Lefty Representation

With all the model customizations we’ve gotten, can we make it so my character’s left hand is my main hand? Would this be difficult to do? I just think it would be cool to see all my attacks happening swinging my sword from the left hand, feels right ya know.


i’d love it too but righties gonna right


I’m right-handed myself, but I agree. People will call me “woke” but video game characters have been mostly right-handed for a long time, and I think it might feel uncomfortable to see, as a left-handed person.


i remember trying to put an upgrade into the correct hand and the game wouldn’t let me. and i was like the actual heck? its something most people (right handed people, i mean) don’t even think about but it’s annoying. yall also don’t realize that can openers are legitimately the illuminati.


I got critical role on the brain and they did something kinda cool with the gunslinger character. He was a lefty but the demon he made a pact with was right handed so for some parts where the demon has the gun for plot, it’s in the right hand.

It was just a neat detail


I don’t even think they should make left-handed golf clubs.

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When I played dota I remember being surprised at the left handed characters. You just never see them

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We couldn’t have nothing like that; it would offend the Pezz Community.

right handed people killed off most left handed people during the middle ages (iirc) because they thought we were in line with the devil. hence left hand path. even now we’re like 10% or so of the population. animals are like 50/50.


Laughs in ambidexterity

But yes it would be pretty cool.


Not, uh, what I thought I was gonna read when I showed up with my popcorn…


We’re the superior human beings, really.


I thought this was gonna be an, “where’s my AOC transmogs” post.


This may be the single dumbest thing I’ve seen today.

Europe was the only part of the planet that was deeply affected by the “middle ages” and represented a very small percentage of the world’s population.

There is very little variation in the rates of left handedness across all populations regardless of how isolated from the rest of society they might be (or have been).

“The history and geography of human handedness” - I. C. McManus

There are some isolated pockets of higher (not remotely majority) percentages of left handedness, but those generally also highly correlate with other genetic variations (not all of them helpful). There’s an East Asian population with an almost 12.5% left-handed population for example.

But there is no credible science that says that medieval superstition resulted in the wholesale slaughter of left-handed people and that resulted in the dominance of right handedness.


Honestly I’ve wondered why they haven’t done this. It is the most effortless customization they could add. And for one that would probably be used by around 1/10 players that is well worth it.

Did you finish that post? There was more.

How many animals have hands?

Nah I kinda get it. I had the opposite story.

When I was younger, I got a job where my boss and trainer was left handed and I am right handed.

She basically said “everything I am doing, do it the opposite way.”

It took me like 3 tries to translate how she was doing stuff as a Lefty, to how I should as a righty.

I would support a Left Handed option - but I can’t speak to the difficulty in implementing it.

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Reminds me of a Gorillaz lyric. “I’m the lonely twin. The left hand.”

Sounds like something that would be as simple as toggling shoulder armors at the transmog folks.


A toggle to the skeleton rig could easily do that. I just lack the terminology for it.