Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

There’s absolutely a scaling problem, what? Stop simping for a billiion dollar company, you fool.


Your paladin should have been nerfed weeks ago. Most all classes are not at the power level of the broken paladin.

But keep thinking its your skill…not the broken class you are allowed to keep playing.

??? What are you on about


Ret paladin is nowhere near the top dps charts, I’m afraid it’s your class that needs a check mr fire mage :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m half HP. You can see my Blur, Eye Beam and The Hunt are all still in cooldown, and I can’t even use The Hunt without a valid target. Where else would I use it?

Lastly, I looted every single item. If there had been someone else, loot would have been split.

I don’t know what to tell you. The picture is pretty self explanatory.

This is the crux of the issue right here.

Every time we’ve had a squish, we’ve ended up weaker than we were before (and losing borrowed power is only a part of it). The animosity comes from their claims that “you will be just as strong relative to the enemies as you were before” when not once has that actually been the case.

And it was never going to be. When three tiers of gear once went 150 crit -> 165 crit -> 180 crit, only for the squish to bring them down to 10 crit -> 11 crit -> 12 crit, yeah, of course we are going to end up worse off for it. You can see this in Nazjatar when upgrading benthic gear: the second upgrade is +2 item levels for 10 prismatic pearls and not a single stat changes. Same thing with old normal/heroic raids. Run Firelands on normal and then on heroic. I challenge you to spot a difference in stats between the normal/heroic version of an item besides the “Heroic” tag.

And all of this would be fine if they had said up front “yeah, the squish is going to be a setback at first for the reasons described above, it can’t be helped”. I’d like to think that most of us would have been happy with that explanation.

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Then they changed the fight. Before you had to kill him within 30 seconds, 60 if you have a full immunity, or the parasites will continue stacking on you until you’re permanently stunned. He also makes it impossible to heal yourself so you can’t survive it.

It used to be harder to solo than anything in Tomb.

This makes me want to try the fight again to see what is going on here.

Yeap, either this guy cheated somehow, or they DID fix some of the fights to make them more solo friendly.

Yeah, I agree with you last time I did it you had to beat him before you were perma stunned.

If nothing else they seem to have fixed Imonar the Soulhunter. He no longer uses sleep canister if you’re alone (and maybe you need to be in tank spec; I dunno, as I fulfilled both conditions at once).

Eonar is still in need of the same fix as they gave Hellfire Fortifications, though, where the cannons gain the same legacy damage reduction that players do (as long as at least one such player is present, obv.)

Clearly you need to be in between Normal and Heroic raiding item level to attempt a raid solo.

From an expansion that was 4 years ago.

That was also soloable with the same situation prior to scaling in the prior expansion.

Wrong hill to die on and missed the forest for the trees I believe!

Scaling is broken and they lied to us.


Not impossible, in fact people soloed many of those bosses in Legion.

But it’s way too time-consuming and difficult for raid bosses that our characters should have significantly outpowered by now. Level 60s should one-shot level 48s.

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Lmaooooo this man should go do that before posting this crap


Here is the source of the gripe for some.

I too can kill EN bosses at 197. It takes forever…

We want the scaling WoD has/had to BFA. You go in on a boss like black hand and it went like this.

up to 5 shots floor break 1 (class/spec depending, a ramp up spec like S. Priest BFA setup needed time to ramp up)

up to 3/4 shots dead or floor break 3

up to 3/4 shots…final floor dead.

So roughly 15 shot bosses give or take.

This makes runs tolerable. As many of us mog/mount hunters do not go in here uber. I didin’t in BFA. I was an open world casual no dungeon or lfr or trcked out corruptions.

We also go in here several times a night. DK run, Pally run, hunter…etc. Its not one time. We like faster clears because when its HFC or foundry night…its a whole night. run, change char/class. Run, change char/class.

For the motivated who have 2 classes…its 2 runs per class. If DK 1 failed at drops I will send in DK 2. When dealing with RNG your only weapon is brute force. It speeds it up vice waiting for 1 week shots only.

Mythic EN does not do this. First boss has alot of HP bat left after a very strong NF covenant opener with true focus lego for one of my hunters. This lego halves cost of all casts in true shot. You conduit up to boost ts timer/fae bonus…and you have one hell of an opener of aimed shot salvos. Since a hunter is no longer focus starved it is literally fire when up no waits all casts.

Even this that first dragon laughs at the damage.


How can you be so dense? I’m probably resisting the stuns because I’m L60.

I didnt at 120.

Also nice little troll cutting out the part where i say Blizzard fixed it.

Two people can completely change the meaning of a sentence here.

Sorry but Hunter pets are actually able to tank bosses in older content because of Misdirection. Warlock pets cannot get and hold agro on raid bosses no matter what.

You’re actually trolling, the canon boss is easy to solo.

I’m not trolling actually. If you bothered to read the rest of the thread you would see that but instead you decide to make a baseless claim. Next time read instead of automatically assuming.

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i mean by that logic, if they plan to make old content unneccessarily difficult so only a tiny handful of players can re-run it, they might as well delete it. Its just unused polygons that every new player is forced to download when they start the game now, delete a few GB of no longer wanted raid spaces then.

See how thats a horrible idea? Maybe someone from a former art department upset a top dog at blizz now so what better revenge than to make the content they built no longer doable?