Legion numbers are being used in Classic (proof)

  1. You take the assets and some script code from a game developed in 2003-7ish.
  2. Then you squeeze that old code and assets into a shiny new code base that is not compatible.
  3. You make all the obvious adjustments first.
  4. You enter all the features and user stories into your tracking system
  5. You release a minor update to your in house QA and they test.
  6. They find bugs and enter them into the tracking system.
  7. The talk about each and ever bug each morning in a scrum meeting.
  8. And they work on them.

Some don’t get caught right away because of the scope of the job at hand. And some just have not been worked on yet.

As someone mentioned. They have a fix. So they know about it. They logged it. A developer fixed it and they have it. They have not pushed it out yet.

 that’s how a bug like this can slip through. Except. . it didn’t slip through. . did it? We are talking about it right now. see? It’s known. .


And this is why BETA testing is so damn important.

Now I am curious on how the CASTER type spells are working; are they “BFA-Normalized” in any sort of way?

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You do realize how much damage this actually accounts for, right?

That’s true, I’m sure testing will intensify now that there’s been a confirmed bug resulting in higher than expected damage.

That’s what I’m wondering. They’ve been working on this game for a couple years now. We’re two months from release and they didn’t know they had Legion numbers on instant attacks? That’s

How much else is wrong? And not just number-wise, but
everything. I’ve pointed out a few bugs. I’ve seen a lot of bugs people uncovered during Beta (that still exist). And it’s not just ‘bugs’, it’s inconsistencies from using the Modern client. And there’s a LOT of them. And we’re so close to launch. They really need to start squashing them. I really wish they’d open up the Beta more. They clearly need more people doing testing.


Where were you months ago?

Weapon normalization didn’t effect white hits. It only effected certain instant attacks, and not all of them either.

It was a means to “level” out the playing field, so slightly quick 2h weapons weren’t entirely ignored and considered useless to Arms warriors, etc.

Fwiw, the original numers were:
1.7 Daggers
2.4 Other 1h
3.3 2h
2.8 Bow

Could actually be quite a lot with good gear for the level.

Makes me curious if they some how got the Legion / Parry / dodge / avoidance mixed in too

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Ah, I missed the instant attack thing. White damage still seems high on my paladin, but I am happy to chalk it up to 14 years.

It’s possible they have the attack power scaling wrong too.

Spell damage coefficients could be jacked up also.

There are a plethora of things that could be wrong, and this is why BETA testing is soooooooooo needed.


That’s what this is.

Bumping just so we can hopefully have more investigation on this.

Been here since this forum opened. You can find posts from me going back to 2018.

Bumping this thread isn’t worth it. The issue has been acknowledged and fixed by Blizzard.

More testing of other coefficients, algorithms needs to happen and bugs opened if they are off.


Are you kidding
there’s posters already dismissing it saying it’s such a small change that it doesn’t matter.

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You’re attributing these feelings of yours that Classic is too easy, to a 3% damage differential between 1.12 and Classic. How would this:

You were just so quick to jump on the “I told you so, we knew something was wrong” wagon, that you didn’t even sit down and really think about the actual implications of this single bug.

Do you think this “single bug” is the only bug where subsequent expansion code leaked through ?

Don’t you want an authentic classic ?
Why are you so closed minded in thinking that Blizzard never makes mistakes ?


There was the Stoneskin bug and this now this one. It’s possible there are more bugs concerning the difficulty of Classic. The opposite of this situation is also possible; that there are bugs making it more difficult.

The damage of the mobs is correct, video evidence confirms that. Once this bug is fixed and players math out the damage for Physical DPS, that will leave casters to be thoroughly tested.

Not to mention, you’re attributing all your experiences to this bug. You’re the one who said:

You didn’t mention other possible bugs. You took a roughly 3% damage buff and claimed that was the reason you could kill 3 level 3 boars on Classic, when you did it “somewhere else” (private server), all 3 of those boars lived. You’re not so subtlety implying that you’d prefer Classic to have Private server tuning.

I’m not implying anything of that sort. But the PS is the only place where I can see how 1.12 behaves. It certainly is closer than trying to rely on 15 year old memories.

And I have checked the numbers against the bestiary/guide books.

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Fair enough but keep in mind that some private servers purposely tuned things to be much more difficult.