Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

That is a bogus excuse.

This is old content being retrospectively re-tuned to require a fresh gear grind to be able to do what we could easily do at the end of BfA.

Don’t defend this crap. It’s indefensible.


farming gear for legion raids… lolol.


I see you completely missed the point of my comment. Unsurprising.

I’ve forgotten you all together?

So bad memory, along with bad reading comprehension. Got it.

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Not really bad memory, just not memorable. You know what I mean? Like, if something is important, fun, or I find interesting it leaves a impression. But just blather, I forget it. Did you want help or something?

I am not angry. I am kinda showing how as a hunter you are not able to do anything relevant in current content. Are you that bad that you cant do any 15 with your gear.

Is legion where you go to feel good that you cant do anything relevant in SL? Some day you will not be good enough to do Mythic raiding. If as the FOTM you cant even do a +15. But keep at it, must be cool to have bad RIO.

I wasn’t able to make it through that syntax and grammar buddy! If you want to tell me something a bit more coherent I possibly could understand what your point exactly is! Cheers!

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Still stuck at m+11? Nice RIO

Oh, yea no I took this week off from mythic plus dungeons because of the “tyrannical” affix. I just decided to do the 4x for Great Vault and take it easy. Then I went to do Heroic Castle Nathria. Currently 7/10 but would like to get 10/10 next week!


I dont think their RETAIL TEAM should concentrate on old content. The should pass it on their CLASSIC TEAM. CLASSIC TEAM could revive Wrath of the Lich King in the future.

I dont think Blizz made WoW game to have people play the old content. DId they make Shadowlands so people would enjoy WoTLK or Cata? I prefer timewalking on old content… Bringing some fun experience of the past. We go back to level 30 and face level 32 Bosses. Not facerolling the old content… level 60 max’d out toon vs level 32 bosses?

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This is not true. If what you said is true then all content should be affected equally. Its a lack of their implementation that is the issue. The legacy buff is not being applied properly after the stat and level squish. This is the issue.

No 1 is asking them to focus on old content. They need to make the buff and hp to be scaled appropriately, which they need to do as part of SL development or BFA will remain relevant unless they dont change the mob lvl and hp.

Why are you like this? Why do people do this? What’s the motivation? Do you think Blizzard is going to give you free game time?

As you darn well already know, nobody is saying it’s LITERALLY impossible, but rather that it is significantly more difficult, slow, and unpleasant than two-expansion-old content has ever been in the past.

Don’t be this person.


This game has timewalking raids and they adjust drops for old content for solo farm. Of course they make it so you can run old content.

The scaling is just funky right now.


Wrong again. They stated we’d be able to do everything we were able to do before.

Again, it’s the scaling being funk.


But don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong with Antorus, right?


Well all this is invalid because you are a paladin some classes have no bubbles or self heal so nice try . It’s still wonky and requires gear .

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I would love invulnerability bubbles to ignore mechanics on other classes.

That or anima powers when soloing old raids xD


no it wasn’t my girlfriend and i ran it weekly for the transmogs. even during legion we could nearly solo mythic hellfire.

Wrong, these old raids need scaled down.

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