Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

It’s account wide. Who cares? You should just instead ask the ability to earn more currency every month. Trying to make it seem like alts should be separately counted for account wide currency used to buy account wide transmog over complicates the issue immensely. And unnecessarily.


Nah, it’s just something that’d burn people out. Being “done” is fine. Not being able to 100% everything instantly is fine.


That’s not the fault of the game though. That’s on them.

Mind not being disingenious here with your hyperbole? People aren’t going to actually instant everything 100%. Let’s be honest here.

If your greatest concern is that you will be burnt out, you would be playing slower anyways. You don’t need the game to change in order to accomplish that because that affects the rest of us negatively. And we already have that negatively effected in Dragonflight with WQ’s being weekly, instead of resetting somewhat hourly (Which is the content mind you). And all for what exactly? an Experimental feature like Dragonriding?

If you (in general) dislike playing the game, then you’re not forced to play it.

I much rather they make it cost like 5000 Love tokens at this point and do the same with, practically every mount. At least in addition as bad luck protection.

It’s bizarre to explain to somebody why something is the way that it is and they treat it like an exchange that they’re capable out-arguing it, and like that’d change anything.

Ask a question, get the answer then go “umm no”.

Like, okay.


Something being the way it is, doesn’t mean it’s okay.

If you (in general) dislike playing the game to a point where you’re changing the game by removing the content to suit you and negatively affect everybody else who actually enjoys the content, then i hate to say it, but i don’t think WoW is for you then. :man_shrugging:

Because it’s not a satisfactory answer like you subjectively think.

Saying “people will be burnt out” just tells me that those people lack self control and are going to blame the game for it, when they can just simply, not do it.

It would be like if i complain about the amount of hours a single-player game gives me. “500 hours?! I would be burnt out by then! IT’S THE GAME’S FAULT!! I mean i know i will eventually reach there and i could just take it slow and actually enjoy myself or just focus on the things i actually enjoy, but screw it! it’s the games fault!”

I never get why people here can’t get this simply concept that nobody is forcing you to do everything, if you have the freedom to do anything.

Then don’t share your opinion if you have a problem with people discussing your opinion. That’s not my problem that i’ve disagreed with that mentality of yours that, mind you, bought us WoD.

Have a good day.

Choices matter>having everything


So no earnings cap. (Which allows you the ability to earn more currency) Okay then, glad you agreed.

It seems Weird that you seem to take Kennie’s side when he disagreed with me. But i digress. :raised_hand:

Because it’s different when it’s increasing the currency cap. When the only means of acquiring more is alts that’s where the issues start.

No it’s not.

I was actually talking about the earning cap and wanting it to be gone. Which gives the ability to earn more currency. And Shadina tells people to ask the ability to earn more currency. Granted every month, but that’s pretty much what i’ve asked.

I didn’t see her talking about increasing the cap there. Unless you’re looking at it that way.

What issues? You mean the ones that are self-inflicted because they lack self control? That’s again, not the game’s fault.

Why can’t you guys just enjoy the Trading Post for what it is? It’s a reward for YOU the player every month to choose a few things that you like. You’re not meant to get it all right away; it (successfully imo) creates meaningful choice among players where some people have some stuff and others have other stuff.

I have about 30 alts. This would benefit me greatly, but I also know how to just have fun completing some quick stuff, picking the stuff I earned, and going about my day.


What it is, can be so much better, despite having a very very good foundation.

Much like Dragonriding, it can be more then just that.

Why limit the fun and the potential of this idea, and just have it go to waste eventually? Why not act like it should be a mainstay and ask for it to be better? Like uncapping it or OP’s suggestion?

Dragonflight, would honestly be better if it just simply commit to it’s own ideas beyond just a passing glance, and still have tons of content to boot. Instead of just being a clone of Legion but done pretty decently.

Which you can still do regardless of what happens, if the cap is gone or if alts get separate currencies.

I think uncapping it negatively effects the fun aspect though. There’s a meaningful choice there meaning everyone gets something slightly different right now. I think that’s cool. Sure they can always add more stuff to it


I am unsure why you think Alts can’t participate already.

The currency and Task Journal are account wide. You can do those tasks and earn currency on any char you want, or any team of chars you want.

I love the Monthly journal as it is. Instead of some long slog, I can do it on any char of nearly any level, I can switch chars and still keep earning it, I can do a huge variety of things - and finish it pretty much by just playing. I can do it fast or space it out.

