Legacy Raid Power is Borked

orrrrr… you accept that legacy loot was enabled as a bonus, and legion content won’t have the legacy debuff enabled until we reach 51.

legion isn’t “actual” legacy content, so what is there to fix with it?

I suspect it’s a bot nerf designed to nerf 110 bots or fresh 120 bots. We’ll probably have to get to 60 and then again through 9.1 or 9.2 to blow through old raids again.

I guess posting the numbers given by DBM weren’t enough for you?

Have you ever done Aggramar? Honestly. If you have then you’ll absolutely understand why this change is equivalent to your “5 minute fight turning into a 10 minute fight” example. If you haven’t, then you have no basis to argue.

I’m also getting tired of reading “it was your corruptions!” from everyone. Stars would proc once a minute on average and these bosses were getting melted well before any meaningful amount of time would pass to take advantage of corruptions.


It may be a new paradigm that to be able to farm old raids at max speed you need to be geared up in the latest xpac.

I agree with Humanbeak. It has nothing to do with corruption no longer being present either. I have two toons parked outside Utgarde Pinnacle that I use to farm the blue proto drake. Both toons could one shot every mob including bosses prior and now with the pre patch normal mobs take 2-3 hits and bosses 6-7 to kill. One of my characters is a 101 monk and the other is a 101 demonhunter. Both characters now sustained damage whereas prior they did not. Even though it was still very easy, I believe the point to be made is; they stated it would be the same and the fact is it isnt. Something else I noticed is I can no longer run past lower level mobs without aggroing them which also makes it slightly more time consuming. My 2 cents…

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That’s not the issue. If it’s 20 seconds longer for him, then someone weaker than him will take even longer and may even not be able to solo what he did before. It’s an undeserved loss of power.

I’m cool with it

You’re not max level anymore.

Go back in two years when you’re max geared and max leveled.

So explain this then:

Explain what?

Think it says you should be weaker but still be able solo what you could at 120. My understanding from the OP is we can solo things still but it takes longer, maybe because we’re weaker.

Okay. Look. We are max level right now. Seeing as SL’s launch is still months away and we’re locked at 50 until then, that makes 50 the current level cap. With no new content where “only” being level 50 would actually matter, not being max level anymore is a meaningless argument even if it were true. And aside from that, we’re talking about Legion content so it shouldn’t matter anyway. You’re all trying and failing to argue the semantics of what max level is while completely missing the point.

50 is supposed to be the equivalent of 120. Anything you could do at 120 you should still be able to do at 50, both logically and in Blizzard’s own words. If I could solo Mythic Legion raids at 120 and I suddenly can’t after they bust me down to 50 (which again, is supposed to be an equivalent level), something is wrong. If I used to kill a boss in 20 seconds and now I’m taking 40 seconds, something is wrong, especially if it causes me to hit a wipe mechanic that I would have avoided before. Suggesting that we have to wait until we are level 60 to reach the point we were at before the pre-patch makes no sense.

Scaling isn’t broken because we aren’t “max level”. It isn’t because we lost corruptions. It’s because Blizzard has once again proven that stat and level squishes are a bad idea because they will never get them right, in spite of the months of beta and PTR feedback.


As someone who just came back after many years, this is extremely frustrating. I worked my way up to ilvl 440, and now I have to pray there are enough alliance players around when I do the assault dailies, otherwise it’s a miserable experience. This was scaled incorrectly. with an indefinite Shadowlands release, there’s no satisfaction or enjoyment in playing. I’ll be checking occasionally until fixed or expansion drops.

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Except we can’t solo everything we could before the squish. Ion broke his promise yet again when all he had to do was make sure the legacy content was covered with the legacy buff so that we would not lose any power relative to before the squish. It would literally take less than an hour to make sure the legacy buff was tuned correctly to compensate.


Hopefully this will be resolved. When I get bored in WoW I farm old raids. If I’m having trouble farming old raids I just won’t play.


You’re flat out wrong and many other things

Except the “did an amazing job keeping it in the same ballpark” is a complete fallacy. A misleading and false statement at best.

Just take a look at the imgur link from the reply i also gave to someone else on a similar topic, first image is myself with literally no corruption killing mythic goroth in 1 shot on patch 8.3, second image is same boss, same difficult after prepatch squish. Now you are going to tell me thats completely expected and they didn’t turn my toon into a wimp with this squish?
C’mon man, be real. I ran older legion raids with little to no real corruption several times without issues, even killed ursoc mythic without dropping under 80% hp, and now im getting completely obliterated by him unless im using a tank trinket to buy enough time to kill him.

This isn’t a case of “corruption gone and they don’t tune around it”, its a case of “tuning is so massively screwed that bosses you could solo before are now x10 stronger than your toon and can wreck you in 10 seconds in some cases”.

Its just my opinion. No need to twist it further.
The stuff I have done, I have had no issue with, despite my character losing INSANE Power in the way of verse stacking.
I actually just upgraded a 23 Shrine with 18 deaths and had 3 minutes left.

That is amazing to me.
Hard to believe its even POSSIBLE to survive a 23 fortified with no verse stacking.
I am quite impressed!

Meanwhile, Junkyard is undoable because you cannot hack last boss pillar so if your key upgrades into a JY, its dead until they fix it.

But hey, Its not a opinion. Its a objective fact that we got weaker, because we can’t even solo stuff we could do before with no corruption. Even rares in vale takes much longer or hit much harder.

Saying they kept the same ballpark is only true if you were dropping acid while playing prepatch, because about 80% of people could point out that its not the case. On top of the many prepatch issues, This scaling problems have been known during PTR for months and nothing was done. The fact it got released and somehow even WORSE than it was on PTR is just frustrating for those who enjoy running older content.

I’m not trying to twist it further, im just pointing that OP is being objective and even pointed out facts, while you are here saying “blizzard did an amazing job at keeping it on same ball park” when thats not even remotely true no matter how you try to see it.

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No offense, but talking isn’t facts.
I appreciate you taking the time to post your stuff. It helps a lot with discussions like these.

For all the stuff I have done, I have not felt any weaker and am quite impressed with how good things are feeling after losing something that equated for 50+ percent of my DPS as a tank.

With that logic, you could literally dismiss any objective fact like “the 9/11 tragedy” as purely biased opinion/talk instead of a objective fact. Sorry, but that argument doesn’t work with the way prepatch was released. You are being pretty dismissive of objective facts about the release state of prepatch and its annoying.

I’m glad that you are having fun doing keystones, more power to you on that. But that isn’t a reason to deny stuff thats true and dismiss facts about anyone who runs older content can see as “its just talking, they are not facts or actual truth”.