Legacy content still broken - pathetic

This just means we were flat-out lied to when they said we would be able to solo anything post-squish and leveling that we could previously. Losing ability to do something is antithetical to MMO progression.

The fact that I’m keeping some of my alts at 50 so they can still do things because they will get weaker if I level them is ludicrous.


Please let all level 60s solo Legion raids very easily. When I was level 120, even on alts that were almost naked, I had no trouble against the WoD bosses. On this character, who could solo all bosses on Mythic up to KJ, I am having trouble with the bosses I could kill previously.


You could solo mythic archimonde in legion for reference. Seen a few times of people providing runs for low ilvl players wanting to get the 1% mounts (and it is not like the mount if it dropped could be master looted to the carrier since everything was forced personal loot for WoD).

What was even crazy is that I think I remember 2 of the mounts (archimonde and blackhand mounts dropping then).


I don’t even care if it’s “very easy”, but I care very much that it’s harder than it was on my character prior to the expansion and leveling. I also think it should have gotten easier with an extra 10 levels, but I’d settle for “not harder than before”.


Yea I agree. At the least it shouldn’t have gotten harder.


Like in art school when you half-baked a project and then say “OH yeah it’s meant to be like that, it’s the aesthetic.”

This is Blizzard under Ion.


Has Blizz ever used the phrase “working as intended” to refer to something that was actually working properly?


As much as I’m liking Shadowlands now this is a glaring issue. I love doing old content and the fact that Legion still doesn’t have the legacy damage buff is beyond ridiculous.

Fix it Blizzard.


I feel there is more to it (behind why they do what they do) but yeah the sets or at least for me, some are pretty great. Nothing beats though this current plate set from castle nathria or the pvp elite version, which I won’t get, lol. :crying_cat_face:

It’ll be a while in this expansion 'till people get back to their ‘soloing ways’ for now it’ll definitely have people ‘working’ for it :stuck_out_tongue:

Same here. It already bothers me. I was excited to get legion tmogs finally.


I actually remember doing this in advanced drawing and painting in HS. I had a project due the next day and water colored it in 5mins. It looked horrible! I remember my teacher parading it around to senior art students on how amazing it was! :laughing:

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120: old legacy raids easy to complete
60: you cant even finish a normal BFA dungeon… and you could before the squish.

That’s mean



Yes! And those teachers parading it around? They’re the white knights.


Can’t upvote OP enough.

My thread had over 300 likes and is close to a month old and literally not a single word from blizzard other than Ions insulting comment saying it’s not broken.

Mobs are confirmed scaling past 50 (I take 2 characters, one 51 and one 60 and the level 60 sees the mobs with MORE HEALTH than the 51 sees proving they are scaling.

Level 50s are killing level 50 mobs faster than a 60 kills the same mobs.

It is taking level 60s the SAME amount of time to kill 50 mobs as it does 60 mobs.

How the HELL is this NOT BROKEN!?!?!

What the actual hell is wrong with Ion? They better act fast or I am done with this game, I always said world scaling would be the end of the game for me. It undermines any sense of progression or why I play.

Look at the 60 boost that they just added in to the shop, i literally looked at it and thought, why would I drop $50 on something that makes me ZERO stronger over ANYTHING including and especially old world content?

There is ZERO point to gaining 10 levels. In fact it feels like we a penalised as a 50 can dispatch those 50 mobs faster than we can.

Get your crap together blizzard before you bleed any more subs.

Link to my post: 10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA


Hell at this point, at level 60 with dungeon gear, we should be able to start soloing BFA raids. Sure not on mythic or anything, and I wouldn’t expect to be able to do Nyalotha, but I’d expect to at least be able to get some LFR Uldir down solo. At the very least, make some progress into it. If history holds, they will add BFA LFR solo queues in 9.1.

All the dungeons should be fair game on anything but mythic.

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dont worry 9.1.5 will fix it.


Yes…I wouldn’t expect to run BFA mythics in the gear that’s available now. BUT…we SHOULD be able to solo the dungeons on heroic, and if not complete it, at least start soloing the first two BFA raids in LFR. After a couple of raid tiers, we should be able to pretty easily solo BFA LFR’s. Soloing mythics will have to wait until the next expansion of course, or the very end of this one once all the catch up mechanics are in place.

I really need to finish leveling this character this week. Got rival last season with randoms (1600 in June was easy with my 475, and then harder later on in September to 1801 cause so many rotations of the vendor had passed but I still had an almost full socket vers corruption set).

Shouldn’t be too hard especially with how ret is now.

I suck at PVP and don’t like it but if you don’t mind it then ya, perfect time with how Ret is and all :slight_smile:

Good luck, and it’s good the leveling isn’t too cumbersome now :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not? Before the squish at 120 we could solo normal BFA dungeons…

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