Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

This is true with many things in life, choices are far more intriguing then having it all. The internal debate is enjoyable if you admit it or not, especially with an MMO with a goal of rewarding you for your effort but also keeping you coming back. If they gave you everything you wanted right away you would get bored and leave the game. If they made it to hard to achieve anything you would leave. Balance, or making choices matter is the best design.

If you can’t understand that regardless if it’s cosmetics or end game gear then there is no helping you.


Bro, it’s a battle pass type system. They intentionally limit you because they want you to have reasons to come back each month and play more. They have actual incentive to not let you get everything in one go so that they can continue to recycle rewards more easily.

Yeah I mean I could definitely have gone faster, but was just replaying old zones I hadn’t seen or touched in years. I’m sure I could get down to sub 10 hours, especially if I heal or tank dungeon spammed. 2 hours seems bonkers, like paying to power level levels.

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I mean, not really? I dont lack self control; hence why Ive stopped playing Mythic+, a system I love, to focus on finishing my last semester of college.

And genuinely, I have no problem if it comes across as selfish. Its a video game I pay for and Im just advocating the way I like to play. You’re free to advocate for the game to be better as you see it.

This comes across extremely nitpicky. Im not sitting at home trembling at the thought of having to do the trading post. I dont care about half the rewards so I probably wouldnt farm for them anyways.

Ive stated my reason as meaningful choice, which I think is perfectly applicable to cosmetics. Just saying “that’s not a reason” isn’t an argument. The way one presents their character shoulr be meaningful in an MMORPG. It is to me, that’s the argument.

When did I champion for the system to be changed? The system we are discussing right now is already set up the way I like. You are the one championing the fundamental change to the system, no?

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o_O Imma call the ghost busters… Your alts are played by you but it seems yours have a mind of their own…
:ghost: :no_entry_sign:

:musical_note: Danna dan dan dana dan~ Who you gonna call? Alt busters! :musical_note:


Are these alts in the room with us right now?


haven’t actually seen 2, 3 though i’ve seen just solo questing.

It’s an incentive to maintain a monthly subscription. They don’t make any more money off the amount of time a person plays during that time period, as far as the trading post is concerned.

If they allowed people to no-life through all of the rewards they would potentially lose income in the following months.

It’s a login incentive, which is common throughout subscription based services. It’s straight forward FOMO.


I find the system how it is to be fine, last month I bought a lot of stuff due to there being so much pink and flowers stuff, this month I capped the currency for the outfit but don’t want anything else so it will just be built onto and potentially spent next month.

Legit you don’t need to buy everything all at once it’s supposed to be a pick and choose type of thing and then freeze something you really want if you want it and can’t get it.


blizzard is putting a cap on our monthly trader currency so that they can get us to buy it when they put it on the store for real currency.

Good news the trading post items are account bound

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It’s not. I still don’t see monetinzation aspect from them.

And at this point, i’m more then ready to dismiss this concern, since this is pretty unfounded. Until the day where Blizzard does actually says it’s a battle pass, i will not be taking this thought seriously anymore…

This isn’t life tho…

An MMO does not have the actual capacity to force you to return. You choose to return.

And much like the “battlepass”, i don’t see where this “Oh it’s just login bonuses” or etc is founded, so… dismissing that one too until it’s actually confirmed, because players saying “IT IS!!” over and over, isn’t convincing. I mean by that logic, ANYTHING is a logic bonus, since it’s clear to me over the years that GD doesn’t even know what that is.

What’s wrong with coming back and playing the video game?

  • First off, disingenuous and hyperbolic argument.
  • Second, That’s physically impossible to do either way here, considering trading post is meant to be a forever type thing, given their constantly coming out with stuff and things. So even if it’s uncapped, i would still be on the game.
  • Thrid… …Have you tried maybe asking what i would do if these certain situations arrive, instead of just assuming? That would be like if i go “Oh if M+ is only limited to 15, you would leave”.

Agreeing isn’t understanding like you subjectively think it is.

And all you guys really did is confuse, rather then clear up. With the same arguments that are used in favor for other features that have unpopular bits to them. Like Covenants.

And how did that turned out exactly?

I mean, it’s not like a huge part of Shadowlands, or one of the reasons why Shadowlands is bad? I mean it’s not like Blizzard executed that poorly of a good idea like that or anything and listened to the wrong people who doesn’t know what “Meaningful choice” is, or even explain what it means. NAH, it couldn’t be that. :crazy_face: /s

Okay, so you shouldn’t have a problem with earning tendies being uncapped then.

