Legacy Raid Power is Borked

…Responding to other people who disagreed with you with their reasons and arguments on why seconds do matter in a raid isn’t “throwing fits”.

Though granted, i only seen a few of them who actually did insulted.

Well, just be mindful that people will have something to say to your opinions, as well to mine and everybody else’s.

You are correct, it’s not an argument. It’s a non-argument.

I just seen this sort of thing done so many times and the people who said them think it constitutes an argument.

Of coarse, that’s just my opinion on people doing that kind of stuff, so ehh. :man_shrugging:

Fair enough, i just wanted to point those things out.

I was able to Solo Legion raids on my own, so looking at this needing one more person here is a bit of a downgrade. Unless your talking about farming mythic raid mogs.

Also, level though? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Look, i don’t want to keep repeating the same point over and over again here after this comment, but take a look again with my example and take a look at certain bosses like Eonar for example where the entire fight is simply killing mobs before they reach Eonar and kill her. You really don’t want to waste a second while doing that boss fight if your doing it on Solo. Or Imonar the Soulhunter that has sleeping gas at the first phase if you don’t damage him enough to the second phase. Or Varimathras where there is little to no healing in that fight and it’s simply a big DPS race. I know to you this sounds like it’s not a problem, but i want you to put yourself in these people’s shoes here with this raid for a moment to understand why it might be a problem to people that people’s squished ilvl isn’t as good before the squish.

Because the issue goes back to Blizzard practically messing up the power squish here, which lead us to this issue in the first place.

I never seen it as warranted, i just personally think calling people “mad” and “dramatic” to responses to people is pretty immature, but that’s just my opinion.

Fair enough.

I’l cop to the poor wording there and say he simply got flagged for how he delivered his disagreement. It’s really all in the delivery, is what i’m trying to get across here with my example.

What do you mean i can’t read tone or attitude though text? Because i can tell you right now, you can’t say those exact words and hope it comes across as nice or friendly, or even neutral. When i re-read the comment, it’s pretty clear he was going for sarcasm and showcasing a dismissive attitude towards the OP.

If i were to say that kind of stuff to your comments, you would think i’m being sarcastic and dismissive.

We both know it wasn’t his opinion on the topic itself that got him the flag, it was simply how he delivered it. If he had come in and said “I personally don’t understand why it’s an issue, i just think you will still be fine since it’s just a few seconds extra.”, his comment wouldn’t be flagged here.

So you’re saying it makes any sense at all to be able to complete a certain piece of content yesterday, and then magically be unable to complete the same exact content the next day?


Yes. We got very overpowered at the end of the expansion. Mythic raids from the most recent past expansion are not typically solo legacy content, except maybe for a while towards the end because of power creep during the expansion.

A reset just happened, so that particular thing may be out of reach again for a while.

It’s the same with the cheese strat on Mythic Jaina. It may be harder to execute that for a while due to these changes, Blizzard even mentioned that specifically.

Ask for the legacy buff to be activated in the Legion raids, for example, sure, that’s reasonable. But some variation in what players can do in these edge cases was absolutely expected and inevitable.

People with no corruptions were doing content just fine. Now they can’t do it after the pre patch. Corruptions isn’t the issue. So please stop using it as an excuse. You know what? Even if they were an issue, even if it was PART of an issue? It is still solved by just enabling legacy mode for all legacy content.

Except that’s literally the entire point of its existence? It was to make it so if you could solo a dungeon or raid before a squish you could solo it after they mess with stats. The whole point of its existence is to compensate for the scaling issues that happens when they mess with the game. So if its not accomplishing the reason it exists… then perhaps it should be, oh I dunno, tweaked? Buff the players more? Enable it in legion content (since legion is already using legacy loot… why do the job halfway?)

Maybe they want to solo their own content? We got different mogs to go after. How about just fix the legacy buff to apply to all legacy content, and if that’s not enough, make it so players are stronger. Why put the solution on the players when BLIZZARD CREATED THE PROBLEM TO BEGIN WITH. They are responsible for the solution.

All of this is totally irrelevant. That’s why the legacy buff exists. Apply it where needed that’s all people ask. If you got legacy loot in a legacy raid, why is the legacy buff not there with it? Please explain the sense THAT makes to me?

