Legacy difficulty change?

It’d be nice to get any CC mention of this, but I don’t know who is really focused on legacy content. The closest thread regarding issues in TWW and pre-patch is Bugs, Launch Dates, and Communication.

With Blizz being so data-driven with its decisions, it’s kind of impossible to get their ear on this. All they see is how much interaction there is with the content, but they don’t ask about nor listen for any feedback from players interacting with it. That or this stuff’s just intentional and they have no plans to do anything about it. After all, they did make sweeping changes to the balancing of Remix when it was similarly affected by 11.0, with no acknowledgement nor changes whatsoever to the rest of the game.

I feel like this an extremely important comment. Blizz literally reset us to our damage levels in s1/s2 of DF for both BfA and SL. As a result, they are basically forcing you to purchase TWW so as to regain your power levels to where you where just prior to 11.0 hitting.

This is a much bigger scandle than many realise.

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The playerbase isn’t doing the issue any favors, either. A few of us will remember, but most will only be thinking about it for now (or not at all) and will indeed completely forget about and move on from it once they’re able to level to 80. Blizz is banking on that. These voices complaining about messed up scaling/balancing only exist in the prepatch and quickly shut back up once the expansion comes out. Happened with SL, happened with DF, and it’ll happen again here with TWW. By September you won’t see anybody talking about it anymore.

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Don’t worry, we’ll be back to pre-prepatch dmg by the 2nd major patch of the expac, we’ll surpass it on the 3rd(if any).
AAAAnd then we’ll have the pre-patch for Midnight where they said we’ll have a squish and we all know how well squishes go for legacy content.

It’s just a joke at this point.


if any threads pop up about it i will participate!!

Quick answer, yes.

This happened going from BFA → SL due to level / ilvl squish. Many player accounts of this:

…and then again going from SL → DF for some unknown reason. Many player accounts of this:

…and then again going from DF → TWW for some still unknown reason. Many player accounts of this:

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the weird thing is, this isn’t even raids or dungeons, it’s just open-world content.

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Yeah I believe that happened the last few times as well. It’s really demoralizing feeling our player power go down over time. My enjoyment from the game just comes from transmog, battle pets, and mount farming which has been made progressively harder even though lots of QoL changes have been added recently.

It feels like the devs have unilaterally decided that old content should be hard, and that they made a mistake allowing players to do it easily. Not very fun to deal with.


so its blizzard modus operandi of “one size fits all, too lazy to do more”

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There are a bunch of bugs across the board. Let’s hope they can clear out a large amount of the most impactful ones before TWW… :confused:

Hear you on the legacy bosses having more HP now; it’s unclear to me whether this is intended or a side effect (bug) of other HP scaling that’s been going on. So far we haven’t heard much on the scope of bugs Blizzard is addressing pre-launch.

I think it is an Occam’s razor scenario. It is likely easier to hit something with an expansion-wide hammer than go in and tweak every little thing with a scalpel. This is especially true if the goal is to release a new expansion and fit the entire game into the new, bigger mold.

I don’t think lazy is the right word. It’s most likely a known issue that, due to release schedule, hard deadlines, and time constraints, has to be a “fix it later” on the list of priorities around expansion launch.

I can deal with the bosses having more health, as annoying as that is, but the trash getting a boost? Who wants to spend anytime on trash from 2-3 expacs ago?

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I dunno. I think not being able to solo a few bosses in BfA is kind of an issue. Let’s not forget that soloing old SL raids is a complete dumpster fire as far as gear that drops goes too.

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I’m not saying it’s not an issue, but that it’s going to be forgotten about and not talked about after the expansion launches. After all, this has happened with at least the past three expansion prepatches. It’s been called out each time, but I think what we’ve been overlooking is that it’s probably intentional, rather than a bug or anything like that. We can’t even get a comment from Blizz about it. We’ve gotten rationale for things like the legacy buff whenever a squish happens and when we should be ‘expected’ to be able to solo legacy content, but never any insight into why legacy content consistently gets buffed ahead of every recent expansion launch.

Blizzard can’t have you farming too quickly because there is no content worth doing with the expansion so close.


I wonder if this is the type of thing that can be posted about in the CS forums as a ‘bug’ and potentially get some sort of response :eyes:

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There are a few topics which do not seem to be getting much traction. Scaling is broken in a lot of things right now (namely timewalking and pre-patch event) so hopefully this is just a bug that will get addressed, but that is hopeful thinking since it never got fixed in SL or DF.

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