Legacy Raid Power is Borked

When the difference is measured in seconds I would say the power change is “relatively” the same.

When seconds are the difference between being able to kill the boss, or being oneshot by a gimmick that requires more people to be in the raid… I’d say it matters.

Look at the FIRST boss of emerald nightmare mythic. If you can’t kill her before you get 10 stacks she MC’s you and the fight ends. Before prepatch hit you needed to be able to do like 70k dps to kill her before that happened it was tight for most people.

Now I know most people aren’t doing 70k dps because when I jump into LFR people barely get past 30k. Even I needed to go in with like drums and stuff (which LOL also got nerfed btw).


Yes, and no. Ion specifically stated that they’re doing things differently for Shadowlands, with 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 being distinctly different things , because they need the time to tune everything properly.

Which means 9.0.1 should not be working off a “it’ll be fine when you’re level 60” scale, since it is impossible to be level 60 in patch 9.0.1.


yeah he says lots of things… and most of them are taken out of context.

i’m not familiar with this one though


ignoring the fact that you’ve linked something from the beta forum to compare to live, your assumption of:

seems to be just that.

it’s being pushed out differently, it’s being staggered… but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re now technically in SL territory.
Old achievements have been moved to Legacy.
The game no longer views 50 as level cap, even though we’re currently unable to level past 50.

They aren’t going to make entirely different tuning for the existing patch, when there’s another patch incoming.

It doesn’t matter which forum it was posted on; it’s the game director laying out the way the pre-patch and main patch are going to work this time.

That is literally the point of them making a hard distinction between the two patches. All tuning in 9.0.1 should be for level 50 minus corruption, since there is no way to level any higher and it could be months before that’s possible.

Unless, of course, they’re happy to ignore their biggest customer base once again and let people who enjoy soloing obsolete content “just unsub” (as the fanboys are so fond of saying).

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No, its you who is missing the point.
They needed to completely rebalance the entire video game.
A LOT of different areas had a lot of variables present for this, and all in all, to even come close is quite impressive.

Rest assured they did not look at ABT and say “Hey let’s make it take 20 more seconds to kill a boss in there.”

stop trying to convince yourself they’re different things.

it’s one thing, which has been split.

the fact that it’s 9.x.x …means we’re in SL territory now.

Read Ion’s post.

i did.

and i don’t understand which part you think means that 9.x.x means we’re still in BFA territory.

Again you’re looking at it from the wrong angle.

The balance they did is whatever. But it has the consequence of making the older legacy content harder to do, sometimes even impossible, when it wasn’t previously.

It’s not hard to prevent that. You don’t have to rebalance the entire game.

Wanna know what you do? You make the legacy buff when doing legacy content stronger, then you apply it to any area that has legacy loot (aka, the legion raids). This wouldn’t solve the fact that people 50 can no longer solo normal BFA dungeons anymore but at least all the xmog runs of actual legacy content would be fixed.

The scaling being broken at level cap is a totally different issue feel free to fight about it in a different topic. But this one specifically reads “LEGACY raid power is borked”.

For the great mystery of why a world boss before the patch can have 1500k hp, while a player can have 500k hp, which is 1/3rd of the NPC’s health pool btw. Then for that same boss in the current patch to have 220k hp while that same player has barely 20k hp, which is now 1/10th of that NPC’s health pool “post scaling”. And then try to explain how corruptions being gone magically messes up the stamina stat, a stat which corruptions never touched. FEEL FREE to go defend that nonsense in a totally different thread.


I am a bit frustrated with this too I honestly dont mind bosses taking a bit longer but I dont like being able to do something before the prepatch and not being able to do it after the patch. I’ve been farming M ToS clearing up through Avatar with one buddy. We could clear that fair fairly easily. Now we can barely kill maiden and forget Avatar. Blizz needs to scale down some of these raids a bit. probably just add the 40% debuff to legion raids.

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You and many others seem to be zeroing in differences that don’t even matter, and are completely ignoring the scaling of the problem. “20 seconds more” misses the entire point. If it takes more than twice as long to kill something, it’s a problem. Not “20 seconds more”, but 100%+ more. This held true in my LFR aggramar example as well.

This isn’t a case of “it only takes a few seconds more because tuning wasn’t perfect”, it’s a case of “it’s taking twice as long, or longer now, and this problem scales and thus makes previously soloable content unsoloable now.”

If I bought a gallon of gas yesterday for $1, and today I go to buy another gallon of gas but it’s now $2.50, your argument is “it’s only a dollar or two more”, whereas many others would say “this is more than double what I paid yesterday, wtf.” Buy more than one gallon and the issue scales even more.


Legion raids arent legacy raids, they just have legacy loot enabled.

Try WoD raids and see how you do.

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The stuff people will complaint about.

No, its not. That’s why I lead with saying both your sample size and real data are far too small to be making this comparison.
You of course are just talking too, with no actual proof that this is how long it ever took you.

As I then went on to say, if I did a Legion raid boss before, I might literally one-shot it with a Twilight Dev proc on the first auto.
Or I might never get one and it will take 30 seconds.

This can’t be replicated and you need to stop acting like 100 percent of 20 seconds matters to this game environment.

If we are talking about a 5 minute fight turning into a 10 minute fight, that’s a MAJOR issue, because enrages and other mechanical complications begin to arise that shouldn’t.

Anything in the “seconds” descriptive indicates the fight is of no challenge to you and is not a concern for them, when they have so much content that is intentionally challenging to balance.

If you want to have this conversation properly, you’ll need to use facts though.
Post logs of your kills before and after and help them understand the point of issue.

Otherwise, its just what happens after a squish and something that has happened every time we have been through one so far.

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Like some people already pointed out 50 isn’t the max level, 60 is. Why would they waste “valuable” development time trying to balance everything out for 50 when 60 is what really matters when it comes to characters?

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Likely a side affect of having used bursty corruptions instead of scaled ones; now that everything has been smoothed you don’t really feel as powerful in combat windows < 2 minute.

I feel the same pain on my paladin (no more Twilight Devastation :frowning: ) but lesser on my new main the mage; if anything I think I got more powerful DPS wise but survivability does seem lower with HP being a bit off.

Yep, I agree. Which is weird being that I am a programmer also and am forced to know math very well. Hell, I have been a programmer for almost 20 years.

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