Legendary cloak quest not working

Because you are essentially asking them how to play the game. Whether a hint or “where do I go from here??”, you’re still asking for what they literally cannot give. It is against their policy and no matter how frustrated you may be, none of them want to risk losing their job just to give away one teensy tiny hint.

Now perhaps one of our other players here has come across the same issue and can provide some advice, or maybe one of our SFAs, but that’s not a guarantee. I’ll do some poking around on my own, but if I cannot come up with anything else, I do wish you luck.

I think it’s a bug and I completely disagree with your first paragraph but thanks eitherway.

We’re telling you it’s not likely a bug. It’s a phasing issue.

Please list every quest you have in your log right now.

You can disagree that the sun rises in the east every day, but facts are facts. GM’s cannot give game hints, and no matter how you spin it, that’s what this is.


I tend to agree, given the comments on WoWHead and elsewhere.

That being agreed on, there’s never an ETA for a fix. On a rare occasion, an SFA will pop in here and say they can “take a look” behind the scenes, or something similar, but that’s never guaranteed, and is indeed rare.

Bugs are fixed in the most logical manner possible - those that are affecting the most players or those that are preventing people from playing at all (say, a stuck character) will be attended to first.

Those that affect fewer people - such as the acquisition of what is essentially a cosmetic item from an old xpac - will be fixed in time, but probably not immediately.

Of course I could be completely wrong and they might fix the whole thing next reset. But, it’s always good to prepare for the worst.

I am sorry about that. Barring attempting everything suggested on WH, Reddit or anywhere else you can find info on it, your best bet is to put in a bug report and keep your fingers crossed.


They have none, therefore it can’t really a phasing issue unless OP is physically stuck in a wrong phase (Zidormi style - but that wouldn’t apply in Stormwind.)

They’ve also done a complete UI reset.

In addition, they managed to do a /script isquestcompleted and that came back with “false”, so that quest should be on Anduin.

I do not disagree with you in that nothing can be done, either way. I’m just saying, I personally wouldn’t call it a game hint. The quest should be on Anduin, and it isn’t, and the player has an empty quest log. Many people are having this issue.

It could be phasing if they completed a couple quests in a quest chain before abandoning them, though.

At this point, we’ll just have to wait and see if an SFA can shed some light.


If you think this is a bug, then please post in the Bug Report forum.

If they have none, then they abandoned a quest in a chain somewhere that they need to complete the chain to unphase the part they are wanting to do for this chain. It isn’t a bug, and we have seen a great many people that have complained about this very thing.


I went through the entire quest chain again. “true” value when i input all prerequisite quests and i have the heart forge achievement. But the quest still isn’t popping up, so the only possibility is that it’s a bug with the quest not popping up.

Either that or ur part way thru another quest that blocking you from getting the cloak quest that u abadoned half way thru.


why can’t a GM just help me

You may have abandoned a quest from a totally different chain that caused the phasing. You might also need to level your HoA for a quest to pop.

HoA is level 74 with 3 essences unlocked

Have you submitted a ticket to get in contact with one regarding broken phasing?

Submitted four tickets and they just tell me to try using a guide on wowhead.com

Doesn’t look like these lazy GMs will take any action considering that people have been complaining about this for nearly 8 weeks now:


I just completed the war campaign just incase that would make the quest appear but it did nothing and was a waste of 3 hours. Thanks Blizzard GMs.

GMs do not come to this forum. Devs do not come to this forum. Here the only Blues are SFAs. They can only offer advice and insight. They have absolutely nothing to do with tickets and resolving them.


GM’s also don’t fix bugs.