Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

yep, paladin with much survivability heals and all. try doing this stuff on classes that have minimal self healing


i would say i expected them to keep the promise they made…but i learned the hard way in wod and with blackrock spire upper portion not to trust them.

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Gear will help a little bit.

But, the fact of the matter is, the scaling is way off. Kill times take too long, and gear can only help so much with that. Because it’s a scaling issue. Not a gear one.

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whats funny is legion raids were locked out during beta and on the PTR…

what did they do at all during that time?

I did mythic Nighthold last night it was easy up until the darkness within. couldn’t kill it left.

Yep, exactly, and a LOT of people are quitting over it. I have 16 days left, and I will not be returning if they haven’t acknowledged and at least made some effort toward fixing it in that time. We should be soloing BFA 5-man content right now, and 3-5 manning raids (mythic would probably require 5). Instead…BFA content is harder at 60 than 50, wtf.

If they don’t (and just maintain the silence), and I do let my time run out, JUST fixing that will not be enough to bring me back, there are a laundry list of bugs I’d require to be fixed before I’d think about returning. The state this game is in right now is absolutely pathetic, it’s the second worst it’s ever been bug-wise (6.0 was worse).

Isn’t it legacy content tho since it’s more than 10 levels underneath me? I thought we could solo legacy content for more loot… unless this is some sad attempt at timegating people from doing Transmog runs… man that would be a new low!

Go away. OFC they can be killed, that’s the not issue. Raids beyond the previous xpac SHOULD be TRIVIAL and simply a legacy mog farm.

Everyone comes back regardless what they say, I have seen some people here on these forums who swore they will never come back because BFA gave them a sour taste, only to see them post again recently

probably why they arent doing anything with legion. the mogs are too good.

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i dont see a solo on mythic fallen avatar atm - i tried to duo it with a friend, and we were still around 10% short. Got ourselves a 3rd friend - and we got him killed. We messed with mythic kj, and i dont really know the mechanics - we died a few times and gave up.

You’ll only see me posting for 16 days, then that will be it. Last time I left it was for over 3 years…and I hadn’t intended that to be permanent.

I think they removed the requirement to have an active sub to be able to post.

I know, that’s exactly why i asked. because he hasn’t tried the bosses with actual unsoloable mechanics

you can read, but not post if you’re not active

The last time you left was early BFA based on posts

You then came back in 8.3 in the summer

Nope. Left in Oct 2017. Came back (at least as a trial, wasn’t sure how long I was going to play) in Dec 2020. There are forums you don’t have to have an active sub to post on.

Scaling made a lot of old raids take longer too. On a fresh level 50 it takes longer than it did before SL to kill a boss even in Heroic 25 MoP dungeons. Not hard just takes a bit longer than it used to when just under level cap. I ran a lot of them before the change so I noticed the difference.

Fair point as I forgot you can post on technical forums

But you swore left and right your 2015 post you’ll never come back unless changes (WoD no flying)

And yet you’re here once again

My point is, everyone always come back

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A raid that launched four years ago should be trivial by now.