Legacy difficulty change?

Have legacy content mobs been buffed?
Or have our own abilities been seriously nerfed?

I’ve been doing Zereth Mortis for teh rep, mounts, pets, etc…
I’m on an i-level 494 hunter, and I was having no issue taking on any of these mobs before.

I just tried Hadeon the Stonebreaker and he had time to do his underground attack thingy twice!
A few weeks ago (my i-level was at/around 460) , I could kill him, no problem, even before he did his first underground attack.

Suddenly, these rare fights are taking WAY longer than they used to.

I’m just curious what happened.


yes they have been buffed by 2.86x HP

to make you buy war within


BfA and SL were hit especially hard with scaling changes in the prepatch. It’s unlikely to get fixed. The cope response here on the forums is ‘it’ll be fine once you level to 80, just wait until then!’


and ive tested level 80 and that gear on nylotha funnily enough, killing bosses slower compared to before the prepatch

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I’m not surprised tbh. The first tier of gear in an expansion is usually enough to get you on par with the last tier of gear in the previous expansion.

i just want allseer. and its gonna be a real slog even in WW sadly

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there was only one Zereth mortis mob I had trouble with before, Antros, the one on that island to the north. but even then, once I leveled my gear up a bit more he became considerably more killable.

It’s really disappointing that now my daily jaunt through Zereth Mortis has become a daily slog through Zereth Mortis. Everything is taking 3-4 times as long to kill. Even trivial mobs can no longer be one-shotted.

I’m saddened by this.

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you can feel better knowing in 1.5 years in WW season 3 or 4 you will finally do the same damage you did 2 weeks ago.


Why do they buff HP but not their damage?

they actually did also buff damage. people have reported their alts not surviving wrathion anymore when they could prior to prepatch

when i go in now , wrathion used to miss me a lot but now actually damages me

he still hits at level 80 but the HP cusion we have softens it to barely noticable. his breath attack being the biggest chunk of hp loss.

i know there are also a lot of % based DOTS we get on bosses which applies to whatever level basically. a tick for 5% dmg every second. well thats 5% of 10m Hp is 500k


They didn’t go back and buff old content to buff old content.

They pushed DF / 60-70 into Chromie Time (legacy leveling content), then rescaled everything in leveling content to smooth out player progression and have levelers at 70 heading into TWW around ilevel 400-ish.

That in turn adjusted content at various levels to the new power progression curve, which for something like SL, jumped over 100 ilevels of power, so mobs in the content itself were buffed close to 3X HP and damage done.

The problem or issue is that for some reason (lazy, cheap, lack of priority, arrogance, push expansions, whatever), they don’t do anything for players to compensate for the loss of relative power in legacy content when they make these changes.

They could do something as simple as provide a buff to players not in Chromie Time that compensates for the loss of relative power just like they did after the first stat squash.


I want to really know why they dont just leave raids alone. they are instanced. chromie time is in the outside world and dungeons. tweak that but leave raids alone.

they do it on purpose

loss of power for max levels in old raids means incentive to sell power in the next expansion


If it’s tied to Chromie Time at all (I’m not really convinced that it is, personally), it shouldn’t be affecting anything outside of CT, which includes things like raids and heroic/mythic dungeons even while it’s active (to my knowledge, these instances aren’t even available to enter while CT is enabled)

I don’t think it’s tied to Chromie Time as in it is required to make that feature work, but it is tied to Chromie Time as in they rescale ALL old content to the same scale instead of having multiple variations.

I agree that at a minimum, changes should not effect non-leveling content such as raids and mythic dungeons, but for whatever reason Blizzard doesn’t agree.

I also believe since they have done it before, they could easily add a buff for players in legacy content to compensate for the loss of relative power.

Why they don’t do either is the mystery - as in we can all just post our theories about why they don’t, but none of us know for sure (and it is probably a combination of reasons).

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that reason being selling the expansion. they lose a lot of money if players can easily do what theyve been doing in the expansion they bought 2 years back.

prior to prepatch i was blowi through nylotha. now i cant.

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Plus, Chromie Time is an optional thing. Even if you’re max level or choosing to level without it (that’s still a thing, right?), the new power curve still applies regardless. Blizzard seems to have tied all NPCs to the same knob that they can turn to adjust everything at once with no separation between content types.

The thing with this is the patch notes only specify they smoothed out gear progression. No mention of artificially buffing content to “compensate”, and there really shouldn’t have been any expectation of players to think they did (without slamming face-first into it, anyways).


their increaseing of content also increased ilvls of the gear and that increased the sell price of the gear. their first priority after their buffs was ofc nerfing the gold gain from the boosted ilvl pieces.

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Yeah, nerfing the gold back down did happen fairly quickly and there sure weren’t many reports about it (not compared to the buffs, at least). At least I pushed myself to clear a lot of stuff before it happened.

And then they absolutely destroyed Longstrider. I’ll accept that it was giving way too much of a speed boost after the prepatch, but they brought it even lower than it used to be and now it’s a tossup over whether it’s worth giving up up to 4 gear slots to make use of it.

its real funny. they boost the HP and make nylotha and co an absolute SLOG. the time spent vs gold gain with the higher sell price was negligible. could’ve at least kept the gold in. it aint like the gold gain we had one shotting blackrock foundry…

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