Legacy Raid Power is Borked

I died in BWL last night because i pulled too many mobs apparently (same as i always did)

As a paladin having blessing of kings refreshing an absorb shield every few seconds really helped with clearing old raids

Now I dont have that skill

Dying in BWL at level 45 is dumb…

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No, to the contrary, not everyone was saying what you state, and in fact, Ion himself said that whatever you could solo at 120 should remain, which isn’t holding up at all.

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What if they were referring to it being “relative” to being under a minute?

Good thing they didn’t use the word “exact”

Nice to know that the PTR/Beta “It won’t make it to live” crowd have now adjusted their unhelpful derailing to "it’ll be adjusted by 9.1

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Or they say “it’s pre-patch, deal with it”, and so on.

Yeah, putting out a patch that is very bug-ridden onto live paid-subscription servers is inexcusable. It’s one thing if the bugs were related to new features, but it’s another when previously working legacy content has been trashed, and not just raids or dungeons…actual zones have been screwed up and are largely unplayable (e.g. Shatt in Draenor).

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Everyone with half a clue was (because we tested on PTR and Beta).

“We do understand that removing corruptions will have an effect”. Basically, gotta read the fine print : “whatever you could solo at 120 without any corruption, you will be able to still, we can’t really garantee stuff your Twilight Dev is killing is going to still be killable”.

You got lawyered my friend.

How about instead of inserting your own words, you use his own words directly at face value?

“That work is still ongoing. When it’s done, you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to Corruption’s removal (8.3 content tuned around Corruption will be rebalanced, but the rest of the game wasn’t built with that in mind) but otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120”

In any event, I see we’re back to the whole “corruptions made all the difference!” while a) ignoring the fact that it takes time for corruptions to proc and if bosses were getting melted quickly before, there wasn’t a whole lot in the way of corruptions happening, and b) numerous people without cloaks and corruptions who could previously solo legion content are unable to do so now.

But let’s cherrypick our words for whiteknighting purposes.


I mean I could, but then I’d be here mad.

Instead, I took time to test on Beta and PTR, saw what it was, and understood the lawyering.

And today, I’m not disappointed, since I knew exactly what was coming.

Yeah, testing things out on Beta is “whiteknighting”.

No, you’re whiteknighting by defending this

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It’d be nice to have NPCs beside the LFR ones where you can select that type of raid challenge.

That way it people want to mindlessly transmog or mount run, they can. But others can run the solo mode for a challenge.

Well, it’s happening now. Scaling is so broken that legacy runs are being sold in trade chat now. Thanks Blizz.

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If I could do it at 120 I should be able to do it at 50 (note, characters with no corruptions)

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Stop using common sense, it may spread.