Lefty Representation

did i ever ask if you have discord? i can’t remember. i just got prompt to send you a message on the forums. lol.

Of course. I run The Murloc Spot server.

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mine is scorched#9805

if you wanna send me an add. :slight_smile: i think that’s right.

Says you aren’t accepting requests. lol

I’ll try again tomorrow when I wake up.

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oh give me a sec. had a problem last night with some creep and had my wife lock it down for me. sorry about that! should be fixed :slight_smile:

Best Tennis Racquets for Left Handers (2022 Review) | TennisAddict.net

I am left handed. Also called wrong handed. The woman who taught me tennis is also left handed. So…yea. she had an actual left handed tennis racket. They do exist and if you are serious about it, you can even have a racket made with soft foam on it, you squeeeze it hard to get an imprint, you ship it in and they will make it for you. For a left handed grip. Your thumb makes the difference. They really do make left handed tennis rackets. I dont use a left handed mouse. They exist but are too hard to find most times.

I’m left handed, my mom said it was because I would sit across the table from her while she was writing letters and mimic her. I do most things with my right hand so if you don’t see me write you would not know I’m a lefty.

fun fact:

Establishing left-handedness in people who lived prior to the 20th century is difficult, because back then, left-handedness was considered a disability and children were forced out of the habit, so there may have been others. While just 10 percent of the population is left-handed, six of the last 12 presidents have been, and many of the losing presidential candidates were left-handed, too. Some scientists believe that left-handed people are capable of “a wider scope of thinking,” a theory that explains the high percentage of Nobel Prize winners, writers and painters who are left-handed. Why most people are right-handed is unknown, but some evolutionary biologists and brain scientists believe that handedness is related to lateralization of the human brain, though neuroscience still being a young field of study, definite conclusions have not been reached.

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my favorite lefty related joke is that we’re the only ones in our right minds. :stuck_out_tongue:


On the surface it wouldn’t seem that hard, but in practice I think they would have to redo a lot of animations to accommodate it.

Side note: Nobody linked a picture of the leftorium?

So let me ask you this: What proportion of yoru partners in the last 3 years have been imaginary?

Is there a strong correlation there?


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They did what now?

Here I go rewatching Vox Machina again…

edit: just realized who you are. nvm.

Wait, am I forum (in)famous or something?

Most Righties have no idea how much this world is made for them. If they woke up one morning in an alternate dimension where everything was left-handed it would blow their minds with how awkward everything would seem.

It’s a lot more than writing and scissors and doorknobs. The ergonomics of just about everything caters to the right handed.

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it starts in kindergarten too. imagine them walking up to a left handed pencil sharpener for the first time. they will very quickly learn to love electronic ones as its the only ones who don’t seem militantly hostile to them.

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I had a GF for a while who was a stroke victim. She had use of her right hand (only). I was constantly running up against things that she couldn’t do one-handed. It’s not quite the same thing, but in attempting to adapt my home to her limitations I tried a lot of common tasks one-handed and you’d be surprised at how many are tough.

Going through life with only the WRONG hand (from the world’s perspective) working well enough for fine detail work has to be monumentally frustrating (and probably dangerous at times).

I feel for all the lefties out there.

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The things people complain about these days. While the Russians, Chinese, and Ukrainian military are training to fight for war our military are worried about pronouns, the same way you’re worried about right vs left hands.

There are so many things wrong with this post that I don’t even know where to start: thinking that the U.S. military fighting in wars is a good thing, the lack of concern for pronouns, the belief that you can only be concerned with one thing at a time etc. So much nonsense.


think about the content of most of that persons posts…

You must have a reading comprehension problem because I never said anything even remotely close to this in my comment.