Let’s hear stories about a random act of kindness

Wait are you talking about Alani, the one that needs 10 sky crystals?

If you killed the dude that means they didn’t get the mount despite being the ones who farmed those crystals (and that was a LOT of work, they had an abysmal drop rate). Not cool…

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I have played mostly Horde since Vanilla. I remember one of my first Alliance Alts was a Gnome with a funny name - a vulgar version of Bilbo Baggins, that has since been flagged and renamed.

Anyway, people would randomly offer me gold and bags while I sat around town. I was like:

“Hey, these Alliance people are really nice.”

I answered a question about delves scaling to 5 ppl on the beta

Was nicer then what some other ppl said rofl

I had a friend who loved exploring in Vanilla. And I mean, love, love exploring. The only toon he had was a dwarf hunter. He and I spent 1.5 hours trying to farm up the Hydrocane from Viscious Fall out in Gnomeregan (allows underwater breathing). When he got it, he was over the twin moons with happiness. He spent hours exploring the coasts, telling me all the cool stuff he was finding.

One night while RPing, someone randomly went and bought me the WoW Guardian cub off the AH. I had no previous interactions with this player; no idea who they were. They just opened a trade window and whispered, “Here this is for you!” <3. As soon as the trade was over, the person just walked away and logged off. It’s still one of my fav battle pets.


IDK if this counts but one time I was looking for a void elf on my blood elf to do an achievement that required crossfaction communication (can’t remember which achieve it was). I tried talking to a random void elf but they ignored me, ran off and disappeared. I did a /cry emote and two female night elf players saw what happened and started to /dance with me. I thought it was cute they tried to cheer me up. I wasn’t really upset but it made me happy, lol.


I killed Poseidus in Vashj’ir on a trial character. I didn’t know that Blizzard had made it to where you couldn’t get mount drops on those kinds of characters, so I was pretty bummed. This Draenei was swimming around and saw me kill it saying, “Congrats!” I explained that I didn’t actually get it and they replied, “I farm this guy all the time for mounts to sell. I have quite a few of them atm. Here! You can have one of mine for free.” :face_holding_back_tears:


In Stormwind there used to be someone, name started with an X who would shout out funny things and give out free pets.

He did this regularly, always made me smile and I got a few pets that way.

Back in Orgrimmar, when I had very few pets, I was given a pet for free and cherished it ever since.

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