Legion Remix - Mage Tower

Of course not. In fact, you don’t even “have” it, because the moment the game servers closes, all is lost. In WoW’s case, it will likely go HotS, with making absolute everything available, for all time.

That’s a reach lol. I gave my experience on the mage tower challenge that I did when it was CURRENT content and I did it with my eyes closed. Nothing you say changes that.

I know you’re trying to sting with the holy priest appearance, but I don’t care. :skull:

All the appearances should be back, including the one I did with my eyes closed back in legion. It’s been several expansions now. Mythic cosmetics aren’t as gate kept as some of this stuff it’s insane.

Not really. You may not agree with them, which is fine. But it’s not gaslighting.

You use that argument a lot and also incorrectly. You may want to look up the definition.

As would I. But as a recolor. Because I want new rewards as well.

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It’s the correct usage for the given situation and argument-style the user provides, thank you.

This is probably fair. Link it to the current Mage Tower completion and then make it purchasable for some high amount of TW tokens - like 10k.

This both keeps some semblance of a challenge while introducing additional costs for not getting it half a decade ago.

And Frostmourne for DK’s since 2-Hand frost is a thing again.

Mage Tower was never trivial even at the end of the expansion especially for people who got all of them.

Some specs were utter nightmarish to get it right, outlaw rogue was easily one of the worst specs for me by far.

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This is a good suggestion but the prices are too high. You’re talking about a year of investment. 1000-1500 per set is a tolerable price, because you oversee the following problem:

The Trading Post is meant to be an engaging metric on a monthly basis. Forcing a player not to engage with the purchasable content for almost a year risks losing them in the long term, resulting in people not paying for the game.

Reskinned mounts are 5k. If MT rewards are as desirable as I’m told then 10k is a fair compromise.

It’s a bad take on your personal cognitive surroundings, but from a developer’s perspective it’s unreasonable and out of touch, how to manage a game based on monthly metrics and player engagements.

When you’re trying too hard to look smart

Again, reskinned mounts are 5k tokens. It wouldn’t take a year to get 10k with a concerted effort.

It’s not bad game design in an MMO for some desirable rewards to take longer. A red proto drake takes an entire year.

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Yes and No. As you might know, your behavior is based on your subconscious mind, which is affected much by emotions (Happiness, Trauma, Anger, etc.). Your being is a result of this, which dictates your behavior in every given topic.

Even under half a year is still no good design choice for a shop-based metric.

You should speak this aloud to get a taste for how embarrassing this is.

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I work in this medic and psychological field and earn full time money (academic pay grade) for half time-work in the Swiss. So, yes, I know one or two things about this topic.


Opinion ignored.

Why don’t you just make a WoW2 in your account settings? It retains all your earned cosmetics, mounts, and titles. No need to make a whole new separate account.

Albeit, we were intentionally stronger in Legion than we have ever been. So Remix Legion would just fit this bill as we will be even stronger than stronger than ever.

Legion was intended to be the opening of the final arc of the original WoW story. Obviously, Blizz isn’t going to let a cash cow die without milking it for all its worth. Metzan is a storyteller though, and storytellers don’t begin a story without a clear endgame in mind. So, canonically, those versions of us being insanely strong is needed because we were supposed to take down a God then Void God’s. We needed to be stronger than “stronger than ever before”.

It’s obviously head canon, but sometimes I like to sit back and imagine what WoW would have been if Metzan and Blizz didn’t have a falling out in Legion. Would BFA/SL have happened and howu much better would they have been when they did. Take the Lore Master out of a story and it begins falling apart. Put him back and maybe they can salvage the wreckage to finish their story.

Lol. Anyone who says MT wasn’t easy during Antorus patch must be a keyboard turning clicker with literal brain damage.

I got all 36 done. During Antorus but they weren’t all easy or you wouldn’t have people who played Legion still asking for the return of the skins.

Some people still couldn’t do it at the end with buffed up weapons lol.

36/36 mage tower appearances bring them back. I played gear limbo with classes I didn’t even understand to get half of them. Many of the challenges folded before real mechanics hit. Just give me boa side colors like EVERY OTHER ARTIFACT APPEARANCE and we’re good. If we don’t have to do balance of power on every character, we sure don’t need to do 10 rbgs.

Like new mage tower is outright harder then antorus mage tower and it’s not even close, and its hard to just expound how much this is the case since in theory you could go 100 ilvl over intended ilvl drums pots(legion pots were dirt cheap) double bis legendary, in prepatch you just got so much free power from your artifact weapon going haywire. It trivialized every challenge but the healer one, and even then, it was by a factor of how much it was trivialized compared to the ones that just died in a minute or two with mechanics canceled by big damage(read middle of the pack lfr damage).

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