Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

Could be im just not fast enough. I mean I do play a death knight one of the worst in mobility.

I’ve done it on my DK too. Maybe you haven’t gone back since they fixed it?

You have a lot of time before the mobs kill the turrets (assuming your problem is the first boss). The only way you can fail the encounter really is by trying to.


I was soloing it a yr ago on Mythic which means it should be 100x easier now considering we are in a new expansion.

Honestly I’m not sure how I keep failing the first encounter. I’m running hard back and forth between the canons and somehow one still gets nuked by the mobs to oblivion. I’ll try again though

Just stay in the middle of both turrets and kill anything that comes at you.

Eventually some catapults will spawn. When killed, they will drop ammo that you need to pick up and carry to the turrets so they can fire at the gate.

I think by the third “delivery” the gate should open up and the encounter will finish.

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I just got the first encounter down, if I were doing it on my DK and having trouble I would pop army after the chick runs away and dot one siege tank and attack the other then once I killed the siege tank I’d grab the ammo, run up to the cannon on the side I was on and kill the mobs, then run to the other side (you should still have speed buff) and kill those mobs then grab the ammo from the other siege and run it up to the cannon

I’ll try it again

I can’t see what spec you are, but if you happen to be frost, it’s extra easy because you can just spam howling blast and it’ll splash to the whole pack as they spawn.

I’m unholy. But I do have a frost and blood dk. Ill try with all three and see which one works better for it.

Some argue that Legacy Mythic Legion Raids should be one shottable, due to it being 2 expansions old, and that they (said mythic raids) would follow the precedented pattern prior to the Shadowlands expansion? In my opinion, if this is the new system to keep old content relevant, then they have created a clunky system.

Got him down, included the gear I’m wearing as well


Looms, benthic gear and greens from party sync caches lol

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Could be the coding issues many of have seen from 50 to 60. Things at 50 were ten times easier than at 60. That said grats!

I have faith in you Oedon! If you have trouble at 60 let us know :smiley:

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It would not compare to a single clap by Chuck Norris.

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Chuck Norris has nothing on these guns.

Flexes in Blood Elf.

So either they changed the fight or you had help and then they left. It took you nearly 4 minutes to kill Illidan, “no damage is shown for Guldan on that btw, and you never leave combat so it should be.” And you’d have been chain stunned until death 50 times over.

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OK took my level 51 104IL MM hunter into HFC (normal) and dismissed the pet.

For the cannons, as others have said, stay in the middle at first and nuke everything that comes out of the drop balls. As soon as one of the war machines comes up close nuke it and run the munitions it drops to a cannon. You get a speed buff carrying the box so you may be able to get back into the middle before too many more enemies drop in. Two shots from the cannons took the gate down and ended it for me.

Gorefiend went down in about 3 seconds and never tried any mechanic at all. (no pet out for him either.)

Your mileage may vary.

I can try it with another slower class but it went pretty much just as I remembered so I’m fairly sure I can do it again just as before.

Condemn doesn’t give Warrior higher dps than Pally. Even with condemn and some buffs, both dps specs are around lower mid-tier to upper lower tier depending.

Arms does much better in PVP but that obviously would not apply to raids.

The differences in damage between Venthyr, Kyrian and Night Fae are negligible. Only Necro lags behind.

But none of that should be relevant in content that was legacied last spring. It was the squish and the always funky scaling that was added mid-Legion that is the issue and needs fixed.

Not item level or borrowed power.

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of course its not impossible its just horribly slow and frustrating thanks to the bad scaling, what is annoying it was easier in the prepatch lmao.

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