I don’t feel pushed to log in every day and grind it. I like that there is a cap. It means people can check it off the monthly “to do” list and move on to other things. I REALLY dislike battlepass style things that make you grind the whole month and you may, or may not finish.

Check the tasking - a lot of it you can do low level :slight_smile: Most does not require DF.

As was said, the rewards are for YOU the player and you can earn them any way you wish on any char/combo of chars you wish.


It literally wouldn’t. Where do you get this idea from?

I would have a blast collecting all these over the years if it’s uncapped. Instead of just it being one day for 1000 tendies and then, that’s pretty much it for the month.

Or if you must have the cap, at least make it weekly. Monthly just limits the fun from this idea. And this is suppose to be a fun idea, right?..

It’s just cosmetics.

What Meaningful choice?

This isn’t Valor. And Ironically, Valor isn’t capped. Where’s your meaningful choice there? Or is it only here whenever it suits a person’s arguments like with Covenants?

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You’re green again!

It looks so much better than the gold.

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Just in time for spring! My one year term on the Council was up! They are adding new people from the apps they took in Dec/Jan.

I admit, I like the color much better than gold.


I mean I know I don’t play retail much anymore, but I just leveled a Dark Iron Dwarf and it took me 13 hours to get to 52.

Really curious what leveling method you have that grants you 2 minutes a level.


The meaningful choice is having peoplw running around in different trading post stuff over the months to show off “I chose X thing and you chose Y thing”. This is lost if its uncapped. Id be willing to see a weekly section on the trading post rotation though, that could be cool.

I like the system as a thing I can grind out in one day and not work on every daily/weekly reset though. I can do it in one day or I can spread it out over the whole month. Nothing is lost that way and I dont have to worry about it. The beauty of the system is you can just do it passively while playing if you want. A lot of people dont want to have to target X things to get everything in the shop

As for your valor argument, huh? Valor has been capped for months; its the mid-to-end section of the season where people just want full ilvl gear now. The meaningful choice already happened. This same philosophy applies to the trading post as it is.

I chose X over Y in month one, Y has now cycled back in and I can get it now. Its essentially the same catchup, no?


it’s a specific path, most normal people will probably be closer to 4-6 hours though.

These are cosmetics, their shouldn’t be a “meaningful choice”.

Also, show off?.. really?.. That’s your “Meaningful choice”?..

You’re acting like it’s a bad thing if it’s uncapped. You can still show off your transmog.

But that’s the problem. It’s very limiting, and you’re treating the lack content as a good thing here. It’s really not, because if you enjoy something, why not have more of it?..

Why you say “Worry” here? With this implication that uncapped tendies are something to be worried about?

Because it just sounds like to me, you lack self control here and blaming the game for it, if it’s uncapped, and you would rather the game have less content or less to do in it so you wouldn’t feel worried. “Yeah i know other people won’t have anything to do or play, but at least i don’t have to feel… worried.”

And it still allows that uncapped. Which makes the system work even more better. Why you’re against that but turn around say you like it capped is baffling.

They have self control, and they don’t want the game to change so drastically that there’s barely anything to do or go for. If the tenders are uncapped, it wouldn’t change on what their doing.

And what’s wrong with targeting things you want? What’s wrong with… playing the game to get rewards and such and having a fun time?

I mean, Jib, no offense, but… have you read this comment before hitting post? Because it just honestly sounds pretty selfish, not going to lie.

As Season 1 of Dragonflight winds down, Blizzard Entertainment is moving forward with its decision to remove the Valor and Conquest cap in World of Warcraft. The success of Dragonflight as a World of Warcraft expansion has been in its simple direction, untethered from complex, superficial systems that bogged down previous installments such as Shadowlands or Battle for Azeroth. Though the expansion is still in the early stage of its content cycle, Blizzard’s decision to focus on the things that made World of Warcraft fun has paid off remarkably well so far.

But it’s cosmetics. Meaning it really shouldn’t.

And it’s sad that people like yourself, just want the game to be changed so drastically because you felt forced, when the game doesn’t even force you to play hardcore or such, damning anybody who likes to play more of the game and actually enjoy themselves with a system or etc, or heaven for-bid, have fun with an expansion. :confused:

This expansion is seriously going in with the wrong mindset. Despite the fact, it’s ideas are right.