Legacy Raid Power is Borked

Does that mean we have to be level 60 to be as strong as we were relatively to 120? Wasn’t the squish supposed to be just a visual number change and not a relative power change?

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Usually, yes. But Blizzard decided to split pre-patch and retail SL entirely (as tey have stated) and so yes, they CAN and SHOULD tune 9.0.1 so that people can do the content they enjoy because hell knows when 9.0.2 is coming out.

I never accepted the “it’s okay, it’s just tuned for max level in the expansion that’s not out yet” crap, but trying to pull that one with an expansion that may be months away is just indefensible.


stop with the bc reference.
there was no type of squish with bc.
it’s not even a remotely relevant comparison.

remember the stat squish?
remember how people freaked out about it because it was taking them a couple of seconds longer to solo old bosses?
remember how that all changed when people got a few more levels under their belt, and got updated gear?
remember how people like you were flapping their wings screaming that the sky was falling?
remember how everyone forgot about it once they realized it had zero impact on their qol game-play?

Pathetic Priest, you need to bump up those numbers.

Better hit the gym, then one day you will be a real DPS!


The jury is still out for me. Are people clearing m+ faster or slower then before? They nerfed it accordingly. Or so they say.

this has always been the pattern.

a pre-patch is just that.

if there’s something i’ve missed in regards to whats different this time around, feel free to link.

I hate it but you need to realize something…

There was a point before this where you couldn’t even do legacy raids at all because the power was so broken. This is better than not being able to do it at all. Is it good? No, not really. Is it good enough? Well… it’s what we got. Unfortunately with this crew, that’s what we get.

Except it is a relevant comparison. Because the whole point of the stat squish is to reign down the numbers while making sure you don’t lose your current power. They said so themselves that they were even taking corruptions into consideration. Their own words were “If you can do it in 8.3, you can do it in prepatch.”

A statement that is now proven false.

Actually I do remember the stat squish. That was when they created the hidden legacy raid buff that inflates your damage. When it first launched the buff was tuned to actually make it EASIER to kill content than it was before prepatch hit.

They swiftly nerfed that before the expansion launched though and that’s when people started to complain. See that’s the thing you seem to be forgetting. They have the power to retain the original scaling with that legacy buff. They just refuse to make it either the same, or similar, and they’d rather just be lazy and make it harder. No I shouldn’t have to wait till the expansion comes out to solo content I’ve been soling just fine for the past year, sorry.

If there is a choice the devs have to make with the legacy raid buff and its between “Do we tune it so it’s harder” or “Do we tune it so it’s easier?” you go in the direction of making it easier. Because its legacy content. It doesn’t need to be hard. Stop being a killjoy and ruining yet another reason to log on. You want people to keep playing the game not quitting it.


The “Because it was worse in the past, therefore it’s fine now” argument is dumb too btw. As if we must just accept what we get and never improve on anything.


The fact that the expansion has no release date as of now, and that this is the first time pre-patch and the expansion have been designed to be separate.

There is no “it’ll be fine once you’re level 60” excuse for anything in in this pre-patch. Everything needs to be fine right now.


It doesn’t even matter if it “isn’t different”. It’s always been dumb. Just because they want to repeat their mistake yet again doesn’t make it right. Humans always kill each other therefore I guess it’s okay. Orrr how about no? And we should be better as a civilization?

Maybe you people want to accept endless mediocrity but I expect better.

Throwing fits and insulting people.may as well be yelling. And it’s still my opinion, not an argument. So that point you attempted to make is moot.

Legion raids are going to require at least one more person or to level through SL when it releases. It’s the previous expansion. With such a squish, this was bound to happen. It’s going to take months or years to address thenbig problems. Seconds isn’t a big problem. If they were getting one shotted, that’s a big problem. Just how I see it.

In no other thread that I or others I’ve seen call people dramatic, has anyone decided to suddenly go all out and break CoC for name calling. I call myself dramatic when it’s warranted. Others call me dramatic when it’s warranted. I don’t get that bent out of shape. I reevaluate what I said or did. Then decide if I need to come at it from a different angle. Like a grown up.

Last time I checked, tone and attitude isn’t against CoC. And you yourself implied that you can’t read tone or attitude through text.

Didn’t Blizzard say all old raids except for Legion? I could be wrong but I believe they did say soloing Legion raids at the beginning would be tough.

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OP is correct. Tuning is off for legacy content, can’t solo legion or other raids I used to easily for transmog gear and mounts. Happened with BfA pre-patch too and this was well documented in PTR. Not surprised dev team ignored feedback, not surprised with tuning issue either. I expect a fix a few weeks down the road, but Classic time until then

We.lost corruption and we have new bare bones specs that are balanced around Covenant abilities. So max level does have something to do with it now.

Not to mention, Legion is the previous expansion. Most people had to take at least one friend to make it easier. It’s not like it’s three expansions ago.

When something one shots you with a damage ability in a dungeon or raid, then come back and raise the red flags. But right now, with the loss of Corruption and the way the new specs were handled, this was inevitable that things were going to change.

You’ll actually be doing half as much dmg as a fresh 60 as you’re doing now. Enjoy!

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except it isn’t a relevant comparison, because bc didn’t have any sort of squish.

what were you doing prior to the patch, that you can’t do now?

nah… legacy debuff was a thing long before the stat squish.

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Never said it was fine. I raised a stink about this on ptr or beta originally. I don’t like the current state of affairs and I don’t feel the result is good enough.

Apologies if that wasn’t clear.

they are always designed to be separate.


if that isn’t the case, we wouldn’t have been seeing a pre-patch this soon… they would have delayed it until closer to release, because they would have had to re-work the entire patch.

Is it a non issue? I havent gotten into pre patch yet, but im more than willing to bet this DH, who has been able to solo mythic tomb for an entire patch now, wont be able to even down goroth.

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