Legion Tailoring Quest "Inspire Me!" not working

Having the same issue. Kel’Thuzad (NA)


Still bugged for me here on Moon Guard. Feels really bad that they added a bunch of profession-related achievements but left the required quests for advancement broken. :frowning:


What if you turn off the “Enable interact key” option? Not saying that it would necessarily help but it’s known to cause other proximity-related bugs. I’d try it myself but I don’t have a low-level tailor.

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Same issuse for me have they said anything about fixing this?


Nope, not a word.

Thanks for the insight, I just tested it and still didn’t work.

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yea it doesn’t work as I try everything that needs and not ticking those list u craft it… hmm


10/7/23, still broken.


10/18/2023 still not workiing…so bad


Tried again this morning. Still broken!! It’s tragic because all I really have left to do in this game(since I don’t pvp) is work on professions outside of my M+ and raiding shenanigans.

I guess I could go play something else… never thought it would be a problem like this that would end up pushing me away, but there it is. Will do my best to keep checking every once in a while, but I’ve basically lost hope in Blizzard.

If things that make up the basic structure and foundation of the game are constantly neglected, eventually it will just collapse on itself like a dying star. :frowning:


Jesus… get your act together blizzard. Still bugged.


Same here…This has been a thing for 3 months now Blizz please fix


I posted this entire thread on @BlizzardCS - I hope they care, because if they don’t, I have no clue how they are still in business and maybe it will end my addiction so I can do things that matter. I’m frustrated too.


Same … Invalid target. I also tried taking off gear until i was around ilvl 160 (because that worked with the engineering questline where i was not getting credit) and that did NOT work either. Stuck on leveling tailoring since the tailoring questline unlocks the recipes. HELP US Blizzard/ WOW Development team (or WOW Fix-It No Clue How this Broke team)


I am just curious , because i havent done this quest in ages and don’t remember it, if this is one of those quests where there is an NPC that is in dalaran and also on the map somewhere like azuna, therefore he is an invalid target at one location?

Nope… it is the quest right after you discover the Queen’s Loom in Suramar. The NPC i believe is unique in the building in Suramar.

However the bug report response by Blizzard indicates that a GM may help complete the quest. I plan to put all the items in my bags for making the robes and then putting in a ticket requesting a GM to complete for me.

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still not working as of the launch of 10.2, still get invalid target message and unable to complete the craft

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I created and submitted a ticket to a GM. They stated that it is a known issue. It does not sound like there is any planned fix for it as of now. However, the GM did allow me to complete the quest, I had the items for the crafts all in my bags and said so in the ticket. So although annoying if you are looking to complete the quest, submit a ticket and keep the materials in your bags, you will initially get an automated response, but when you get to an actual person they will complete it for you. Thanks to the helpful GM blizzards need to bring back more GMs.

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I am blocked here as described.

Same issue, still getting the “target invalid” error and unable to complete the quest.