Legion numbers are being used in Classic (proof)

Yeah I’ve noticed that too, the constant shilling from some folks. I think they have ambitions of being community mvps.


It’s a good bug report.
Its reported.
Let’s carry on

Did we really spend all that time asking why no one was talking against it?

Its a good bug. . The point of the beta…

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must be some of that holdover data that they missed
the client is based on legion’s client, after all

Honestly has far i can see, it’s barely a difference anyway lol. I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had gone over the radar.

Really interesting finding, I remember when attack speed normalization first went in to Vanilla though hadn’t realized it was later updated.

Would be great to get the QA team to take am closer look with the reference client, thanks for promoting this/spreading the word!

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happy dance, happy dance…so glad they are going to fix it.

Now can someone with beta forum access please post the data about spells powering up as you level?

5 days is good?

Yes considering they also posted they have a fix.
that means they saw it and were debugging to verify whether or not that bug was a true bug.


I tried to tell everyone but I got shooed away because “blizzard has da nummers durrr”.


Me too Furidar…but that didn’t shut me up.

And I will continue the good fight to make classic as authentic as possible.
We just need to make sure the bugs keep getting bumped to get attention.


How does a bug like this even slip through the cracks?

Too many changes over the course of 7 expansions and not enough headcount at Blizz to test it all ?

I suppose resources is the likely culprit here. Classic team is probably 2 people.

and the majority of beta testers are really just playing the game and following the streamers around.

It’s not like blizzard really ever wanted to make Classic to begin with… With how many time they totally refused in the past. But hey private server folk = $$$

I will say I don’t really know what to expect from the difficulty of classic. I played on 2 different private servers and the difficulty of the end game dungeons was vastly different.

:man_facepalming: Do ya even lift bro? Do ya?

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Dungeons and raids…data is sporadic. But out in the open world…plenty of data and algorithms can be found.

Actually, I said in a couple posts during the first stress test and since then that something felt off especially from levels 1-5 and that it felt more like retail leveling because I was killing things most times in two to three hits.

I was told those levels were never hard and that my memory was wrong. While maybe it wasn’t hard back then, it sure wasn’t as easy as I have experienced in the stress tests. Me being able to kill three spiders without hardly any issues in Shadowthread Cave in Shadowglenn is an example I have used a couple times. Three spiders used to mean sure death back then more times than not.

So yes, people have been saying this but have been getting either ignored, told our memories were wrong and Blizzard had the accurate numbers.

It’s good to finally have some proof of this.