Legacy Raid Power is Borked

Still waiting for you to admit that soloing isn’t the same like Blizzard claimed it would be. You kind of glossed over that and avoided the point by somehow claiming that I accused you of saying that.


Youll be fine for current content

As it stands im practically blowing through everything with my current “powerlevel”

Again im not sure what the big deal is


The drama threads are never worth it.


It’s just unnecessary time wasting for literally no reason.


Those are really grasping at straws for “content”. Higher res textures? Seriously?

All of my alts are max level and I already had the allied races rep. All this prepatch did for me was give new haircuts and take away power for an undetermined amount of time.


If you haven’t noticed, the expansion is on fire and Blizzard had to delay it.

Tuning old raids is not going to be one of their top priorities right now.

They’ll work again, eventually.

Try reading the thread.


Soooooo now we are back to this statement.

Just because its not CONTENT YOU WANTED doesn’t change the fact that its CONTENT.


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Good, and is for you. A lot of people don/t have every class at max level. Congrats, you are the elite of WoW.

Bad bet they made there if so.

YOu do raid/dungeon x several times a week on several chars you get an idea of times. And “difficulty”. My MM and BM hunters pulled in great times. Druid varied per expac (its aoe swipe weak for legion but shreds older stuff). My S. priest did not break speed records. Anywhere…void form and AOE tied to it rant goes here.

This would be why in weeks where not as much time for this it was hunter army time. Run the 5 hunters for the weekly mount tries (and fails :frowning: lol).

Once I hop on this I can see how bad it is for 440-ish chars.

It’s usually like this for a week or so, these fluctuations are not easy to get right away because there is so much to calculate and consider.

Just keep sending them reports in-game and I’m sure they’ll iron those out.

I said this months ago.

You will struggle with some bosses on mythic specially legion ones I think… but at this point they should make the players legacy power scale with level.

if 11+ levels from that content = easy to farm no discussion.

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so literally no NEW content then. Thanks for the clarification.


Still waiting for you to show me that was ever my argument. Because it wasn’t. I think you’ve been talking to too many people in here and have me mixed up with someone else. I’m the one who came in with reasons as to why it is the way it is. Literally even.told someone else that it’ll be months and years before anything is scaled right.

My hilarity was from the fact that of all the things to rage over, it was seconds. Not minutes, but seconds. That was funny to me.

But never once did I ever say there wasnt a disparity. I said why it’s there and how to deal with it.

So who are you actually having an argument with? Because it’s not me.

Indeed not!

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i have

and im currently doing stuff in world and im having no problem completing content or finding groups doing transmog runs

again i fail to understand your argument? is it because you cant solo everything in the world pre-patch or what?

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Its almost like corruption got removed from the game, crazy right?

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Leveling alts isn’t new content. You have been able to do that since the games inception.


Ok what about new starting zone, new leveling system, new class changes etc is NOT new content?

I dropped LFR ag/argus way faster than usual today lol

Trash takes me longer, but boss fights are waaaaay quicker

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You’ve also been able to do fetch quests and kill quests since the games inception.

What makes it different whether if its starting zone troggs or interdimensional godlike beings?