Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

Only if they have a Guldan lockout, and because people like trolling? Are you new to the forums?

You have your proof, I’m done with you. Good luck with life.

Your proof is a screen shot. An easily doctored one. Your answer to my suspicions was you got all the loot? Bring three guys that already killed Guldan. Bam you get all the loot. Your cool downs? How is that supposed to tell me anything? You can just as easily use them to finish him off.

Simple fact is I never said you were trolling I said it’s possible you are so the guy quoting ME should not take it as incitement to go run the raid as I don’t know if it’s real.

Yes, I know.

Which doesnt make the change suck any less.

In bfa a fresh 120 cannot solo mythic hellfire citadel. You are right my friend

Huh yeah they could. I did it all the time for the mount.

It’s WCL. You can’t dupe WCL. If other people were in the group you’d see passive auras or regen or anything from other sources.

You can even watch the replay. Every ability, every heal, every buff/debuff. It’s all there to watch.


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This. The raids should be brain dead level just like WoD at this point.



That was posted much later buddy. Try to keep up.

Xalvador you seem to have a serious misunderstanding of how legacy content has worked in the past.

Content from two expansions prior is supposed to be extremely easy. Nobody said it was impossible. It’s just clearly not working the way things have always worked. You’re supposed to walk in and just face roll over everything even in Mythic difficulty.

Soloing Mythic Antorus should not be merely “possible” it should be easy. It shouldn’t even require decent gear. Wearing quest greens should be good enough. That is how it always worked prior to level squish.


That’s really all that needs to be said. The tuning for legacy is WAY off. End of story.


So what you’re saying pretty much is unless you’re an elite current raider you can’t do old stuff now. Cool, great job blizzard way to gatekeep old content only to people currently well geared.

Profile hidden for good reason I assume, lol

probably to prevent people putting him on ignore.