Legacy Raid Power is Borked

try reading the thread then friend

i have
and it once again just goes to show that yall have no argument against getting groups and doing the content

so once again what is your problem just get a group do the content

so youre admitting you havent even read the thread at all?

sool I wont waste my time

It’s not “evening out” once people are 60. Because then you never get stronger. If you’re strong at 120, then we get scaled down to 50… and we don’t get our OLD power back until we hit 60. Then why the hell are we grinding 10 more levels?

Shouldn’t you feel like a level 130 or 140 when we cap in SL? Why do we cap SL and only get to feel like what we felt like months ago? How is that progression? This boring excuse I’ve seen time and time again is the worst anyone could utter. Just stop.


apparently YOU didn’t see it coming.

why would you expect bosses to fall down dead at the mere sight of you?

you’re not max level, you’re in gear from an “old” expansion, and you were hoping for… what? :thinking:

The issue is actually that you are short sighted and dont realize you lost corruption

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If I wanted to get a group to do it I’d have done it when it was relevant content.

its hilarious iv told you numerous times that i have

its once again going to show that your arguments are lacking and are choosing to retreat because you just dont want to get a group

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I don’t even know what quote you’re referring to that is supposedly a lie. LOL

But your attitude is like that of a child. So they didn’t foresee the seconds in difference when it went live. God forbid! :scream:

But if you’ve been here for previous item level squishes, you know nothing goes as smoothly as they hope.

Let’s be real here, dude.

i wish ppl didn’t solo or small group old raids it should still need the same number of people to do them

Poor excuse
if you want to do it and are having troubles get a group 3-4 of you should be able to clear things no problem

We lost corruption and.got new bare bones specs that are tuned around.end game Covenants. :woman_shrugging:t4:

you have to keep in mind you’re not a max level player anymore… you’re essentialy like a level 100-110 running raids/dungeons now, Not a 120 player anymore.

Also without the added boost to dps and/or haste from corruption.

It’s always like this for every pre-patch. was like this for the BFA prepatch, and Legion prepatch. Raids/Dungeons were a bit tougher until you got to the new expansion’s new level cap.

Why squish is never good. It was not needed and sure putting the devs thru hell and making them crunch like crazy. Crunch can ruin devs lives and doing anything the game beyond essential in todays world makes it even worse. Shame on Activision.

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This right here describes the problem.*
We’re not getting stronger. We’re merely getting back to where we were.

And people don’t see the problem there?

*And I don’t mean “we can’t solo bosses in the pre-patch.” I’m talking about these stat squishes in the big picture.


That would be like me going into a covenant thread where somebody talk about the one of the abilities went from 15k DPS to 14k DPS and i’l be like “Lol, look at the whining, salt, drama and stuff, all over this 0.00001% dps difference, the salt, popcorn, etc…”. Not really an argument.

You do realize seconds count when soloing old instances, since many of the bosses has mechanics that if theirs nobody else in the raid, it’s an instant wipe, like being mind controlled? Or will do knockback and things like that? Especially when you have an Alt that isn’t up to snuff. And it’s simply not out of impatience here, but to beat the boss before it can do any of that stuff.

I don’t need to tell you that doubling the amount of seconds to kill something is keeping the relative power the same.

He’s guy who made the first reply on this thread that got flagged.


i see other people referencing this alleged “lie” too.

i think they may be talking about the thing where blizz said that if we can solo it now, we’ll be able to solo it post-squish… so i’m not sure where the lie is (if that’s what they’re talking about)

Stop bringing out this dumb arguement. It had nothing to do with being “max level” it had to do with you massively outleveling the content.

Like you can have a level 40 go help a friend farm deadmines and he isn’t close to max level yet. Legion raids are like deadmines for a classic level 40. Old irrelevant content that doesn’t give you useful gear anymore. It’d be like if BC came out and suddenly the level 40 couldn’t do deadmines on their own anymore just because the level cap went from 60 to 70.

No, the level cap makes it possible to solo NEW things. Like being able to potentially solo mythic antorus or mythic tomb. But the OLD things you were used to soloing? That should stay the same.


you’re also ignoring the simple fact that we dont have corruption gear anymore… so you have to factor that into the dps you do now against old raids at level 50. A majority of people’s DPS in 8.3 was purely from corruption either in the form of raw damage (i.e. Mindflay, Infinite Stars, Twilight Devistation procs, etc) or haste/versa buffs.

So it’s a no-brainer that a boss will take longer to kill without any corruption assists. So a 17 mythic arch now taking 37 seconds makes complete sense if you keep in mind that there’s no more corruption.

I was able pre-pre-patch to run normal motherlode for the MK2 mogul mount pieces on my hunter by running past all mobs and only killing the last boss, now I can’t get passed a few mobs without them killing me while running on a mount. Squish is def not squished enough :stuck_out_tongue: