Legacy Raid Power is Borked

The fact it has happened every single pre patch (actually it hasn’t) is exactly why it’s dumb though. So you know we’re going to be weaker. Blizzard knows we’re going to be weaker. Why not oh gee I dunnooo… update the legacy buff (and apply it to legion content while we’re at it) and overcompensate it so its even easier to do?

ITS LEGACY CONTENT. It doesn’t matter how “challenging” it is. Best to be on the side of “too easy” than “too hard/impossible”. We actually did have one glorious pre-patch where soloing content was easier though. I think it was WoD or Legion’s? Blizzard actually intervened and nerfed players to make it harder for some reason. They hate fun I guess, so that means they must be doing this on purpose.


No it will not. We’ve never been back to the same power level prior to the first squish. Yeah we still kill things in seconds, but when you consider that at lvl 90 my character could kill pretty much anything below it’s level faster than my 120 (now 50) can now, it’s pretty obvious that in all these years Blizzard has never got squish scaling right and never will. At 60 with full SL raid gear it’ll still be slower than before. Still fast, yes, but not as fast.

I went ICC today to test it out and the first boss almost got me with the bone attack that perma stuns you, I had to actually burst to avoid it, while just yesterday, that was not the case. So yeah, we are weaker now, it’s not just the numbers that changed, the actual power levels did (and it’s not because of corruptions because the character I went with actually had no corruption before the patch so aside from the squish, literally nothing else changed).


We could both do what we wanted prior to prepatch. Now my content is gone.


Some farmers aren’t corrupted really. Many of my farmers I cleansed. Unless twilight…to some it isn’t wasn’t worth the costs.

Mog trashed by oil slick effect, eyeballs, etc. Inb4 fix the cloak in visions. If like me basic cloak quest was already fine for old content farming needs. No cloak building required.

Then that sounds like a you problem.

I didn’t nerf my characters. Blizzard did.


starting zone is a thing but useless for majority of players as most have over 10 max lvl toons anyway if not one max of each class in horde and alli. class changes are nothing as they are just reverted back to previous iterations we had already over the years. I haven’t* seen any new abilities on any of my toons yet so I may be wrong maybe there are some new ones there.


imagine getting mad it takes 40 seconds to kill a mythic raid boss after corruption got removed

imagine getting mad that pre-patch dosent make you and OP monster

just imagine that


imagine being blatantly lied to and thinking its fine

Imagine then giving the people that lied to you, your money

Just imagine that

see how stupid projection posts are friend


imagine thinking i pay for my sub

imagine being mad that you cant WAIT for SL

They are just throwing in our faces that classes and specs cant survive without borrowed powers, and that is just awful. We now have months of prepatch with this subpar specs.


If you honestly believed there wouldn’t be discrepancies and you took their reassurance at face value without taking into account how things were changing and what happened last item squish… I’ve got a bridge for sale you might want.

whether you use your money or your time you are still paying for it. I make a sub in 30 minutes work but I cant farm 150k in 30 minutes. I value my time over my money.

As for being mad no strop using the crutch of a 9 year old troll


As long as I can continue to farm tusks and not get them without issue I don’t care

“you cant trust million dollar companies”

exactly now youre admitting they lied to us. Thanks for the support Lhayne

i mean you can once again get a group to do content

once again its not hard

once again you can do everything youv already done i fail to understand you or the other persons point i realyl feel like yall are just complaining because your not busted OP

yep. They said legacy would run as it does now.

If they just would have made leveling faster and kept level numbers…they’d not have to touch this really.

But that’s me. I didn’t care it was level 120. Just a number. It was the hours to get there. And the dreaded 60-80 slog. Edit: Dreaded as it lacks many helpers of later expacs like the quick and easy xp of bonus objectives in WoD/Legion, less quest density than MoP, stuff like that.

Which the 100% xp event they had for a bit helped a lot. And in beta we are getting reports of of really fast 50 dings.

If 120 could be dinged in 10 hours like power sessions to 50 have…120 would have been fine. And no scaling would have been harmed in the making of that production.

“you can get a group to do the content you normally solo”

hmmmmmm :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


What is stopping you if your clearly having problems

once again i fail to understand your point

I think all of us knew to take Blizzard’s word with a grain of salt…

I just didn’t imagine it would be THIS bad. Im halfway tempted to ticket for a refund on my sub time and just wait out the actual expansion at this point.

Absolutely everything takes 2-3x longer to kill now and that time compounds. I want zero parts of this game in this state.