Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

The “people” who can solo it usually are those people? Is this a trick question? Do you need a supervisor? Karen?

I can solo it, why can’t you?

yep, he’s actually being pretty insufferable for this. white knighting blizz lol

I… can’t go to Antorus if Argus is locked, I legit didn’t do Legion content on this character, I was playing a DK during Legion, which I abandoned at the middle of BFA because I came back to paladin, since I have kills in Nya’lotha

If only 1% of the players who were able to solo it in BfA are able to solo it now, you are trying to present a totally false impression to readers.

What’s wrong with you that you need to lie about the actual current situation?

I did mythic antorus hundreds of times on many characters, always in a group. What’s wrong with grouping? Does it bother you that I got all the stuff (except for that last ugly mount) without waving an epeen around and pretending to be a streamer?


Would you like me to solo it with you?

I have a character you can carry through a kil’jaeden kill.

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The point of everyones complaints is that content from 2 expansions ago isnt supposed to be “a challenge, but doable.”

The legacy buff is supposed to be enacted in that content so that you can breeze through it without a challenge, for xmog. It’s literally a switch they have to flick to fix is, Ion has said he doesn’t plan to though.

I dont know why people are defending this.


Ez pz. add me message me when I’m on tomm

I remember when WoD was a disaster. At this rate if SL trashes, we all know who to blame.

I’m not defending anything, I’m clearly saying, I can solo it easy. The only, and only fight that is “hard”; and it is simply because you must split them apart is The Coven. But I just give my pet agro, split them apart from me and then get agro on one of the other sisters. Same as I had to do for trial of valor

so you can solo it because you’re a hunter.

Ok, good for you I guess?

So in your words, “it’s doable”

exactly. it should be on wod levels of easy farm at this point where they made everything soloable for every class


Do you not have a friend, or hunter you can borrow? I can just solo it for you, legit takes me a hour or less for a antorus run. I already did my MoP this week, I still have Legion prolly.

Well, this is not BFA. This is Shadowlands. New mechanics, new features. This is how it goes now from hereon.

An ungeared tank getting pwned on lowbie dungeons. Blizz didnt promise that people would be able to faceroll old lowbie dungeons in SL.

I dont think Blizz would render their time on old content. They should concentrate on the new content.

Yeah I really dont see how any of this old content could possibly be harder if youre on a max level toon

I can’t solo SL, or do Mythic raids, just not at that level. Yet.

One day.

Do you need help little angry one? I will do it, if it asks.

If BLIZZ has balls , let them actually STATE that in a Interview, Podcast, Statement, message boards, patch notes. I dare BLIZZ to say this and see the consequences.

that’s not really the point though, the point is that you’d think they’d make this very old content easy to farm-like brainless, can do on all your alts, like they did with all other legacy content