Legacy Raid Power is Borked

Okay, that’s just silly, especially because something being a tragedy is not a mathematical fact.

In this game, you can record every moment of combat and post it to a website that can be shared and viewed easily.

In 8.0 a lot of threads did include logs and Ion himself replied to one and things changed.

If that was done here, I would be in full support.

But for my testing, it has not been any slower or any more dangerous. I have only done select things though of course, but Twilight was so much of my damage, this 20 seconds to 40 second discussion was way wilder with and without a twilight proc for me, so I have trouble finding it relevant.

Especially because I have done a bunch of leveling with no gear on through out the PTR and Beta and many people probably would say that is “literally impossible” too.

Its not. The game has a LOT of wiggle room and a lot of ways to bend the rules.

Maybe you shouldn’t have to, but its been this way three times now so I am surprised anyone else is not expecting it.

You’ve been going from topic to topic vehemently insisting that everything is fine regarding the squish.

It’s not. This isn’t all just cause corruption has been taken away as can be seen by characters who are getting worked by mobs and bosses that they used to be able to one shot. Stop it.

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I have? That’s news to me lol.
Anyway, everything is fine from my perspective.

If I was trying to “insist” anything it would be people take these discussions seriously.
Many are not, and continue to persist in using nonsense language that suggests the game no longer is possible to complete anything in.

Post logs and comparisons and it will be addressed.
Otherwise you can take measures to continue succeeding in the content you are struggling in while you wait.

I’m just pointing out. If you want a closer mathematical example, it would be like arguing that 2+2 doesnt equals 4 but 5 instead. Hard to take that statement with a serious face.

Well, at least its a bit understable. Its a bit more reasonable statement, but point stands. Whats being said is more about how the game made our toons much weaker by comparison. At least it doesn’t bothers you since you don’t run old content much and focus on current one, so thats a blessing for you to not be experiencing this mess.

And yes, sadly im not surprised at the way the prepatch was released. I expected solo to be much worse due to PTR, but what really irritated me is literal last minute changes done on monday to PTR that reduced player power further in older content despite the fact that it was already badly scaled to begin with. Its like whoever did the changes on monday was delusional or high because he didn’t realize that if anything, the damage reduction debuff to older stuff should have gone UP, not down as it was the case on the final release. So yeah, myself and a lot more are not happy to find the old content unplayable if you wanna go solo or taking x3-x4 times longer.

I’m going to admit that corruption amounted to a lot of damage in many cases like havoc DH with infinite stars or tanks with Twilight devastation(in some cases, 40% of my damage came from twilight devastation when i was taking), so some power downgrade with its removal is expected. Its just that it doesnt feels great to see my toon taking the equivalent of mythic N’zoth damage on a level 110(or 113 if you want to be technical) old boss, since it makes no sense. There is also the silence and sometimes tone-deaf stance taken by the devs which only adds further fuel to the fire, as if they were not listening or caring about feedback at all. This statement technically holds true from much earlier tha BFA, the key difference is that those times the game was still playable without too many hiccups.

For example,in WoD prepatch i was capable of playing my max level just fine and then-current content like pandaria raids worked good. The only issues were related to mobs below level 90 with mana bars suddenly hitting for x5 of what they would, making it a pain to level alts. There was also some weird behavior with the scaling of certain items(for example, a older wand that was giving MASSIVE amount of intellect and stamina. Not a problem usually since it was removed, But it became notorious later on the expac as was obtainable via a garrison building that sometimes could find older items.whoops), but nowhere as bad as this prepatch. Hell, this and 8.0 rank among the worst patches released on wow, almost like zero effort was done other than minor one on current content and maybe some leveling changes. 8.0 is worse since 80% was broken on day one, here its a improvement as current content DOES work and leveling alts is mostly funcional, but it doesnt say much when several other big aspects like raid soloing are broken or some bosses are massively overtuned(Mythic N’zoth paranoia mechanic for example).

If people who could solo mythic legion bosses suddenly cannot solo mythic legion bosses both cases without corruption and you are insisting that things are relatively the same, you are doing nothing but gaslighting.

I am suggesting its not the case.
I have yet to have trouble killing anything from Legion, but I actually had issues killing Guldan Mythic even with Corruption. If I didn’t get a good twilight proc, it wouldn’t happen.

Meanwhile, earlier bosses would actually get hit for a vast majority of their health with a single twilight proc, and now I have none of that.

By the way, as another addition to what i said above: After almost 10 wipes and killing goroth, harj took me nearly as long. Harj DID hit somewhat hard during 8.3, but it was manageable with proper damage and use of death strike procs on murloc kill. I’d kill Harj with 7-8 stacks of damage increase, but now after prepatch, the second harj hits 4 stacks i’m dying almost instantly.

