Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

It would take you about 10 minutes to unlock Argus.

They have been tweaking old raid encounters for years to let people solo them.


So you said we need 200+ (assuming you mean 200+) gear for content that is right now 15 levels below us… and then you say there isn’t anything to fix about legion’s scaling.



To add to this, adding battle pet drops to old bosses was pretty much their way of officially sanctioning it as an in-game activity. Allowing us to permanently collect appearances for transmog was just icing.

(Prior to this it was more of an unofficial thing certain classes could do for fun, and occasionally some gold. Magtheridon used to drop 500 before the nerf.)


That’s not the point, it’s the fact is you were even suggesting that I cheated in any way. What are you, 10?

8.3 made soloing legion raids easier true but it was possible before that as well. It is ironic that you “claim” to understand the disconnect yet you are not even close to the mark. Let me try to explain step by step:

  • Legion is now TWO EXPANSIONS AGO
  • At no point in wow history, the raids from 2 expansions ago were this difficult. Actually since the stat squish of 6.0, raids of 2 expansions of ago were basically one shot.
  • If you want to make a correct comparison, you can check how easy WOD raids were to clear when we were in BFA. My freshly max leveled alts could clear WOD last year.

Blizz totally missed the mark with the new stat squish scaling and they are refusing to fix it although it has been reported since prepatch beta. BFA scaling is messed up even worse, there are mobs in open world that are hard to kill right now but no one wants to touch BFA with a 10 foot pole so its not as highlighted as legion issues.


Much of the Legion stuff was soloable in BFA (110 to 120 char level)

ALL of the WoD stuff was soloable in any difficulty in BFA (100 to 120 char level)

ALL of the Legion stuff should be soloable in Shadowlands.
Some of the BFA stuff (normal dungeons) should be soloable with Shadowlands normal raid level gear.


It is soloable, now this very moment.

Any class with massive self healing (Pally) can solo these bosses. Otherwise its not feasible to be doing it right now.

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Depends on what your definition of feasibility is. I call less then 1 hour for Argus easy, or Nighthold

Who said anything about ret dps?

Just you.

My only contribution to this thread is that I have been able to solo some of the mythic legion raids over the last two days trying for xmogs.

I didn’t play from Cataclysm until Shadowlands, and so did not know mechanics going in.

As a roughly 217 ilvl DK, I was killing bosses most effectively as unholy, because of the mechanics shenanigans requiring extra targets in various instances or to break apart proximity auras.

I do believe that as people approach item levels 233 perhaps the content would be inversely scaling in difficulty in a non-linear fashion to such an effect that people may cross some hard coded threshold at which point they get exponential multipliers trivializing the content.

That does not mean that the content now is impossible. It may be for most players and is certainly extremely difficult, unfair, and requires pretty extreme gear.

The difficulty does not appear to be intelligently balanced based on the duration of time from the prior expansions, which suggests to me a design philosophy decision, and likely / decision to slow walk fixed, in order to retain customers for longer as they away changes.


I could do mythic xavius last expansion, with garbage gear. I farmed my paladins mythic set from there. The point was this stuff was supposed to get easier, not equal/harder after another two years. If I could do it in ilvl 90gear (after scaling), it shouldn’t be the same difficulty with ilvl 200.

This would be more of an issue for me if I didn’t care so little about the bfa sets, completely generic (“greetings plate user”) and almost all ugly as well. :-/

I do wonder how many people there are like me who like to farm transmogs, that basically saw that portion of the game eliminated with bfa.


whats missing the the legacy damage buff they havent added it for some reason

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yes they did its just a really really low damage modifier at x8. it needs to be buffed. i wish people would stop spreading this.

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It’s entirely a possibility, you’re some random stranger on the internet, i’m supposed to trust you over game mechanics i’ve personally experienced?


Why am I paying for this game if I can’t even enjoy the content that I enjoy which is LEGACY CONTENT.


As a 165 prot warrior I could solo mythic Freehold, mostly as an experiment. I haven’t tried the other dungeons because I got bored of how long it took (the last boss lived long enough to see four Ancient Aftershocks).

Presumably some bosses are still impossible for certain classes (at the very least, Temple of Sethriss last boss), but as far as incoming damage goes, any tank in 160+ gear can handle it. It just takes forever.

I don’t know who hurt you, but I hope things get better for you.

There is stuff to fix because these were all soloable for a large chunk of bfa and now they aren’t without significant gear.

Not for all classes / specs. Going into Uldir as a frost mage on normal, the first boss is pretty much unkillable. In BFA i was able to get him down through the elevator sequence. My character is much weaker right now as to during BFA, which needs to be fixed.