"Yea, screw the other people who plays this video game or enjoys things i don’t like, am i right? " /s

Thank you, i will. Because my solutions will appeal to everybody here of all sides here, and i will gladly explain how it’s not the flaw of the game to have it be uncapped, and what can you do to play how you want to, since it’s still there. You can still play slowly and enjoy yourself even if it’s uncapped.

Do any of you, people who are acting like it’s the end of the world if there’s catchup, or unlimited amount of things or etc, feel forced to do anything, have ANY IDEA on why you’re doing the things you do, or why you think that way? If you wish play slow, then play slow. And this is coming from somebody who plays like a lethargic Three-Toed Sloth drinking molasses juice, in video games, and yet, i’m not complaining about all the freedom i have to do things. Infact, bring more in!

I’m not the one who bought up being worried about something or not being worried about something.

So why you’re arguing against uncapped then if you don’t care?..

You may subjectively hold that opinion, but it doesn’t mean it’s correct. Especially since it’s more or less an argument of selfishness.

Though Talent trees, actions and such. Why do you think Cosmetics matter?

Blizzard have listened to people like yourself, and this is how we got World Quests to be weekly in Dragonflight. Blizzard WAS going change that, but then had to back down because people like them, backlashed for them it with excuses of “I DON’T WANNA BE FORCED!!” :expressionless:

Why i should think you’re not champing this to be permanent or go further in this direction?..

For the better for everybody involved and who actually enjoys the game and want to enjoy it to the degree they want too.

I think my only complaint with the Trading Post is there’s no way to earn additional Tender after completing the Traveler’s Log progress meter.

I want to get more things that I like the look of. :<

Which would then be followed a year later by tons of “Blizzard needs to put out 10 times as much stuff in the trading post, because I bought everything already, last year, with my alt army”.

General Discussion is so predictable, you can set your clocks by it.


The system exists so it’s impossible to buy everything every month. This way they will be able to cycle items back through in subsiquent months, and thus the system is sustainable long term.

Or did you suppose that Blizzard would produce a new set of offerings every month for a eternity? Relax. Anything you missed will be back.


it’s not fair for people who play alts either… then we’d just feel forced to grind it on alts too. NO THANKS.


I didn’t say this at all; by that same logic, advocating for anything that you like that someone else doesn’t is selfish. It’s a video game mate; people can advocate for whatever they want.

LOL. Clearly there are people here who agree with me and disagree with you and there are people that agree with you and disagree with me. Saying that your solution is correct and appeals to everyone doesn’t mean it does.

Nobody here is acting like anything is the end of the world. I just like capped tendies and meaningful choice. My opinion can be changed, it just hasn’t. Spamming “I’m right, you’re wrong” isn’t an argument like you think it is.

I mean, opinions are quite literally subjective by definition. Also, I didn’t bite before but I will now, how is it selfish? I’m not the only one that has this opinion; there are quite literally other people in this same exact thread that agree with me.

The presentation of your character, visually, sets players apart in ways that talents don’t. I can look at someone standing in the auction house and see what they chose as their reward; you can tell a lot about a player by how their character looks. It’s a fundamental of an RPG.

Holy off-topic. I don’t care about world quests. Could not be bothered.

Mate, believe it or not, your opinions are also subjective. I don’t think it would be better for me and there are other people that don’t think it would be better. You call me selfish and then say you are proposing a solution that works for everybody and makes everyone super happy!!! In reality, that solution doesn’t exist. Someone will always be unhappy. You aren’t exempt from the rule that opinions are subjective.

You don’t even mention that the system you propose is unsustainable. We can all grind endless tenders and buy everything we want all the time as we acquire more. Epic. But oh wait, I just bought everything in two months and now there is nothing for me to buy or look forward to buying next month! Hopefully the devs can keep creating years worth of stuff to buy in just a few months

It doesn’t require you to directly pay for it for it to be monetized. Battle Pass core concept is that of FOMO. You stop playing and you miss out so you stay subbed and that means they get more dollary doos from you.

Edit: And for what it’s worth we’re literally at month two of this system. I expect various tweaks and changes to it over time as the system evolves. They very well may implement some sort of paid feature of the TP at some point.

Oh no somebody said THE WORDS

I like that there’s a limit. It makes picking my rewards a more meaningful choice rather than a collect-everything-at-once mentality. The rewards will be back later if I want to get the rest of them down the road. It’s really no big deal.

You all realize that if you’re able to get all rewards each month that when they recycle you won’t have anything left to get right? You’ll just be complaining at that point that there’s no new items.


This is what I love most about the trading post. I don’t feel compelled to play any particular character just to collect my tender. I can do what I always do, cycle through characters, and reap the rewards.