This basically translates to taking almost double the damage i used to take before prepatch, and not dealing increased damage either. Also must note that it was done both times with no corruption as well. I also noted that mistress took longer than before, and i actually wiped once because i did the usual and loaded all my cooldowns on her at pull but she wiped me at 43% when on 8.3 she usually got past 40% and into last phase by that time and thus didnt get to force the whale to eat me instantly like what happened after prepatch.


Usually is the case with every pre patch though this one with the squish might turn out to be worse. Just wait for them to do some fixes.

Not sure where the logic of “We are not max level yet” and “We just lost all our wonderful corruption so now you just need to wait a year to solo OLD content again” comes from.
Even before 8.3 came around with corruption, I was and I can imagine MANY others had made countless successful mog runs into for example mythic Legion content with zero problems. This entire issue is based off Blizzards backwards scaling efforts.

The fact of the matter is, SL is not out yet, thus we ARE max level and thus this half baked argument we’ve all been seeing is just pure nonsense. Before 8.3 came out everyone and their second cousin twice removed could do legacy content up until largely Uldir normal by themselves (This means solo ya see?)
After 8.3 it only got easier and I among many others found ourselves enjoying current BFA raid content with far far fewer people than was normal expected. Now that the corruption is gone however, I have no issues with BFA raids being painful again.

However, my main point is Legion and prior content. That content should NOT be a challenge any longer unless we bring for example Mythic Eonar into the fray where it’s going to be massively harder to finish due to very specific mechanic requirements (More people to handle the ship AND the adds before they reach and kill Eonar).

The issue now is purely from devs not responding to feedback and adjusting numbers accordingly after all the PTR time and feedback accrued.


Sounds like you can still farm transmogrify ridiculously faster than when it was primary content.

Seems fine to me.

Pretty much this. I am at the end of the expac waiting for new content to drop. Gear upgrades are rare and fare between, but uncollected raid transmogs are plentiful. The past month or so most of my friends/guildies have been offline. So I have been solo farming old raids for transmogs.

While I can still farm some of the transmogs I am after, many are no longer possible due to the changes. This leaves me with a few options:

  • Stop playing.
  • Only go after transmogs I can still solo and give up on the others.
  • Try to find people to farm old raid for transmogs with me. This is not impossible, but this is not content that a lot of people are looking to do so the pool of people is small. Which may also be why this may not end up very high on the priority list. Which I 100% understand. Working on new content probably should take precedence over nerfing old content to the level it was last week. But if a quick easy change is possible, it may be worthwile.
  • Wait until I am lvl 60 with better gear to finish up a few of the sets. The problem with this is that at that time there will be new fresh content that I would probably prefer to do.

In short, this patch has unfortunately removed content that was filling my time until new content dropped. This is certainly not the end of the world and I will survive, but did Blizzard really want to give me a reason to stop playing until new content shows up? If so, then they might have succeeded.

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Sorry, I posted on my priest. I have not been farming old transmogs on my priest. My priest has been semi-shelved. I have been farming the old raid transmogs on my druid.

I just tested standard kultiras world fights adara white and winged typhoon was able to kill both as 2 handed frost (havent played frost ever) ilvl 131 I did need to use defensive on the winged typhoon and ams on adara (I missed a bunch of interuppts so the fight dragged on a bit).

Did not seem to take very long to kill, obviously squishing classes will struggle more at soloing.

I appreciate the information, but the crux of this thread is around pre-BFA content.

Anything pre legion is soloable due to the damage buff, legion content does 0 damage to you but does have mechanics that effect soloing.

I did check a few Argus bosses and they seemed fine, need to run mythic Argus as blood again to see if first bosses are solvable without td

Thats not true.

went from “Can solo him with zero corruptions and never drop under 50%” to “getting absolutely demolished, only barely got to kill him after 10 wipes by using tank stuff”. Also ursoc is equally bad in Emerald nightmare M, and even freaking Nythendra, who i could destroy in under 30 seconds before prepatch is now much harder to kill because i hit for peddles of damage compared to 8.3. And do not tell me its because of corruption because thats not even remotely true, i scored those kills without a single corrupted piece for the prepatch to turn me into a wimp.


No one is surprised Legion is harder dude. It doesn’t have the old content buff, we knew it was going to be harder.

Everyone was saying it before pre-patch hit, you must have just not been paying attention.

wanna feel even worse go do islands, thought it was gonna be breeze on my 50 got owned hard

I would like a 5 man version honestly or flex. That would be cool to take new player. Now that i am playing with a friend, it will ne cool to do a 5 man version or flex bdrsion of wod raids or legion ones

Since I’m not a raider, I didn’t run with much corruption because the trade-off negative aspect was rarely worth it.

I feel pretty normal so far.