choice matters

And breaking my post apart that much takes it our of context, now there is nothing to respond to in your gibberish as you failed to see the big picture presented to you.

This phrase ought to be pinned at the top of the forums. Everyone should have to click a box that says they read it before they can post anything.


only if the items became character only bound.

Literally lol. I don’t mind people disagreeing with me but he literally just said to me
“Your opinion is subjective while my idea fixes everything and makes everyone happy.”

Like huh, do you hear yourself???

Never having to actually prove the claim. :wink:

It took 2 hours of debate to buy a level 60 boost.

I don’t even think paying for power leveling can get you to 60 in 2 hours.

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They said rewards will “roll back around” meaning they aren’t lost forever. If people could earn everything ASAP then they would be done with it quicker.

This is WoW, this is a grind, goal is to keep you subscribed. So login every month and slowly chip away at collecting

I have 60 toons, but you know what? I have 0 desire to do the stuff on alts. I am glad it’s account wide. I can earn all my tendies day 1 then not do anything the rest of the month


I don’t even think of it as a grind, I think of it as not overloading us with so much stuff we won’t even look at it.

If you get 1-3 items a month from the trading post, you MIGHT actually have fun with them for a bit before tossing them in the corner and forgetting about them.

If we got EVERYTHING from the trading post every month, most of it wouldn’t even get a second glance.

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Contrary to the popular quote, greed isn’t good. So suck it up and learn restraint.

I’m already doing this. The tmog stuff is mostly ugly and very expensive in terms of cost.

I plan to go an entire year without buying any tmog stuff, just saving up and buying any pet/mount I don’t have. Other then that, it’s pretty “meh”.

I just find the tasks equally boring, but since it’s quick I like I can get the bar filled in a single day if I do old raids, world boss, and just simple stuff.

Yeah, I don’t even remember what I bought last month.

I DO remember buying the corsage, then finding out it isn’t even visible unless you’re naked.

Props to Blizz for having the items be refundable after purchase (which they are).

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That doesn’t make it “degeneracy”, just a decision that favors players without alts. Unless you are telling us you think that everybody who ever rolled alts to collect hyper rare things is a degenerate.

They’ve done plenty of FOMO over the years. Cloak vanished, ring, legion artifacts, challenge mode sets/weapons, etc. The game doesn’t need FOMO to keep players.

I mean I agree with this in the sense that their patches are definitely seasonal and players have been rewarded for not checking the came out until the end of it, but that’s largely because they create poorly fleshed out systems that they smooth over the course of the game. Ever since like legion each expansion has just felt like one big beta test, and if there’s anything I’ve learned from them it’s if you want to have a good experience with an expansion don’t get it until the final patch.

I don’t know how you get around the seasonal aspect of gearing without screwing over new and returning players though, and I don’t think there’s a lot of desire to design the game in a fashion where if you come back to the game you have a ton of time needed to grind your ilevel up.

New players are experiencing everything for the first time. They don’t NEED to go from zero to sixty in a day. In fact it’s detrimental to do that to them.

Returning players SHOULD be screwed over. Would deter the constant quitting.

Hardly any in PvE, actually.

I am pretty comfortable ignoring most aspects of PvE because it doesn’t have any cool collectibles.

Still gonna advocate for raids/keys to get more cool stuff, though. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

They’re trying to avoid having people feel pressured into playing alts that they normally wouldn’t, and this structure and philosophy is better than, well, being incentivized to have 20 chars just for the purposes of collection.

I’m just glad that they went with this more causal model.


You’re not going 1-60 in a day if you’re truly a new player. I’ve been playing a pretty “organic” way of playing via questing in Classic zones, a few dungeons, and PvP. Barely touched professions and I’m at 16 hours at level 53, and the toon was an allied race so I had a level head start.

I’m sure there are faster ways to get to 60, but new players aren’t going to know about them, and if they do know about them then their mentality is clearly geared towards max level if they’re doing that kind of research upfront.