Lefty Representation

Perfect example of the “relative privation” logical fallacy. Nice one.

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You’re welcome.

I’m ambidextrous… I laugh at 99% of you.



  • Nothing in that post was about pronouns.
  • There is a non-trivial death rate associated with left handedness (a little less than 8% more likely to die from accidents (probably what the insurance industry calls “misadventure” but I couldn’t find the technical definition of “accidents” in the source)).

I realize you want to make everything about how persecuted you are that you’re what you perceive to be normal, but you might want to pick your battles a little better.

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Bro’s I just want my character to have a strong left arm like me, swangin and bangin swords from the left. How did this discussion degenerate into war conversations and political stuff

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Yeah. It’s not 100 percent perfect with this idea but most of the time in the cartoon if Orthax is up to his nonsense, the gun is in Percy’s right hand.

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Leftys are wicked and should be smote.

We need some ambidextrous representation!
I’m glad I’m ambidextrous. I enjoy my monk, dk, and warrior. :wink: Never did get into the demon hunter, or enhancement shaman though.

stop oppressing left-handed people

I really need to get into critical role

The Legend of Vox Machina is a pretty good starting point. The animated series. All the fun stuff of that campaign without the horrendously toxic person that used to be part of the cast and peaced out just as the arc in the animated series takes off.

Alright add that to my watch list

I also recommend the side series. Exandria Unlimited. That mini campaign was hilarious and it ties in to Campaign 3. Which I also recommend for new viewers. I would watch the animated series first tho since Vox Machina is mentioned here and there in Campaign 3.

Campaign 2 with The Mighty Nein is great its just REALLY long.

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How is correcting a stupidly incorrect statement oppressing lefties?

Dingbat Dokthar (I forgot his actual handle but it started with a “D”) claimed that Lefties were the result of some (relatively recent in the big picture) deliberate culling of left handed humanity by Europeans during the “middle ages”.

Left handedness is a natural variation of humanity.

Funny you call me a name when you didn’t understand the content of my post. But do continue on running your gums about how I’m dumb when your reading comprehension is so bad.

Dokthar - that’s it.

I for the life of me couldn’t find the other post.

Sorry about that.

That’s your full post.

I understood it perfectly.

It’s just factually incorrect is all.

I even cited a scholarly research paper with proof.

There are others.

Gorillas are about 75% right-handed.

Chimpanzees are 65-70% right-handed.

Orangutans are about 2/3 left-handed.

I don’t think there’s a single fact (or factish-sounding phrase) in your post that’s accurate.

You said I said left handedness was the “result” of it when I said nothing of the sort. Maybe try actually reading the things you quote :wave:

I’m ambidextrous; at any given time I have no idea what’s left and what’s right! I can use both hands equally, so it would be cool to have left representation! :seedling:

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Oh. Yeah. That’s inaccurate.

I mean “the proportion of left-handed people in society” not left handedness itself. That is what you said and in the context of “righties killed off lefties so that’s why there are so few of us” you are incorrect.

“Handedness” is a function of the brain focusing fine motor skills on one (or the other) hand (brain asymmetry).

The proportion of righty/lefty may be a Darwinian thing, but it’s not a Social Darwinism thing. We didn’t choose to do it to ourselves.

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I can do almost everything right handed. Just not write or eat. There’s a lot of stuff I do right handed too and not left handed. I can play guitar and bass right handed and left handed. But I am not ambidextrous because certain things give me terrible headaches. My kindergarten teacher tried to force me to be right handed (I could already write at that point as my grandma taught me) and it ended up with causing some bad side effects and yeah. Lol

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