Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

Wait so it’s soloable now legit? I just haven’t bothered with it because of the parasites.

I did it, but I also have 30 item levels on you so take it with a grain of salt.
It’s a dps race. I beat him with only ~50% hp left (I posted a SS somewhere in this thread).

So it’s obviously possible, but you shouldn’t need current heroic raid gear to clear raids from two expansions ago…

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This isn’t my main also damage intake isn’t the issue it was chain stuns from parasites if that’s gone it’s very doable. But yeah for sure scaling is wacked right now.

A lot of people spend their time doing this and collecting transmog and mounts. Your post basically makes excuses for blizzard not allowing a large part of the playerbase to play the way the want for MONTHS. That is stupid.

We shouldn’t have to wait because Blizz has no clue how to fix the monster they created. Must have looked good on paper.

I’ve already done this. They don’t care if it’s technically doable. They just want their free transmog, not to be challenged by fun solo content.

I didn’t notice parasites spawning until he was low (maybe 20%), but maybe they did before that and just got insta killed by Eye Beam or even Immolation Aura.

That said, damage does stack quickly. Like I said, I ended up at 50% HP even though I had Meta the whole time (so massive leech), where every other fight I barely even take damage.

Did this guy ever post video proof of him soloing Eonar or Coven?

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now she me you killing aggramar or kill jaeden

It is NOT a dps race. It took you nearly 4 minutes to kill him. When I could solo him in legion I killed him in less than a minute. And again, it’s entirely possible you’re trolling and this guy will waste his time.

I sincerely hope you’re just trolling, otherwise I feel really sorry about the kind of life you can aspire to on such limited intellect.

My best wishes to you.

Oh yeah with comments like this why would I ever think you’re a troll sarcasm

Making trivial content inconvenient and time consuming or now requires a group isn’t going to work.
Taking away player power is going to have a backlash, you haven’t seen it yet. We haven’t even got to the lul in this expansion, where you start to see lots of players running old content to collect while they wait for a patch or new expansion.
Be prepared for a much larger audience of angry customers, who have no idea that they lost their player power.

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But I was able to clear WoD raids at the beginning of BFA in not corruption and non azerite gear :thinking:

Is working as intended per Ion

So was other comments they have made.

Don’t you have phones?

You think you do but you don’t !

What part of this is trolling?



You know, you’re right, that wasn’t constructive.
Let me try this in bite sizes so maybe your teeny tiny brain can comprehend:

Except is is. One between your dps and Parasitic Wound stacks.

Absolutely nothing in the screenshot I posted could possibly give you the idea that it had taken me 4 minutes to kill him. If anything, and going by the fact that my Hunt cooldown is still rolling in that SS, you could infer that it took me at most 76 seconds (90s CD minus 14s remaining)

Do you think the earth is flat? Because this would be much easier to debunk, and here’s how: You hearth to Dalaran, you skip to Elisande, and you try for yourself.

Now, why would I lie about something that could be disproved by pretty much anyone, within 10 minutes?

Except it’s not, or at least wasn’t. Before you’d be chain stunned 100%. It’s not the damage they do it’s that you can’t do anything anymore. Every one second you’d get stunned for 3.

Total damage done divided by dps. This isn’t difficult math.

Crap post. Reasons listed in a multitude of other replies already.

Sub runs out soon. They won’t let us solo 4 year old content like we’ve been able to do easily in the past? Fine. I’m gone until they stop dictating how we should have fun.

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