Legacy Raid Power is Borked

You’re ignoring the fact that corruption gear is irrelevant to legacy content. There’s an invisible buff that massively boosts your stats to compensate for level squishes or loss of borrowed power. Blizzard failed to adjust this buff accordingly. They probably failed to apply it to legion content too.


nothing compensates for a twilight devistation proc.

Giving my opinion that people yelling and insulting over seconds is dramatic was meant to be just that: an opinion. Not an argument. lol

And I gave reasons why it’s like this and solutions. Yet was called an idiot and delusional and unhinged. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Interesting. Someone disagrees and gets flagged. Not surprising. Oh well.

Yeah, sounds like more misinterpreted statements if that’s the case.

Actually thats on the devs. They said they were taking corruption loss into account.

That’s the problem… and yes it could compensate for it. If they, you know, adjusted the hidden buff accordingly to work as intended. Stop posting please if you can’t grasp simple concepts.

I’d like to point out that goroth took me 9 attemps to down today on my dk, before i could even down him on 475 ilvl with literally zero corruption in one shot. So please don’t speak if you cannot understand whats the problem here. My toon got WEAKER if a boss i could solo before and 1shot easly is now completely obliterating my hp pool in less than 10 seconds.


and it seems like they did.

people seem to be forgetting that they’re no longer max level.

I warned y’all months ago.

Don’t call me chicken little anymore. Look momma I have my surfboard ready for tonight’s QQ.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Because they said the squish would not change our relative power, but we are clearly weeker atm.


You can’t say that. No! I’m Not giggling! I’ve got something in my throat-You can’t say those types of things, remember post Banshee Queen were all friends now, so be nice to the human.

Relative power. Remember that you don’t have corruption, so yes your relative power without corruptions is unchanged from 8.3 to 9.0. The difference is ontop of the scaling you lost an additional power source.

Christ, the number of people who are entirely missing the point is astounding. I especially like the weak contrarian comeback of “just wait for SL” when the expansion doesn’t even have a release date anymore. It’s entirely possible (and likely) that we won’t see SL until next year, so you’re basically telling people to enjoy their broken game for several months until Blizzard can be bothered to sort it out.

No, he’s max level with current gear from the current expansion and he can barely solo an old boss from an old expansion that he was able to do just fine before the pre-patch. Shadowlands isn’t live yet so BFA is still the current expansion, 50 is still max level, and Legion is old content that was previously much easier to do.


Dude shut up. What does max level have to do with anything?

Did a level 40 suddenly become unable to solo deadmines when BC came out?

Being max level in SL means you get to solo MORE stuff than you could at “max level” in BFA. God please stop repeating a dumb meaningless point as if it has even a shred of intelligence or logic behind it.


Testing I did on beta generally showed little change between 120 and 50 the last few days.

Eh I think we’ll all live.

no, nobody is currently max level.

pre-patch raises the level cap to that of the incoming expansion.

we can’t gain levels, but we are no longer max level.

you can check this out for yourself, by doing anything which will give account credit for being “level cap”.
eg: if you buy a boost right now, it will take you to the maximum currently available level, but will not give you credit for things like “double agent” or any other achievements which require “max level”.

Can we just mass report this guy for trolling now?

Oh gee, I guess since BC came out my level 40 can no longer solo Deadmines. Because that makes so much sense. Level cap increases, so everyone gets randomly weaker until they hit cap again? Rofl.

you mean bjorked out? like it’s weird, like bjork?

Well first off, people aren’t yelling. Where does anybody insist that person is yelling to begin with though text, i honestly don’t know, i never understand why and it’s just a silly notion anyways. This isn’t against you, it’s just another oddity i notice from time to time on the internet.

Second, yelling is still communication here.

Well, everybody has opinions.

But people told a few others who disagreed with the OP on why those seconds are actually important and they aren’t being dramatic at all.

Time is a pretty critical factor to take in and shouldn’t be scoffed off as “it’s just seconds”, especially again that raids practically require you to time things right. Not nanosecond perfect mind you, but just good enough.

Here is the thing though, if the squish has resulted the total time to kill a boss be increased to 1 second, 2 seconds, or maybe 3 seconds, to a point where the difference is minor, then aside from the uncouth wording you have given, i would say the people are worrying about a pretty minor difference. But that’s not what happened here.

Say for example you fight a rogue who has his smoke bomb on CD and it’s only 20 seconds remaining, and your on your mage. You used to kill him in under 15 seconds with 3 gpyros, heroism and so on. But with the squish, those seconds are lengthed, possibly doubled. Because of this, he can use the smoke bomb, which only adds to your time here if you didn’t kill him on time. This will lead to your possible failure if you don’t recover fast. It’s same way with raid/dungeon bosses.

Pardon for asking, but which post got your solutions on there?

I don’t think the name calling directed to you was warranted either.

But, you what did you expect it would happen when you call people dramatic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

He got flagged for simply the tone and attitude conveyed (or how he delivered his disagreement) in that response. (he’s pretty much being sarcastic or dismissive.) Not because he had a disagreement. Especially considering theirs other people who disagreed with OP, including you, who didn’t get flagged.

Infact, one of the replies to that comment got flagged too.

If i come into this thread saying “anybody who disagrees with OP and doesn’t understand why this is an issue is dumb as bag of walnuts”, i would be flagged for simply choosing this to go about how i agree with OP. Not because i simply agreed.

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why would that be relevant to anything?
there were no squishes of any sort when BC came out.

we are now technically in SL, and we are no longer “max level”.

that “dumb meaningless point”, needs to be repeated to sink in.

Sorry everyone, according to Nobully it makes sense if my level 60 can no longer solo Scarlet Monastery when BC launches. Because “I’m no longer at level cap” therefore I just magically get weaker. L O L

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