Let’s hear stories about a random act of kindness

Anyone give you random gold, maybe directions when your lost, maybe a ride via mount when you don’t know where to go or just an answer to where do I turn in this quest?

I went up to a Vulpera and told them they looked beautiful and I hope they have a great day.

They then kissed me.

The end.

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A friend of mine wanted a ruby sky serpent riding mount in mop. I waited with them till a horde player broke the shield ganked him and got him the mount.

Took about fifteen minutes but he loved that mount.

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HC level 3X paladin saw a hunter in wetlands being chased down by dinos. So I saved him at the expense of my own life.
In classic, get attacked by enough grays, you will die.

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Similar with me and SoD, I’ve been tossing out assistance to people over their head.

A couple times we both died lmao

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I once stabbed a hunter until he had 5% health left.
But then I stopped and walked away.

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I love how the topic was asking when you have received a random act of kindness, and the first five replies are all people patting themselves on the back about doing something.

I was new to dragonflight with my 70 boost from preordering tww and I didn’t know heads from tails about valdrakken or what the heck happened since legion and I was lost and actually feeling pretty anxious and overwhelmed. I had been asking in /say about how to get to orgrimmar because I wanted to get my bearings and calm myself down from all the popups and activity around me. After asking for a few minutes some kind person invited me to a group then unmounted and walked up to the orgrimmar portal with me, and even went through to show me the new portal room in Org.

Soothed my anxiety immediately and let me get my bearings slowly from org and digest all of the stuff that had been thrown at me in the form of the deluge of quest popups.


Shameless plug


Giving a shout out to all the ReMix op gear characters that give carries for low characters. They could solo those dungeons/ raids on their own but they still help people out.


When i first started playing in BC some random guy gave me 10 gold,back then that was alot

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Someone gave me rocks to put in my snowballs. That was nice of them.

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Teach me to not read the OP and go off the first reply.

I had someone give me bags once when I said I had no space for an item back when I was playing Classic

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I had a guild member buy me a transmog yak mount years ago, that was pretty awesome.

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All these stories make me a tad…idk…jealous as nobody has done kind things for me… I guess I’m not lucky. Oh well… the void was hungry so the cruel folk did nicely to appease it lol

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My very first toon. Human Warrior… Found my way to Stormwind. Explored SW then jumped in the water at the harbor… Swam all the way to Stranglethorn Vale!!! And there on the shore were a whole bunch of trolls with red nameplates and ??? for a level… I’m screwed. A pally sees me, swims out to me and says “You’ll die here. Follow me…”
Then he led me up to the ally camp north of the dwarf hunters group, killing everything on the way… I learned my lesson to explore SLOWLY…


I once changed my friend’s pet Vulpera’s litter box. While they had a wild weekend at the Goldshire Inn on Moon Guard.

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Sorry I was drunk


I actually had that happen on classic SoD just last week. Freshly made alt walking
into Org. (didnt have a high lvl on the server).
Some random character gave me 10 gold. It was nice to have to buy bags and such
to get a nice start.

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It’s okay. You’re still beautiful. :heart:


Whenever I see someone leveling or doing world quests, especially fighting elites, I’ll fly down and decimate the mob within seconds lol, because fighting stuff takes a lot longer when you’re underleveled/undergeared.

Even if I don’t need it myself.

I will purposefully tag large amounts of mobs and pull them all together, and wait for as many players to tag them as possible, before killing it all myself.

I just like helping speed along content for people.

WoW used to be a friendlier place, I don’t want folks to forget that.