Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

During BfA I could solo HFC on either normal or heroic with ANY of my level 120 characters. The cannons were fixed to be tougher and I could nuke down Gorefiend in 5 seconds or less depending on what class I was using.

I tried it during pre-patch PTR with my hunter and could still do it okay on normal though it did take a bit longer. I haven’t tried to go back since SL launch to see if anything changed; I’ll try that today and see what happens.

I’m completely lost on your analogy of being able to solo 2 expansion old raids and pathfinder.

I just know whenever I did the place on mythic or otherwise I wasn’t fast enough to protect the canons from being nuked. The only way I found to deal with gorefiends mechanic was utilizing my two ghouls and one other player since for some reason his mechanic breaks the fight if it’s less than 3 people doing it.

I’m referring to the waiting part sir

If these said people can wait out for Pathfinder, why can’t they do so with raid legacy content?

Like I said before, me during BFA launch, soloing WoD content was alot different than 8.3 when I had all corruption gear filled out on my gear

What does solo’ing legion raids easily have to do with Pathfinder…? Legion Pathfinder is out, and is basically freely handed out to people now. Or are you saying because we wait for Pathfinder for 1 year after an xpac drops, people should be fine waiting 5 years to solo a raid?

No, it literally wasn’t. People farmed WoD raids all expansion, myself included.

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Yes but no on what your example is

I’m pretty sure 9.2 is coming out this coming fall, by that time there’ll be higher item level gear for all along with Pathfinder

At the end of the day you’ll get what you need in due time is what I’m saying

I was able to do it just fine on a (fire and frost) mage, affliction warlock, MM hunter, assassin rogue (This very one ;P), prot warrior, and shadow priest. The cannons were annoying but I only had to fire them like 3 times and it ended.

Gorefiend always went down so fast I never even realized he HAD a mechanic to him.

WoD content was soloable by a fresh 120 in greens/blues, because you were carried by the damage multiplier.

While there IS a damage multiplier at 60 for Legion content (see my Gul’dan screenshot above), it’s not nearly enough. While I can easily solo everything below Fallen Avatar, I’m also 210+.

You shouldn’t need current expansion heroic raid gear in order to solo raids from 2 expansions before. That’s the point you’re failing to see.


Impressive logic my man! :joy:

At the end of the day, I’ll say what I always say about this topic. This is stupid drama that Blizz is creating for no reason. There’s no negative effect of just simply giving a group of players what they want in this instance. It doesn’t negatively effect anyone else, and it makes a group of players happy.

They need to wash their hands of this drama by fixing it, stop making it a “thing”, and call it a day.


THIS is the point right here. Quoted for emphasis.

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These forum posters are actually advertising for T-Mobile’s new mobile network.

They want it all, and they want it now.

Yeah for some reason I always fail the canon part. For gorefiend yeah he has a mechanic. He’s supposed to eat someone randomly in the group. For solo or two people in my multiple testings of it the moment he goes to eat someone the eat mech glitches out and he resets, happened multiple times for it to be considered the usual blizzard bug. When I brought in a pet class his mechanic considered the pet to be another person and it went through properly.

I wonder how loud it would be if everyone on Earth did a golf clap at the same time

You can solo HFC, they made a change to it in BFA I think, you only need to fire 3 shots on Mythic I believe it is? Might be two. Below Mythic it’s 2 or 1 shot for first boss.

You can also solo Gorefiend, just blow him up :man_shrugging: When was the last time you went to these places?

During bfa and I still couldn’t solo them

Well that’s part of what the legacy damage buffs are supposed to help with; unless the mechanic is absolutely unavoidable you can down the boss fast enough that they don’t have a chance to kick in.

I don’t know what to tell you about the cannon part, that may just take some practice.

Maybe. I’ll try it again and see if anything changed since bfa

He should die in seconds (Like Legion raid bosses :rofl: )

I’m headed there now to check

That’s what I thought too but no matter what I did at the time his mechanic still kicked in and it failed the encounter.

HFC has been soloable for a year at the very least. I farmed it quite a bit for the Felsteel Annihilator.