Again totally irrelevant for reasons I stated previously, move on to the next excuse please.

Bolded for people to stop using this as an excuse.

It’s literally not an excuse. Legion raids are legacy content, they have legacy loot for a reason. Everyone wants to point out how we’re in “shadowlands” now and that puts legion literally 2 expansions behind current content. Time to flip the switch. A switch that honestly shouldn’t need to be flipped so late to begin with, since the content was dead the second BFA launched.

Guess what? BFA raids are going to have the same issue. They won’t have legacy loot or legacy buff. People will complain, they’ll probably give us loot and we’ll be into the next expansion begging for the buff to do legacy friggin content… when we could all just fix this right now. Easiest fix in the world:

Anything older than 5 levels, gives legacy loot and buff. WOW so hard!

That’s all these white knights ever do is give excuse, excuse, excuse, excuse. Nobody wants to hear excuses. It’s doable the way the majority of us want it they just choose not to do it.


It’s not an excuse. You ignored everything else I said. Cherry picking for you own narrative, because you don’t have an argument. You can’t call something “irrelevant” just because you don’t like it. Not dealing with it, not reading further since you want to ignore what’s been said.

I’m out. See ya.

I didn’t ignore anything. I made a statement on everything you said. LITERALLY everything you said I quoted and talked about individually. God you’re so deluded, cya I wish I could put you on ignore and never waste my time with you again. It’s like talking to a wall.

Everyone is acting like Blizzard’s hands are tied and they don’t have the power to fix this. Like it’s some universal law that must be followed. There’s no way to just update how legacy content works clearly. “Just shut up and take what they give you.” You people are the worst part of the community. If everyone was like you the game would never improve.


It pretty much happened in all previous squishes so I was expecting it, I’m not mad, it’s just a sad realization that it’s always going to happen.

This person has to be Ion’s alt or something they are literally arguing on every single forum post White Knighting for Blizzard/Activision. It’s honestly comical.

There is a way for us to have the same power, it just requires Blizzard to pay attention to scaling instead of letting their algorithm handle it all.

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Those numbers are FAR too small to compare percentages.
Can’t believe you are even trying to do so.

No one in their right mind should have expected the entire game to function the exact same after corruption was removed.
Its just silly to even suggest.

If a twilight burst procced on the pull I did 500+K DPS.
No amount of compensation is going to match that.

Surprised you are even still able to solo Legion raids.
That’s kind of impressive honestly.

For real, given how absurd Corruption was, Blizzard did an amazing job keeping it in the same ballpark.

this is true but that also doesnt explain why the tuning is so bad where resto shammy have more health than tank specs.

ROFLMAO nice trail of lies, dude. There’s plenty on these forums I’ve not liked about prepatch or SL. But since you’re so salty about your heirlooms and didn’t have an argument against what I said, you had to come stalk me and make stuff up to make yourself feel better. How sad for you.

This is what everyone should be taking away from this. Everything was bound to be different or borked. I mean, seriously… were none of you here for prior ilevel squishes to remember how messed up it made things?

Not to mention, ret pally divine storm is limited to 5 enemies now. It takes me forever on places with more than 10-15 enemies in legacy raids

That has nothing to do with legacy raid power, or even “tuning” for that matter.
Not sure what you saw, but I did not have less health than any non-tanks.
Best to stick to the topic here, I’d imagine.

No sad is standing up for something everyone knows is crap. Keep it up man. Everyone should just expect garbage and than no one can be dissapointed.

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Heirlooms aren’t crap. The borked scaling will get fixed and legacy buffs will get put into place as we level.

Move on, angry dude.

True, but you know… you’re missing the point.

There’s a target to aim for. It’s somewhere between “As it once was, and easier than it once was.”

Blizzard looked at those two options and weeeeeent… HARDER than it was! The third option literally nobody asked for. Why? Apply the legacy buff to all legacy loot raids. Buff its power if need be. End of story.


Different is cool, different is fine. Just make it an easier different. Why skew it to be harder? Why make irrelevant content harder to do? Who does this help? You can buff any legacy loot raids with a simple hidden buff and not even have to touch the real stats. It’s so simple.

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At least post the Michael Jackson gif. Stephen Colbert sucks.

But we haven’t gotten any new content though, we’re still waiting