Legacy content still broken - pathetic

I mean come on blizz. This is just downright pathetic that it’s still not properly tuned. And to top it all off you (Ion) have the audacity to question our complaint saying it’s not broken. That’s downright insulting as customers, players and our intelligence.


In before “Ion and the development team” shows up!

I agree though. Let us do what we have been doing for years.


You say that like you think old content would be in any way a priority for them to fix.


You say that like old content doesn’t make up ( (# of xpacs - 1) /# of xpacs * 100) percent of the game.


I am looking forward to being able to solo Mechagon Mythic for that shiny spaceship.

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Sorry but the scaling that Ion mentioned is absolutely fine! Folks need to move past the idea that they can simply go back and one shot old raids, this is a thing of the past! This new innovative change to how scaling works makes it so that the players no longer rely on their level for power, rather their gear! So if these old raids give you some trouble, make sure you get a strong enough item level and a group before trying to go on the adventure!

Yea no one wants to form groups to do old content or spend more time than needed. I know blizz wants us to rack up those minutes in the game but it’s not fun.


Just because there is overall more content in old content doesn’t mean it is or even should be a priority. There are more than enough issues with current content to keep the development team busy before they go back and worry about player being able to go back and farm mounts and transmog from past expansions.

True. But this shouldn’t even be an issue. It shouldn’t even be something we need to raise issue.


It’s been an every other expansion rule. Their explanation omits the whole idea behind legacy rules to begin with.

It’s crappy coding on their part or they have some ulterior motive ''OMG we see people doing Legion alot, we can slowwwww them down so they need to do Shadowlands and gear up before they can do 2 expansion old content comfortably"

Yea I can’t figure out which. The crappy coding or ulterior motive.

why not crappy coding that actually turned out to support their ulterior motive?


Anyways, it’s a shame 'cause that’s a part of the game a fair amount of players actually do. I get BFA but Legion also being excluded was weird. It’s why this whole system messes up the way power escalates.

People should not have had less trouble pre patch and now can’t touch bfa even. And Ion’s explanation of it being tied to Corruption is silly talk.

This guy ever since his ‘We don’t want you playing Demonology’’ is when I knew this team were shenanigans.


They’ll never admit to it… :stuck_out_tongue:
But it’s a plausibility :face_with_monocle:

For now, I’m going with Hanlon’s Razor. Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. I think they bit off more than they could chew with the level squish, and honestly don’t know how to fix it. It’s funny that they have done multiple “hotfixes” that haven’t changed anything…and yet on some maintenance days changes have clearly been made to old content with no hotfix notes whatsoever. It’s very clear that there are experimental changes being pushed behind the scenes.

I think they know it’s screwed up, and just don’t want to admit any fault. They will “quietly” fix things behind the scenes, on low priority, and then go “see, we don’t know what you guys are talking about”. We have gotten several green posters confirm that something is definitely wrong in old content at least, so that’s a plus.

If they don’t, they can enjoy the subscriber numbers going sub-million again in a couple months. Most players are not hardcore raiders pushing current content. I’ve actually already noticed a difference, there are fewer people on the servers than a couple weeks ago when I first came back after a multi-year break.


They just need to apply the buff that works in WoD (its not face mega smash like say TBC) to legion. that’s it.

WoD…hanz and franz are now not 1 shots. Class depending…you can even see stampers fire up. Then they die. Blackhand can live to break both floors even. Again…fine. Drop him, stone out.

Scale this to legion spec’d mobs, done.

It should be easy. Since with the changes WoD and legion are the same. Both are 10 to 50 level zones.

Edit: I’ll let them keep BFA “normal” as it is most recent prior expac. I’d not ask to run BFA mythics at 171 gear level lol. Legion I will. We were running WOD mythic with basic BFA gear since 2 expacs back.

It’ll eventually impact subs more I’m sure as time goes by. I tend to do more old content more as the expac ages, I think many do the same.

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Blizz gonna make people work for the those great looking mythic tier sets. Tbh so many of them I would wear on my characters even if they were plentiful in the population, they look so good.

I honestly don’t understand why they’re so afraid of tipping things back the other way (and making people OP in old content) just to be on the safe side, it’s almost as if they’re terrified of being seen as making things too easy so every time we have a squish, we’re faced with old content that was able to be solo’d yesterday but not today.

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I’m all for them making legacy raids require groups, so long as they increase drop rates to compensate