Legacy Raid Power is Borked

So we got content, just not the content you wanted.


Just one symptom of their typical expansion cycle where you lose all power (and too often fun / fluidity / satisfaction) because they can’t seem to find a better way to “expand” your character into a new expansion vs. just resetting it.

To those saying what’s the big deal, just wait, I don’t know if it’s a “big deal” but it’d sure be an improvement to make a game that feels good for 24 out of 24 months instead of say 8 out of 24. (Edit: that said they’ve saved me a bunch of money while I cancel my sub mid-cycle each time to wait for flying, haste, etc.)


so wait is this over people havint to kill things for 20 seconds longer htan normal or?

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If you want to call it content, thats fine. But they took away way more then they gave.


what a worthless waste of a post. People like you should be forum banned. If you have nothing to add then dont post anything and maybe this place wouldnt be the hellhole it currently is.

Shame Shame Shame

If ever…

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your tellin me class overhauls that people are currently adoring isint content to you?
Brah i thats not enough just quit
dont sub any more
go home

Yeah, because I was still proofreading when you decided make up lies about me. You still have given no proof of any “unhinged” or “unstable” actions either.

Others call me delusional and an idiot, while I don’t respond in kind, and you decide to say I’ve got a problem?

Don’t like my opinions, that totally fine. You don’t have to. But making up lies and slandering me because you’re annoyed that I don’t agree? That’s a problem with you, sir. Not me

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maybe read the thread and you will understand 20 seconds for a toon that was 475. this means a lot of stuff that was soloable by players at 440 etc is now not soloable. AKA blizzard lied once again and failed to deliver what they promised


Lets see… easier access to allied races by getting rid of reputation requirements, new revamped leveling system, new class changes, new character customizations, higher res textures on some gear, new starting zone island, heirloom gear changes.

Seems like a lot more than just “customization content” to me.

Yeah… clearly I should’ve just joined you in the popcorn. lol


I mean yall could just wait till SL comes out given that its probably tuned for level 60 content

its not hard

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Playing a barebones spec under cap for months isn’t my idea of content. Id rather be able to do the things I was previously able to do without feeling massively underpowered.


You know you should have.

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“i dont care when people say lies to my face”

cool for you, not everyone is a coward though


What exactly is barebones?
Im playing 2h frost atm and hte only thing i have to look forward to 50+ is a damage increase on some abilities other htan that iv got everything the spec has to offer

i think your overacting a little

just get a group and do the content till SL again its not hard

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It doesn’t even have a release date scheduled. We are going to be underpowered for a loooong time. Some things we could do yesterday aren’t possible until SL drops.


Yup! Then I wouldn’t have people calling me delusional, an idiot and unhinged. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Popcorn is always better. And Grumbles cookies!