Legacy Raid Power is Borked

I don’t know why you keep bringing up corruption like that’s relevant. That’s the whole point of the legacy buff. To compensate for lost power from level squishes and removal of borrowed power.

Devs said if you could do it in 8.3 you could do it in prepatch. It’s not “inevitable” that things were going to change. There are no cosmic rules that anyone has to follow. Blizzard is in full control here, they can adjust the legacy buff to make content as easy (or easier) to do when it’s old. They choose not to, and then wonder why people complain.

to those who don’t understand why it takes longer, its because you don’t have corruptions carrying your class anymore. This is how it was before corruptions was ever a thing.

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I had no corruptions at all on my Demon Hunter and was doing everything just fine. I still have no corruptions and world bosses that I was killing are handing me my A** now. Sorry it isn’t corruptions.

With all the issues people are posting about this could be another on the list. And one a bit down the list compared to the problems others are facing.

So I did an experiment using my Lock using H NH, TOS and Ant…Mind you I grabbed baselines for kills this last week without corruption using Affliction. average kill time has now increased 66% (rounded)

so…yeah we’re weaker…

once again my kills last week were without corrupted gear.

Yeah, probably not, but mythic raids from the prior expansion are not typical legacy content, really, in the sense of being easy solo clears. We were just very overpowered for a while.

We are not going to have easy time soloing BfA mythic raids until much later in Shadowlands, that’s not unusual.

Some of the complaints are coming from players running low-geared alts through content that is still quite recent. When a lot of players think of mog farming, they are thinking about their main characters with a lot more gear.

That’s why some players don’t immediately understand the complaints. Basically there is a period of time right now when lower-geared characters farming Legion stuff may have a bit of a harder time.

Not that dramatic when several bosses have mechanics you need to kill them before.

Dude, I hardly even used corruptions. My cloak is like rank 4.

Why do people keep repeating this? It’s not even true.

Once we hit 51 legacy mode should kick into full gear for Legion raids so…it’s an inconvenience now but it should be just fine later. This happens every single pre-patch. Then again, if Legion raids are 45 then it might be 56 at this point if they stick to their over 10 levels thing.

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Legion raids don’t have legacy buff turned on yet only legacy loot. Once the xpac finally drops and you get to 51 it’ll kick in.

Omg stop saying this nonsense. That’s the whole reason the hidden legacy buff exists… you never do legacy raids with your actual stats. OMG please…

Yeah, I was soloing/duoing at the very least normal/heroic NH and EN with no issues pre corruption. It’s not a corruption based thing, but I’m sure they did help clear mythics.

And that’s a topic for a whole different issue. Not having legacy loot the second BFA launched was such a dumb decision even Blizzard had to fix that halfway through the expansion. If it has legacy loot, it should have legacy buffs. Anything older than 5 levels is irrelevant content.

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That’s not how it’s supposed to work. We should be just as strong as we were yesterday. Don’t make excuses for Blizzard’s poor scaling tech.


I havent gotten the chance to log on and test it yet. All i can say i was able to do it prior to prepatch. Should be able to do it during pre patch. Thats how games work.


… because it was doing a boatload of our damage for an entire patch. Do you even look at the numbers? lol

And again, specs are entirely different and bare bones now.

It’s to help, but no one said “legacy buff is going to completely fix your loss of corruption and overhaul of your class.” Not to mention, we only have legacy loot right now, no legacy buff.

And you still can. It just takes longer. Absolutely no one said that it would be the exact same amount of time to kill mobs.

Just bring one friend. Sheesh.

It absolutely was. We were squished, our specs were completely revamped and we lost corruption. If you thought things were going to stay the same somehow through that, I have another bridge to sell.

We keep saying that and people keep getting angry and saying “NO!” :woman_shrugging:t4:


And that’s where the complete overhaul in specs comes into play. People don’t realize that right now, at below max level, these SL specs are bare bones without Covenant and Conduit abilities. Which is the problem with these throwaway systems: specs are built around them and we’re weak without those powers. Missing corruption is just half the problem.

It is true. It’s half the issue.

Bolded for people to stop using this as an excuse.

Where does this expectation come from? We just lost a lot of character power. There is no legacy buff in the Legion raids.

It’s not unusual for a pre-patch at all.

There’s no way for us to have precisely the same power relative to everything in the game with all these changes happening at once.

Maybe they can activate the legacy buff during this time to help people out?

That might be a reasonable request, but not expecting relative power to be precisely the same.

Something was changed since the servers went live because the Mythic Antorus first-2 last-2 run I did tonight absolutely melted the bosses with only 15 people, and it was just as fast if not slightly faster than my best records in 8.3.

I had 1 corruption. 1.

Please explain to me how my 1 corruption was a significant factor in my ability to previously complete content?

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You really can’t read, can you? :roll_eyes:

Not even responding to you if you can’t read everything I said in my posts. I don’t deal with people who want to cherry pick.