Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

Yep…I left over WOD no flying. They added flying. So I came back. I’ve always been ok with pathfinder. The point with that one is, they fixed the thing I was having an issue with, that’s why I came back.

I agree. A max level toon in all greens should be able to solo it like nothing.

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classily sips tea on a mountain of Nightborne corpses in Nighthold :coffee: :face_with_monocle:

I am 63k HP bear and some Legion Mythic raids are nastier than my socks. :warning:
I did Emerald nightmare on Mythic and yes, I got it done solo, but I did wipe like 5 times to a few mechanics. So yes, scaling is completely off and does need to be addressed.

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A wise man once said:

Dude we came from an expansion with alot of borrowed power, you are correct that 9.3 everything will become more fluid

It will be fine and everyone will be forgetting this ever happened

All I had in BFA was benthic gear :man_shrugging:
Armory this guy, that’s what kind of gear all my characters had.

Paladin. Enough said.

Turning on Legacy mode should have been enough to make it easily cleared; obviously it isn’t giving enough bonus damage and there are probably some broken mechanics still.

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You’re a warrior you literally condemn things and that’s extreme high damage vs any of my paladin abilities

Thank you for keeping the conversation going.

We need more people to know that THERE IS A PROBLEM with legacy scaling in Shadowlands!!!

I was trying to be polite, like I said I forget

Not every warrior chose venthyr as thier covenant so that’s irrelevant to what’s going on here.

Well wouldn’t warriors pick Venthyr to dish out much damage as possible if all they do is mog runs?

I thought mog collectors tend to run these legacy content quick as possible

Most of OP’s threads are orientated around “I did it so you should be able to also.” Let’s do a big round of applause.

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Based off of this major issue with soloing legion raids im inclined to believe blizzard is timegating fixing the scaling issue. They’re holding legacy content hostage to force us to play in shadowlands to show thier shareholders “look look everyone’s in the expansion so they must love it” when the reality is very few even tolerate this expansion and are only doing it so they get what they need so they can do what they actually want to do. Which in this case is legacy content.

Such a silly debate to be had. 4 years have passed. 2 expansions later… By saying we need MORE gear for these raids, you’re literally proving that scaling IS the problem. I don’t think you even thought out your statement here.

Ooooh, so you think people should wait more like 5.5-6 years to be able to stomp these raids? Got it. Makes sense, man.

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If a person has to pick a certain covenant just to be able to solo raids from an expansion 4 years old theres a problem with the system.

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TBH saw this post and got happy. Then saw it was a pally and now its time to ignore and move along.

Except I’m not, I understand not everyone tends to get highest gear as possible, I just pointed out that later in the expansion it will be more fluid to run these raids

Me doing WoD stuff at BFA launch was alot different than running them in 8.3 with all corruption gear slots

Pathfinder? How is it not different?

Except Xavius is a joke. I’d rather facepalm.

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