Let Alts Participate in Trading Post

Then it’s not a battle pass.

Infact, this isn’t even a new feature for video games. As i’ve pointed out in my thread, this is just simply just a collection of mini-meta challenges to do as you play and get rewarded.

“What thread and where” you don’t ask? Right here. :point_down:

So Mage towers are Battle passes then? Aotcs and PvP seasons are Battle Passes then? I mean, you stop playing, you miss out—

If GD would just say “This system is Fomo” instead of misusing words like Battle pass to mean whatever they mean, THEN i could see your point. I too agree that items should be at least permanently be there, instead of just rotating. Like Trial of Style.

I don’t think you know what “Choice” mean if you think an MMO is forcing you.

Jibble's part.

Have you heard of the term “implication”? Words you say, carries implication.

The beauty of such a thing is you can say something sucks without explictly saying something sucks.

If it’s a video game, why are you even here, disagreeing with OP? I mean it’s just a video game, right?

You’re gonna have to explain how my solution is coming from a place of selfishness, when it’s about letting more people of any type playing. Because it appeals to more people that way.

I may have own desires, but unlike yours, i know they wouldn’t hold up upon further scrutiny since it don’t have objective substantial reasons on why a good chunk of the playerbase should be neglected other then “It’s chill” or “I don’t have to woooooorrry”.

Yet you Worry if it’s uncapped or not. Or are you going to backtrack and errounsely say “i don’t care if it’s uncapped or not” after pushing vehemently for the game to stay the same?..

You don’t seem open-minded considering you don’t seem to understand my simple basic to understand concept that saying “i don’t need to worry” and things of that nature is not an argument.

I see you fail to understand the irony behind this statement, considering that’s exactly what you’ve been doing, just sounding nice.

Opinions can also be right and/or wrong.

A fact that actually can’t be argued, given how having the opinion, of opinion can’t be right/wrong because it’s subjective, is self contradictory.

Because otherwise, why are you saying the things you’re saying then if that (opinions can be right and/or wrong) is not the case then?

It’s why people have debates with other people’s opinions, ideas and etc. And if you put them out, then they are going to discuss it. What right does anybody who goes, “Oh well, it’s just my opinion, it’s just my opinion” have on any topic they don’t stand behind on, have in any topic?

You were clearly only thinking about yourself only, and not considering what other people want to do and play?

Having it uncapped, still allows you the choice to still take it slow. And having somebody “No life, complete in a day, degenarcy etc” all the reductive terms that means “I don’t like that person doing something for some reason”, which, btw, can all be applied back to your side if one wants because it just somebody disliking something without merit (Labeling them btw), it doesn’t affect you, or your enjoyment.

If you want to play slow, play slow.

As i’ve said before, i’ve played slow. And i would bet real money, 1 penny, that there’s somebody at ilvl 400 or whatever at launch. And i was like level 61 first day in, a week ATFER launch (because i choose to wait a week). Guess what? If it sort of thing doesn’t actually affect me, then i don’t think you would be actually affected too.

And no, i don’t count emotions as being actually affected. Emotion’s subjective.

And you think people who are burnt out by their own self-inflicted problem agrees with you, makes you more correct? If you think so, maybe you ought to reconsider your opinion being the right one if that’s the audience you’re willing to attract here. Because i don’t see how this helps your point.

This is just a sequel to “No Barbershop in Classic vanilla because of your idenity and meaningful choice”, isn’t?.. :man_facepalming:

I don’t get why you and other people who makes a simular agrument in the past for Classic, making this a big deal of keeping that “Meaningful choice” here with… cosmetics. COSMETICS. A Stupid colored pixel.

It’s even more sillier to say that, in the same game that allows you to change your gender or anything for actually free now.

At least Talent Trees, you can make certain builds that define more or less your playstyle. And i much rather be that, and the actions you choose and such, the things that are more visual then just different pixels, be the thing that should be the thing that defines you.

Actually ya know what? My 2020 self summed this “Identity” argument, twice, so, i’l let him speak.

…Why you are trying to turn Cosmetics into Covenants, or Class halls, or just practically trying to shove “identity” (in before “I didn’t say that”, not understanding implications or actions) into a place where it’s even less appropriate; cosmetics, Jib?

It’s just dressing up. Not to be reductive here, but that’s not exactly an RPG fundamental thing here. At least, not majorly or alone here. Plus, this sort of thing is in a lot of other non-RPG games.

Nice job not focusing on the point of why i bought it up here. It’s not about the subject matter (world quests) there, it’s the attitude i’m vehemently against here that is actively ruining the game by backlashing at Blizzard here for daring to make something more enjoyable for more folks, and making Blizzard take the wrong lessons here and think “These people don’t want more content, they want less content and more timegating!”…

Because god forbid, God forbid, somebody finds the 1K cap and monthly rotation to be a bit of a pear-take. God forbid, they want a little incentive to try something new or play the game. God Forbid, somebody wants more of something they find fun without all the time gating they do.

And believe it or not, opinions can be right and/or wrong.

I believe my opinions are right because i’m standing on logical reasoning on why it would make the game better for everybody, if not the majority. And why i don’t think it’s a good idea to limit game content.

You’re the minority.

Because that’s what your opinions and agruments are coming across as.

Have you not said the things you’ve said, or go “Having uncapped is bad” i wouldn’t even suspect you’re being selfish.

You mentioning a hypothetical example of “OH i got everything in a month, but i bore now” is not a point, and it’s also both disingenuous, dishonest (because you’re assuming instead of asking , and you’re putting words into people’s mouth), and also, physically impossible because trading post is meant to be a forever thing. Infact, this argument doesn’t even work for a lot of things in this game.

And again, you’re acting like this affects you, when it really doesn’t.

And don’t give the crap about… “Oh care about the devs–” Were talking about the devs. You weren’t talking about the devs before this point, so spare me that disingenuouiness. You’re not Chases.

Probably because they executed it poorly? And it was tied to player power even? And that reowned wasn’t shared? There’s a thought.

If people really really want to be limited on cosmetics to pick so they can feel like they have … “”“Meaningful choice”“”, whatever the heck “meaningful” even means here anymore, then i think they should to go to the Google Play store and find a game that fit’s their fancy way better and practically leave any Console/PC behind, honestly.