Legion Remix - Mage Tower

As someone with a few mage tower appearances I’m all for them coming back people also forget at the end of legion your weapon got a massive power boost and most people 1 or 2 shot the mage tower then.

they should absolutely not bring the OG mage tower rewards back. especially in a remix situation where things will be trivial.

recolors though? bring it on


Mage tower was trivial at the end of legion your point is moot.

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not even remotely as trivial as anything in remix would be.

btw it’s “moot” at least learn to use the right words.


Doesnt matter. It will never be the same. Washed up argument…

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Ok but as someone who played in legion and at most had heroic dungeon gear mage tower was so easy I even cleared a few of them so they were beyond trivial.

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No, I’m not over 40, but I was old enough when Vanilla launched to have considered it. I just preferred Civ back in those days. But, unless you’re saying you JUST became old enough to decide to play this game, I’m not going to guess an age because some families might allow it early while others would stop a kid from playing this game, but unless that’s true then you HAVE at some point in the past few years at least decided to not play, or put of getting into the game until now. Either way, it is always on humans when to decide to do something. Marketing may attempt to manipulate that decision, but at the end of the day it’s on us each individually.

And yes, I guess I am saying, if you weren’t old enough to play vanilla on launch you shouldn’t get that prestige. Go play classic and earn it like they did. Beyond that (I believe talks of MoP classic currently on the table, but Cata is out) most of the “prestige” items from WoD to current can be obtained aside from AoTC stuff. Which by definition should stay gone once it’s time is up. So, because it’s still possible to get the “prestige” stuff from modern expacs, and classic exists to earn the prestige from back then. It sounds like you don’t want to put in the work to earn the prestige, you’d rather just have it given to you because you spent 20 or so dollars. So if that’s the case, screw prestige, screw limited events or raid tiers. Just give everyone everything and then let them decide what they want to do once there’s nothing left to do.


I honestly shouldn’t be surprised that someone on the forums is exaggerating or outright lying about something they have little to no experience with. Carry on.

Oh, and don’t be sorry. My holy priest artifact weapon skin from the mage tower looks awesome and is one of the rarer ones. It’s a beautiful skin to boot, my main almost always uses it.


I’d just be happy with recolors of the mage tower stuff.

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It’s still a gaslighting argument.

“You weren’t there, you weren’t aware, so we do not care.”

While I agree that not everything should come back, the racial FOMO stuff needs to stay within reach for everyone. Limiting this is one of the grave mistakes the game makes.

Incompetent argument and gaslighting attempt, on top of an emotional response.

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It can’t work with remix with how insane remix can get.

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While I agree Mage-Tower Appearances should be brought back, I don’t think remix is the way to do it …

Personally I think they should just make it the current mage-tower as it is in retail, if you complete it on the respective class / spec — Then you should get the appearance. :person_shrugging:

As someone who has most of them, I feel like 6 years is PLENTY of time to have enjoyed my FOMO content → However, I’d still like players to earn it in some capacity … Remix is meant to be cheesing everything with overpowered ease, which kind of makes a mockery of the whole expansion — Retail, whilst still not in the exact expansion content / class balance etc as back when it was current, is still a lot better than that. :slight_smile:

I’ve re-attempted the Mage Towers in retail & still deem them difficult enough to be worthy of being presented the rewards upon completion. :dracthyr_nod:

:100: Percent … The healing mage tower was MASSIVE pain :joy: :sob:

Like, calling that “easy” is just mentally insane or a lie posed off as a flex, lol

I remember I’d died on my resto-druid and my HoTs kept them up just enough to finish the kill – I was like THAAAAAAAANK GOD!! :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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I think the issue is that they are percieved as being difficult to get. When they first came out they certainly were… I struggled to get all but one of mine being a long time mythic raider.

The thing is though they never tuned them after that… I have every mage tower artifact and most of the updated armor sets.

The last tier of the patch made the mage tower pretty easy to do if you farmed mythic plus. Yes one shots could kill you but it was far,far easier.

People don’t remember that or are not honest about it when beinging it up. Its a lot like the cm sets from mop once people found out gems didn’t scale and ran carry groups with 20+ gems on their gear ( might of been less then that but mop had a lot of 3 gem armor slots)

I am certainly a different player then i was back in legion. But the Holy priest one was a PAIN. Thank goodness for Guardian Spirit and Spirit of redemption. Was able to keep the group topped off before it ended for the win.

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Yeah GA and Spirit of Redemption saved me too :joy:
I thought it was funny I died BOTH on my priest & druid but had enough heals to make it through to the very end :partying_face:

Truly took:

“Lok’tar Ogar!”

— To the next level. :fist:

You’re a mythic raider so of course it was going to be easy for you at the end of legion. For the average WoW player it was still not easy at the end of legion. I think people spouting the nonsense that mage tower was a free win at the end of legion are the ones being dishonest. And most of them don’t even have the achievement. LFR is full of dps players who do less damage than healers. I’ve lost count of the number of keys I’ve run over the last 3 expansions where somehow the pug DPS that joined has a 2K rating but didn’t use a single interrupt or defensive the entire key, and they used their major offensive CD like twice. These players were not capable of doing even the “easy” end of expansion version of the tower. And there are a lot of players like this.

I have all 36 and for a while I didn’t care whether they got brought back or not. But I’m so tired of the players that want the appearances belittling the original achievement because they think that justifies it being brought back.

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I think the point if contention comes from people using the difficulty of it as a reason for its exclusivity. I can say that modern mage tower is far more difficult then last patch mage tower.

I don’t wish to belittle your achievement and a full set across all classes and roles is quite a feat. Its more I would like to see others be allowed to earn them as well.

If Legion Remix only lasted 60-90 days then I see no problem why they couldn’t reintroduce the artifact weapon appearances into the Mage Tower. Whether the originals or a new recolor. Just turn off the Remix powers/gems and make it a challenge. It is a short window for people to be able to do it and keeps the “special” integrity of them once Legion Remix ends.

I used to be anti-bring them back but I’ve softened over the years, seeing someone else with them wouldn’t make mine less special. Yesterday I had someone whisper me “where did you get that purple glaive?” and I had to tell them they were removed from the game, and I hate that feeling. Bring em all back Blizzard.

I only did 2 of the modern towers before I got bored because it wasn’t really new since the challenges didn’t change much if at all. And I find it hard to compare. The second go around I went in with much more knowledge plus several more years of playing so I’d hope I improved in ability even just a little. Anyway not important. For me personally, if they bring back the appearances I just want them to be earned via a skill challenge, not a remix scenario where you SWP the boss and it dies in 2 ticks, or bought via currency for killing 100 boars. It doesn’t matter how the difficulty of the skill challenge compares to the original. It won’t bother me if it’s easier. There will always be somebody that finds the challenge trivial and somebody that needs a 1000 tries.

That is fair.