Legion: Mounts, Pets, and More

you’re serious… aren’t you.

If people are willing to complain this hard about a company merely reminding people that there are items which they may not have yet collected, imagine the sheer outrage if that same company dared to try and benefit from a pandemic.

Surely you’re just having a laugh…


So you want us to link this thread to people who argue Legion was “okay not good”, “bad” or “worse than BFA”.

Thanks Blizzard

I legit had to check the date on this cause I was SOOOOO confused :joy:


This is not a charity. It is an entertainment business that is trying to find ways to stop bored customers from leaving after seriously misjudging how long 8.3 was going to keep people entertained.

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There, fixed it for you.


no, it’s not.

if people are bored, they can take a break if they want.
it’s standard practice to have no new content towards the end of an expansion.

it gives people a chance to catch up on stuff… like the exact same stuff which is being promoted here.

Pretty normal at the end of an expansion actually. Nbd.

Fun fact. Blizz was on record saying they would never implement a spider mount like this so as to maintain its prestige much like the long boi in bfa:

Then along came a spider…

Alliance vers:

Horde vers:

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Odd you seem to be giving blizzard the advice of ignoring waves of customers leaving, because the fact is that when people leave, they may be gone for years or never come back.

And that’s what they’re concerned about. People who leave are going to go play other games, and they will likely find more one that’s more fun than BfA, because the bar is so low in this expansion. And they may never come back.

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Or, maybe just maybe, if they gave similar rewards in BfA people would have things to to here instead of going back to old content. Mind you, just after the rep buff gets removed just makes this whole post worse.

Blizzard GM : " hey community! we got some cool stuff you might enjoy if you havent already =D check this stuff out! "

Oh please make me laugh harder. :rofl:

According to Metacritic it’s significantly worse. Like 5.2 WoD vs 3.0 BfA worse. It’s worse by both player ratings and critic ratings too.

Reviews aren’t all there is and they only tell some of the story but BfA is certainly rated much worse than WoD.


Leave it to the forums to blow things outta proportions.
Blizzard doesn’t post on the forums… they are mad… they post on the forums… they are mad… they just give a helpful article for players who may not be aware of what is in Legion… they are mad.

Nothing but a circus show all day every day.

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If only rares spawned the way they did in Legion… instead of waiting 30 minutes or more for a spawn at a 1% or less drop…

last i checked, i’m just a forum poster… not a paid advisor. :roll_eyes:

or they may go do something else for 2 weeks, and come back.
…and bring a bunch of people with them.

where did they say this?

oh right… they didn’t, just like i didn’t advise them to do anything. :crazy_face:

because if people aren’t playing a game, they’re failing at life… right!!!

weird assumption you’ve got there.
when i’ve taken breaks from the game, it’s never been to go play another game.

i’m such a weirdo.

there’s tons to do.
“bUt i dOn’T wAnNa dO tHaT sTuFf!!!”

Before reading the post i thought Blizz was gonna remove the mounts, glad thats not the case…but DAMN this is just sad.

Even Blizz knows the game is not worth subbing to now. Now that yall are out of ur own bubble, maybe you wont do the same mistakes in SL…but who am i kidding, the only devs that seem to care are the art team. Its as if the rest of them are just living off their past glory. If thats the case just quit and do something worth while.

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Lions, tigers and bears oh my!

Seems to be a reoccurring theme, go backwards not forward with them nowadays.

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Hit me with the perma rep boost in legion and my motivation to get r done would be 5 fold.