"Classic is too easy"

Back then it took 2 hours to lvl because we didn’t know how to lvl and what quests were gonna give us x2 than normal. The lvling experience feels the exact same to me as I remember it.

Eh, I remember leveling a lot of low level toons and that was really what I saw, even when I knew what I was doing in the game. I’m sure the very first toon I played took like 5-10 hours to get around level 10 or so just because I was walking around like a chicken with my head cut off.

That two hour(ish) window held very true for me, I think I was always trying to beat that or something because I’d usually do it in about 2.5 hours or something.

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When an 11yr old who can barely see over the desk is dying to low level mobs, they remember it as hard, when they’re 26. A 26 yr old remembering it at 41 is a bit more likely to be accurate.

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Everything is easier… they normalized the weapon speeds… like in Legion…

So I looked at weapons…

2h: everything is 3.6

1h: everything is 2.6

Dagger: 1.8

I hope this get reversed…

Quest reward I got was a 2H at 3.3 speed, found a 2H later at 3.2 speed. Not sure if you’re talking about items later on in the game, but I definitely saw non-3.6 2Hs while playing on the stress test. Didn’t look at 1H speeds though.

Also weapon speeds got normalized a long long long time ago. It wasn’t normalized in legion lol.

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Woups. I miss understood this post then!

Vanilla WoW was more about time investment. Not much skill was involved. Example: see rank 14 Grand Marshals/High Warlords. lol

Even the pve content was more about slogging through attunements, farming resist gear and mats for potions and enchants.

Classic will be no different.

Why do you think Blizzard is staggering the releases of vanilla content in classic? If they didn’t do that, people with skills honed by 15 years of WoW would blast through the entire classic WoW content in a matter of weeks.

Yes, it was reported in the beta forum.
Blue acknowledged the bug and said they had a fix and were testing it.

Now someone needs to go off and test AP and SP coefficients to see if they are at vanilla numbers.

That’s a massive exaggeration. Even the most dedicated players are going to be spending weeks just getting to max level and attunements will take a while. You said it yourself, Vanilla was a time investment, not necessarily overly difficult as in complex. However, difficulty can come in many forms. There’s a difference between needing to hit a button within a .01 second window and needing to hit 10 buttons in a specific order. The former is difficult because the precision needed is so strict while the latter is complex which makes it difficult.

But I will say that I personally believe the PvE content will get consumed rather quickly, especially by the high end players. Even the more casual groups will be able to get through more than they used to. But I think that after the initial PvE content there will be a decent shift as certain walls are hit due to the unforgiving nature of Vanilla. I’ve refreshed my memory and AQ40 was a pain due to NR gear requirements, same with Naxx for tank and frost resist gear.

I also don’t think you’re giving Blizzard enough credit on the patch cycle. They’re attempting to recreate the way Vanilla played out. Is there an added benefit of increasing classic’s lifespan? Sure, I guess, but I don’t think that’s the main drive there.

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They are fixing this, however it should also be noted that this only effects classes with instant weapon attack abilities: hunter, rogue, warrior. No other class relies on weapon-based instant attacks. This means casters, druids, paladins, and shamans will experience no change either way, as they do not have instant weapon-based attacks like mortal strike. Theirs are either spells or based on auto-attacks.

to say “everything” is easier is hyperbole.

Also, instant weapon attacks are normalized in vanilla, just not with the legion formula. The three classes affected by this are hitting harder than they should, but not by absurd amounts.

That’s a lot of coefficients. The difficult part is finding old sources for every spell/ability coefficient and testing for differences. The closest thing is finding videos or screenshots around 1.12, replicating that persons gear and buffs, and attacking the same mobs. Very specific circumstances for a wide number of spells.

Largely depends on a few factors when it comes down to “being easy”. Some classes just struggle more then others. However, all the classes usually can overcome stuff in different ways, especially how you play while leveling. I have no issues when it comes to mods aggro ranges, this just seems like a player’s awareness to there surroundings. This, is a personal problem.

The weapon speed bug is probably exactly why it feels easier.

Dear OP.

Classic isn’t easy…it’s you that different.

What I mean by that is that both you (and I would suspect many of us) played Classic back in the day. And we’ve been playing WoW ever since(again most of us). You already KNOW what to expect, you KNOW about pulling too many mobs…and you KNOW how to play your class.

Even with retail WoW players trying Classic for the first time because they missed it the first time around it will be easier for them. Nothing can bring that experience back to us all, not even Blizzard Devs. No insult intended at all, just speaking the truth.

I’m super excited to re-visit Classic. Been doing the testing and everything. Unless you are literally brand new to playing WoW, Classic will be hard for the rest of us, it will obviously be easier.

Classic IS hard, we are the ones that make it easier, not the game. :slight_smile:

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Do people really believe that? :rofl: If they really wanted to release classic like how vanilla played out, they would have started with 1.0.x and do it over the same two year period.

With modern day addons and optimized leveling routes, I think we’ll see the first wave of level 60s in a few days, certainly in less than a week. Classic will be the cakewalk that vanilla was, only at an accelerated pace.

The legendary Death and Taxes guild getting rather far on pre-nerf C’thun in spite of…

Keyboard turning/clicking.
No sunders.
Serpent stings on boss.
Not many consumables.
No world buffs.
And to top it all off, a holy paladin using T2(which isn’t good for healing), with a thunderfury.

This isn’t to crap on them, as they were excellent players at the time, but in hindsight they could’ve been a whole lot better. Now, if these were among the apex players of the time, imagine the scrublord-fest that was the average player.

There are many other old vanilla raid videos out there with similar hard-to-watch shenanigans, yet they still often kill the boss.


For a Warrior, I recommend you pick up Engineering and use the best bombs you can craft to blow up packs of enemies.

  1. Strength buff from scroll or potion
  2. Armor buff from scroll or potion
  3. Thunder Clap on cool down
  4. When enemies are stunned from TC, toss the bomb
  5. Tab target cycle to Rend each enemy
  6. Drink a health potion if you get low

I did all these and it made pulling groups of 3 somewhat trivial, although I did have to pay careful attention to what I was doing.

i leveled a horde and ali to 15 wit a average of 3 hours and 3 mins each… i died 2 times classic has never been hard, people could play it keyboard tuirning and back pedaling \

As a caster i dont think its any harder or easier than i remember it being.

Try melee if you can

Dear Nbkpicard,

Try reading the post.